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//@ compile-flags: -Zunpretty=expanded -Zunstable-options
//@ edition:2024
//@ check-pass
use std::prelude::rust_2024::*;
extern crate std;
use self::prelude::*;
mod prelude {
pub use std::prelude::rust_2024::*;
pub type T = _;
pub trait Trait {
const CONST: ();
mod attributes {
//! inner single-line doc comment
* inner multi-line doc comment
#![doc = "inner doc attribute"]
#![allow(dead_code, unused_variables)]
/// outer single-line doc comment
* outer multi-line doc comment
#[doc = "outer doc attribute"]
#[doc = "macro"]
struct Struct;
mod expressions {
/// ExprKind::Array
fn expr_array() {
[true, true];
/// ExprKind::ConstBlock
fn expr_const_block() {
const {};
const { 1 };
const {
struct S;
/// ExprKind::Call
fn expr_call() {
let f;
f::<'static, u8, 1>();
/// ExprKind::MethodCall
fn expr_method_call() {
let x;
/// ExprKind::Tup
fn expr_tup() { (); (true,); (true, false); (true, false); }
/// ExprKind::Binary
fn expr_binary() {
let (a, b, c, d, x, y);
true || false;
true || false && false;
a < 1 && 2 < b && c > 3 && 4 > d;
a & b & !c;
a + b * c - d + -1 * -2 - -3;
x = !y;
/// ExprKind::Unary
fn expr_unary() { let expr; *expr; !expr; -expr; }
/// ExprKind::Lit
fn expr_lit() { 'x'; 1_000_i8; 1.00000000000000000000001; }
/// ExprKind::Cast
fn expr_cast() { let expr; expr as T; expr as T<u8>; }
/// ExprKind::Type
fn expr_type() { let expr; builtin # type_ascribe(expr, T); }
/// ExprKind::Let
fn expr_let() {
let b;
if let Some(a) = b {}
if let _ = true && false {}
if let _ = (true && false) {}
/// ExprKind::If
fn expr_if() {
if true {}
if !true {}
if let true = true {} else {}
if true {} else if false {}
if true {} else if false {} else {}
if true { return; } else if false { 0 } else { 0 }
/// ExprKind::While
fn expr_while() {
while false {}
'a: while false {}
while let true = true {}
/// ExprKind::ForLoop
fn expr_for_loop() { let x; for _ in x {} 'a: for _ in x {} }
/// ExprKind::Loop
fn expr_loop() { loop {} 'a: loop {} }
/// ExprKind::Match
fn expr_match() {
let value;
match value {}
match value { ok => 1, }
match value { ok => 1, err => 0, }
/// ExprKind::Closure
fn expr_closure() {
let value;
|| {};
|x| {};
|x: u8| {};
|| ();
move || value;
async || value;
async move || value;
static || value;
static move || value;
(static async || value);
(static async move || value);
|| -> u8 { value };
1 + (|| {});
/// ExprKind::Block
fn expr_block() {
unsafe {}
'a: {}
/// ExprKind::Gen
fn expr_gen() {
async {};
async move {};
gen {};
gen move {};
async gen {};
async gen move {};
/// ExprKind::Await
fn expr_await() { let fut; fut.await; }
/// ExprKind::TryBlock
fn expr_try_block() { try {} try { return; } }
/// ExprKind::Assign
fn expr_assign() { let expr; expr = true; }
/// ExprKind::AssignOp
fn expr_assign_op() { let expr; expr += true; }
/// ExprKind::Field
fn expr_field() { let expr; expr.field; expr.0; }
/// ExprKind::Index
fn expr_index() { let expr; expr[true]; }
/// ExprKind::Range
fn expr_range() {
let (lo, hi);
/// ExprKind::Underscore
fn expr_underscore() { _; }
/// ExprKind::Path
fn expr_path() {
let x;
<T as Default>::default;
<T as ::core::default::Default>::default::<>;
x::(T, T) -> T;
crate::() -> ()::expressions::() -> ()::expr_path;
/// ExprKind::AddrOf
fn expr_addr_of() {
let expr;
&mut expr;
&raw const expr;
&raw mut expr;
/// ExprKind::Break
fn expr_break() { 'a: { break; break 'a; break true; break 'a true; } }
/// ExprKind::Continue
fn expr_continue() { 'a: { continue; continue 'a; } }
/// ExprKind::Ret
fn expr_ret() { return; return true; }
/// ExprKind::InlineAsm
fn expr_inline_asm() {
let x;
asm!("mov {1}, {0}\nshl {1}, 1\nshl {0}, 2\nadd {0}, {1}",
/// ExprKind::OffsetOf
fn expr_offset_of() {
// ...
