
796 lines
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Raw Normal View History

//! The general point of the optimizations provided here is to simplify something like:
//! ```rust
//! match x {
//! Ok(x) => Ok(x),
//! Err(x) => Err(x)
//! }
//! ```
//! into just `x`.
use crate::transform::{simplify, MirPass};
2019-12-22 17:42:04 -05:00
use itertools::Itertools as _;
use rustc_index::{bit_set::BitSet, vec::IndexVec};
use rustc_middle::mir::visit::{NonUseContext, PlaceContext, Visitor};
2020-03-29 16:41:09 +02:00
use rustc_middle::mir::*;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, List, Ty, TyCtxt};
use rustc_target::abi::VariantIdx;
use std::iter::{once, Enumerate, Peekable};
use std::slice::Iter;
/// Simplifies arms of form `Variant(x) => Variant(x)` to just a move.
/// This is done by transforming basic blocks where the statements match:
/// ```rust
/// _LOCAL_TMP = ((_LOCAL_1 as Variant ).FIELD: TY );
/// _TMP_2 = _LOCAL_TMP;
/// ((_LOCAL_0 as Variant).FIELD: TY) = move _TMP_2;
/// discriminant(_LOCAL_0) = VAR_IDX;
/// ```
/// into:
/// ```rust
/// _LOCAL_0 = move _LOCAL_1
/// ```
pub struct SimplifyArmIdentity;
struct ArmIdentityInfo<'tcx> {
/// Storage location for the variant's field
local_temp_0: Local,
/// Storage location holding the variant being read from
local_1: Local,
/// The variant field being read from
vf_s0: VarField<'tcx>,
/// Index of the statement which loads the variant being read
get_variant_field_stmt: usize,
/// Tracks each assignment to a temporary of the variant's field
field_tmp_assignments: Vec<(Local, Local)>,
/// Storage location holding the variant's field that was read from
local_tmp_s1: Local,
/// Storage location holding the enum that we are writing to
local_0: Local,
/// The variant field being written to
vf_s1: VarField<'tcx>,
/// Storage location that the discriminant is being written to
set_discr_local: Local,
/// The variant being written
set_discr_var_idx: VariantIdx,
/// Index of the statement that should be overwritten as a move
stmt_to_overwrite: usize,
/// SourceInfo for the new move
source_info: SourceInfo,
/// Indices of matching Storage{Live,Dead} statements encountered.
/// (StorageLive index,, StorageDead index, Local)
storage_stmts: Vec<(usize, usize, Local)>,
/// The statements that should be removed (turned into nops)
stmts_to_remove: Vec<usize>,
/// Indices of debug variables that need to be adjusted to point to
// `{local_0}.{dbg_projection}`.
dbg_info_to_adjust: Vec<usize>,
/// The projection used to rewrite debug info.
dbg_projection: &'tcx List<PlaceElem<'tcx>>,
fn get_arm_identity_info<'a, 'tcx>(
stmts: &'a [Statement<'tcx>],
locals_count: usize,
debug_info: &'a [VarDebugInfo<'tcx>],
) -> Option<ArmIdentityInfo<'tcx>> {
// This can't possibly match unless there are at least 3 statements in the block
// so fail fast on tiny blocks.
if stmts.len() < 3 {
return None;
let mut tmp_assigns = Vec::new();
let mut nop_stmts = Vec::new();
let mut storage_stmts = Vec::new();
let mut storage_live_stmts = Vec::new();
let mut storage_dead_stmts = Vec::new();
type StmtIter<'a, 'tcx> = Peekable<Enumerate<Iter<'a, Statement<'tcx>>>>;
fn is_storage_stmt<'tcx>(stmt: &Statement<'tcx>) -> bool {
matches!(stmt.kind, StatementKind::StorageLive(_) | StatementKind::StorageDead(_))
/// Eats consecutive Statements which match `test`, performing the specified `action` for each.
/// The iterator `stmt_iter` is not advanced if none were matched.
fn try_eat<'a, 'tcx>(
stmt_iter: &mut StmtIter<'a, 'tcx>,
test: impl Fn(&'a Statement<'tcx>) -> bool,
mut action: impl FnMut(usize, &'a Statement<'tcx>),
) {
while stmt_iter.peek().map_or(false, |(_, stmt)| test(stmt)) {
let (idx, stmt) =;
action(idx, stmt);
/// Eats consecutive `StorageLive` and `StorageDead` Statements.
/// The iterator `stmt_iter` is not advanced if none were found.
fn try_eat_storage_stmts<'a, 'tcx>(
stmt_iter: &mut StmtIter<'a, 'tcx>,
storage_live_stmts: &mut Vec<(usize, Local)>,
storage_dead_stmts: &mut Vec<(usize, Local)>,
) {
try_eat(stmt_iter, is_storage_stmt, |idx, stmt| {
if let StatementKind::StorageLive(l) = stmt.kind {
storage_live_stmts.push((idx, l));
} else if let StatementKind::StorageDead(l) = stmt.kind {
storage_dead_stmts.push((idx, l));
fn is_tmp_storage_stmt<'tcx>(stmt: &Statement<'tcx>) -> bool {
use rustc_middle::mir::StatementKind::Assign;
if let Assign(box (place, Rvalue::Use(Operand::Copy(p) | Operand::Move(p)))) = &stmt.kind {
place.as_local().is_some() && p.as_local().is_some()
} else {
/// Eats consecutive `Assign` Statements.
