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2015-06-23 15:58:58 +02:00
// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
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// except according to those terms.
// Format comments.
use string::{StringFormat, rewrite_string};
use utils::make_indent;
pub fn rewrite_comment(orig: &str, block_style: bool, width: usize, offset: usize) -> String {
let s = orig.trim();
// Edge case: block comments. Let's not trim their lines (for now).
let opener = if block_style { "/* " } else { "// " };
let closer = if block_style { " */" } else { "" };
let line_start = if block_style { " * " } else { "// " };
let max_chars = width.checked_sub(closer.len()).unwrap_or(1)
let fmt = StringFormat {
opener: "",
closer: "",
line_start: line_start,
line_end: "",
width: max_chars,
offset: offset + opener.len() - line_start.len(),
trim_end: true
let indent_str = make_indent(offset);
let line_breaks = s.chars().filter(|&c| c == '\n').count();
let (_, mut s) = s.lines().enumerate()
.map(|(i, mut line)| {
line = line.trim();
// Drop old closer.
if i == line_breaks && line.ends_with("*/") && !line.starts_with("//") {
line = &line[..(line.len() - 2)];
line.trim_right_matches(' ')
.fold((true, opener.to_owned()), |(first, mut acc), line| {
if !first {
if line.len() > max_chars {
acc.push_str(&rewrite_string(line, &fmt));
} else {
(false, acc)
fn left_trim_comment_line<'a>(line: &'a str) -> &'a str {
if line.starts_with("/* ") || line.starts_with("// ") {
} else if line.starts_with("/*") || line.starts_with("* ") || line.starts_with("//") {
} else if line.starts_with("*") {
} else {
fn format_comments() {
assert_eq!("/* test */", rewrite_comment(" //test", true, 100, 100));
assert_eq!("// comment\n// on a", rewrite_comment("// comment on a", false, 10, 0));
assert_eq!("// A multi line comment\n // between args.",
rewrite_comment("// A multi line comment\n // between args.",
let input = "// comment";
let expected_output = "/* com\n \
* men\n \
* t */";
assert_eq!(expected_output, rewrite_comment(input, true, 9, 69));
pub trait FindUncommented {
fn find_uncommented(&self, pat: &str) -> Option<usize>;
impl FindUncommented for str {
fn find_uncommented(&self, pat: &str) -> Option<usize> {
let mut needle_iter = pat.chars();
let mut possible_comment = false;
for (i, b) in self.char_indices() {
match {
Some(c) => {
if b != c {
needle_iter = pat.chars();
None => return Some(i - pat.len())
if possible_comment && (b == '/' || b == '*') {
return find_comment_end(&self[(i-1)..])
.and_then(|end| {
self[(end + i - 1)..].find_uncommented(pat)
.map(|idx| idx + end + i - 1)
possible_comment = b == '/';
// Handle case where the pattern is a suffix of the search string
match {
Some(_) => None,
None => Some(self.len() - pat.len())
fn test_find_uncommented() {
fn check(haystack: &str, needle: &str, expected: Option<usize>) {
println!("haystack {:?}, needle: {:?}", haystack, needle);
assert_eq!(expected, haystack.find_uncommented(needle));
check("/*/ */test", "test", Some(6));
check("//test\ntest", "test", Some(7));
check("/* comment only */", "whatever", None);
check("/* comment */ some text /* more commentary */ result", "result", Some(46));
check("sup // sup", "p", Some(2));
check("sup", "x", None);
check("π? /**/ π is nice!", "π is nice", Some(9));
check("/*sup yo? \n sup*/ sup", "p", Some(20));
check("hel/*lohello*/lo", "hello", None);
check("acb", "ab", None);
// Returns the first byte position after the first comment. The given string
// is expected to be prefixed by a comment, including delimiters.
// Good: "/* /* inner */ outer */ code();"
// Bad: "code(); // hello\n world!"
pub fn find_comment_end(s: &str) -> Option<usize> {
if s.starts_with("//") {
s.find('\n').map(|idx| idx + 1)
} else {
// Block comment
let mut levels = 0;
let mut prev_char = 'a';
for (i, mut c) in s.char_indices() {
if c == '*' && prev_char == '/' {
levels += 1;
c = 'a'; // Invalidate prev_char
} else if c == '/' && prev_char == '*' {
levels -= 1;
if levels == 0 {
return Some(i + 1);
c = 'a';
prev_char = c;
fn comment_end() {
assert_eq!(Some(6), find_comment_end("// hi\n"));
assert_eq!(Some(9), find_comment_end("/* sup */ "));
assert_eq!(Some(9), find_comment_end("/*/**/ */ "));
assert_eq!(Some(6), find_comment_end("/*/ */ weird!"));
assert_eq!(None, find_comment_end("/* hi /* test */"));
assert_eq!(None, find_comment_end("// hi /* test */"));
assert_eq!(Some(9), find_comment_end("// hi /*\n."));