{ builtin # offset_of(T, field) };
/// ExprKind::MacCall
fn expr_mac_call() { "..."; "..."; "..."; }
/// ExprKind::Struct
fn expr_struct() {
struct Struct {}
let (x, base);
Struct {};
<Struct as ToOwned>::Owned {};
Struct { .. };
Struct { ..base };
Struct { x };
Struct { x, ..base };
Struct { x: true };
Struct { x: true, .. };
Struct { x: true, ..base };
Struct { 0: true, ..base };
/// ExprKind::Repeat
fn expr_repeat() { [(); 0]; }
/// ExprKind::Paren
fn expr_paren() { let expr; (expr); }
/// ExprKind::Try
fn expr_try() { let expr; expr?; }
/// ExprKind::Yield
fn expr_yield() { yield; yield true; }
/// ExprKind::Yeet
fn expr_yeet() { do yeet; do yeet 0; }
/// ExprKind::Become
fn expr_become() { become true; }
/// ExprKind::IncludedBytes
fn expr_include_bytes() {
b"data for include_bytes in ../\n";
/// ExprKind::FormatArgs
fn expr_format_args() {
let expr;
format_args!("{0}", expr);
mod items {
/// ItemKind::ExternCrate
mod item_extern_crate {
extern crate core;
extern crate self as unpretty;
pub extern crate core as _;
/// ItemKind::Use
mod item_use {
use crate::{expressions, items::item_use};
pub use core::*;
/// ItemKind::Static
mod item_static {
pub static A: () = {};
static mut B: () = {};
/// ItemKind::Const
mod item_const {
pub const A: () = {};
trait TraitItems {
const B: ();
const C: () = {};
/// ItemKind::Fn
mod item_fn {
pub const unsafe extern "C" fn f() {}
pub async unsafe extern fn g() {}
fn h<'a, T>() where T: 'a {}
trait TraitItems {
unsafe extern fn f();
impl TraitItems for _ {
default unsafe extern fn f() {}
/// ItemKind::Mod
mod item_mod { }
/// ItemKind::ForeignMod
mod item_foreign_mod {
unsafe extern "C++" {}
unsafe extern {}
/// ItemKind::GlobalAsm
mod item_global_asm {
global_asm! (".globl my_asm_func");
/// ItemKind::TyAlias
mod item_ty_alias {
pub type Type<'a> where T: 'a = T;
/// ItemKind::Enum
mod item_enum {
pub enum Void {}
enum Empty { Unit, Tuple(), Struct {}, }
enum Generic<'a, T> where T: 'a {
Struct {
t: T,
/// ItemKind::Struct
mod item_struct {
pub struct Unit;
struct Tuple();
struct Newtype(Unit);
struct Struct {}
struct Generic<'a, T> where T: 'a {
t: T,
/// ItemKind::Union
mod item_union {
union Generic<'a, T> where T: 'a {
t: T,
/// ItemKind::Trait
mod item_trait {
pub unsafe auto trait Send {}
trait Trait<'a>: Sized where Self: 'a {}
/// ItemKind::TraitAlias
mod item_trait_alias {
pub trait Trait<T> = Sized where for<'a> T: 'a;
/// ItemKind::Impl
mod item_impl {
impl () {}
impl<T> () {}
impl Default for () {}
impl<T> const Default for () {}
/// ItemKind::MacCall
mod item_mac_call { }
/// ItemKind::MacroDef
mod item_macro_def {
macro_rules! mac { () => { ... }; }
pub macro stringify { () => {} }
/// ItemKind::Delegation
mod item_delegation {
/*! FIXME: todo */
/// ItemKind::DelegationMac
mod item_delegation_mac {
/*! FIXME: todo */
mod patterns {
/// PatKind::Wild
fn pat_wild() { let _; }
/// PatKind::Ident
fn pat_ident() {
let x;
let ref x;
let mut x;
let ref mut x;
let ref mut x @ _;
/// PatKind::Struct
fn pat_struct() {
let T {};
let T::<T> {};
let T::<'static> {};
let T { x };
let T { x: _x };
let T { .. };
let T { x, .. };
let T { x: _x, .. };
let T { 0: _x, .. };
let <T as ToOwned>::Owned {};
/// PatKind::TupleStruct
fn pat_tuple_struct() {
struct Tuple();
let Tuple();
let Tuple::<T>();
let Tuple::<'static>();
let Tuple(x);
let Tuple(..);
let Tuple(x, ..);
/// PatKind::Or
fn pat_or() { let (true | false); let (true); let (true | false); }
/// PatKind::Path
fn pat_path() {
let core::marker::PhantomData;
let core::marker::PhantomData::<T>;
let core::marker::PhantomData::<'static>;
let <T as Trait>::CONST;
/// PatKind::Tuple
fn pat_tuple() { let (); let (true,); let (true, false); }
/// PatKind::Box
fn pat_box() { let box pat; }
/// PatKind::Deref
fn pat_deref() { let deref!(pat); }
/// PatKind::Ref
fn pat_ref() { let &pat; let &mut pat; }
/// PatKind::Lit
fn pat_lit() { let 1_000_i8; let -""; }
/// PatKind::Range
fn pat_range() { let ..1; let 0..; let 0..1; let 0..=1; let -2..=-1; }
/// PatKind::Slice
fn pat_slice() { let []; let [true]; let [true]; let [true, false]; }
/// PatKind::Rest
fn pat_rest() { let ..; }
/// PatKind::Never
fn pat_never() { let !; let Some(!); }
/// PatKind::Paren
fn pat_paren() { let (pat); }
/// PatKind::MacCall
fn pat_mac_call() { let ""; let ""; let ""; }
mod statements {
/// StmtKind::Let
fn stmt_let() {
let _;
let _ = true;
let _: T = true;
let _ = true else { return; };
/// StmtKind::Item
fn stmt_item() {
struct Struct {}
struct Unit;
/// StmtKind::Expr
fn stmt_expr() { () }
/// StmtKind::Semi
fn stmt_semi() { 1 + 1; }
/// StmtKind::Empty
fn stmt_empty() { ; }
/// StmtKind::MacCall
fn stmt_mac_call() { "..."; "..."; "..."; }
mod types {
/// TyKind::Slice
fn ty_slice() { let _: [T]; }
/// TyKind::Array
fn ty_array() { let _: [T; 0]; }
/// TyKind::Ptr
fn ty_ptr() { let _: *const T; let _: *mut T; }
/// TyKind::Ref
fn ty_ref() {
let _: &T;
let _: &mut T;
let _: &'static T;
let _: &'static mut [T];
let _: &T<T<T<T<T>>>>;
let _: &T<T<T<T<T>>>>;
/// TyKind::BareFn
fn ty_bare_fn() {
let _: fn();
let _: fn() -> ();
let _: fn(T);
let _: fn(t: T);
let _: fn();
let _: for<'a> fn();
/// TyKind::Never
fn ty_never() { let _: !; }
/// TyKind::Tup
fn ty_tup() { let _: (); let _: (T,); let _: (T, T); }
/// TyKind::AnonStruct
fn ty_anon_struct() {
struct Struct {
_: struct {
t: T,
/// TyKind::AnonUnion
fn ty_anon_union() {
struct Struct {
_: union {
t: T,
/// TyKind::Path
fn ty_path() {
let _: T;
let _: T<'static>;
let _: T<T>;
let _: T<T>;
let _: T() -> !;
let _: <T as ToOwned>::Owned;
/// TyKind::TraitObject
fn ty_trait_object() {
let _: dyn Send;
let _: dyn Send + 'static;
let _: dyn 'static + Send;
let _: dyn for<'a> Send;
/// TyKind::ImplTrait
const fn ty_impl_trait() {
let _: impl Send;
let _: impl Send + 'static;
let _: impl 'static + Send;
let _: impl ?Sized;
let _: impl ~const Clone;
let _: impl for<'a> Send;
/// TyKind::Paren
fn ty_paren() { let _: (T); }
/// TyKind::Typeof
fn ty_typeof() {
/*! unused for now */
/// TyKind::Infer
fn ty_infer() { let _: _; }
/// TyKind::ImplicitSelf
fn ty_implicit_self() {
/*! there is no syntax for this */
/// TyKind::MacCall
fn ty_mac_call() { let _: T; let _: T; let _: T; }
/// TyKind::CVarArgs
fn ty_c_var_args() {
/*! FIXME: todo */
/// TyKind::Pat
fn ty_pat() { let _: u32 is 1..; }
mod visibilities {
/// VisibilityKind::Public
mod visibility_public {
pub struct Pub;
/// VisibilityKind::Restricted
mod visibility_restricted {
pub(crate) struct PubCrate;
pub(self) struct PubSelf;
pub(super) struct PubSuper;
pub(in crate) struct PubInCrate;
pub(in self) struct PubInSelf;
pub(in super) struct PubInSuper;
pub(in crate::visibilities) struct PubInCrateVisibilities;
pub(in self::super) struct PubInSelfSuper;
pub(in super::visibility_restricted) struct PubInSuperMod;