// The iterator `stmt_iter` is not advanced if none were found.
fn try_eat_assign_tmp_stmts<'a, 'tcx>(
stmt_iter: &mut StmtIter<'a, 'tcx>,
tmp_assigns: &mut Vec<(Local, Local)>,
nop_stmts: &mut Vec<usize>,
) {
try_eat(stmt_iter, is_tmp_storage_stmt, |idx, stmt| {
use rustc_middle::mir::StatementKind::Assign;
if let Assign(box (place, Rvalue::Use(Operand::Copy(p) | Operand::Move(p)))) =
tmp_assigns.push((place.as_local().unwrap(), p.as_local().unwrap()));
fn find_storage_live_dead_stmts_for_local<'tcx>(
local: Local,
stmts: &[Statement<'tcx>],
) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
trace!("looking for {:?}", local);
let mut storage_live_stmt = None;
let mut storage_dead_stmt = None;
for (idx, stmt) in stmts.iter().enumerate() {
if stmt.kind == StatementKind::StorageLive(local) {
storage_live_stmt = Some(idx);
} else if stmt.kind == StatementKind::StorageDead(local) {
storage_dead_stmt = Some(idx);
Some((storage_live_stmt?, storage_dead_stmt.unwrap_or(usize::MAX)))
// Try to match the expected MIR structure with the basic block we're processing.
// We want to see something that looks like:
// ```
// (StorageLive(_) | StorageDead(_));*
// _LOCAL_INTO = ((_LOCAL_FROM as Variant).FIELD: TY);
// (StorageLive(_) | StorageDead(_));*
// (tmp_n+1 = tmp_n);*
// (StorageLive(_) | StorageDead(_));*
// (tmp_n+1 = tmp_n);*
// ((LOCAL_FROM as Variant).FIELD: TY) = move tmp;
// discriminant(LOCAL_FROM) = VariantIdx;
// (StorageLive(_) | StorageDead(_));*
// ```
let mut stmt_iter = stmts.iter().enumerate().peekable();
try_eat_storage_stmts(&mut stmt_iter, &mut storage_live_stmts, &mut storage_dead_stmts);
let (get_variant_field_stmt, stmt) =;
let (local_tmp_s0, local_1, vf_s0, dbg_projection) = match_get_variant_field(stmt)?;
try_eat_storage_stmts(&mut stmt_iter, &mut storage_live_stmts, &mut storage_dead_stmts);
try_eat_assign_tmp_stmts(&mut stmt_iter, &mut tmp_assigns, &mut nop_stmts);
try_eat_storage_stmts(&mut stmt_iter, &mut storage_live_stmts, &mut storage_dead_stmts);
try_eat_assign_tmp_stmts(&mut stmt_iter, &mut tmp_assigns, &mut nop_stmts);
let (idx, stmt) =;
let (local_tmp_s1, local_0, vf_s1) = match_set_variant_field(stmt)?;
let (idx, stmt) =;
let (set_discr_local, set_discr_var_idx) = match_set_discr(stmt)?;
let discr_stmt_source_info = stmt.source_info;
try_eat_storage_stmts(&mut stmt_iter, &mut storage_live_stmts, &mut storage_dead_stmts);
for (live_idx, live_local) in storage_live_stmts {
if let Some(i) = storage_dead_stmts.iter().rposition(|(_, l)| *l == live_local) {
let (dead_idx, _) = storage_dead_stmts.swap_remove(i);
storage_stmts.push((live_idx, dead_idx, live_local));
if live_local == local_tmp_s0 {
// We sort primitive usize here so we can use unstable sort
// Use one of the statements we're going to discard between the point
// where the storage location for the variant field becomes live and
// is killed.
let (live_idx, dead_idx) = find_storage_live_dead_stmts_for_local(local_tmp_s0, stmts)?;
let stmt_to_overwrite =
nop_stmts.iter().find(|stmt_idx| live_idx < **stmt_idx && **stmt_idx < dead_idx);
let mut tmp_assigned_vars = BitSet::new_empty(locals_count);
for (l, r) in &tmp_assigns {
let dbg_info_to_adjust: Vec<_> = debug_info
.filter_map(|(i, var_info)| {
if let VarDebugInfoContents::Place(p) = var_info.value {
if tmp_assigned_vars.contains(p.local) {
return Some(i);
Some(ArmIdentityInfo {
local_temp_0: local_tmp_s0,
field_tmp_assignments: tmp_assigns,
stmt_to_overwrite: *stmt_to_overwrite?,
source_info: discr_stmt_source_info,
stmts_to_remove: nop_stmts,
fn optimization_applies<'tcx>(
opt_info: &ArmIdentityInfo<'tcx>,
local_decls: &IndexVec<Local, LocalDecl<'tcx>>,
local_uses: &IndexVec<Local, usize>,
var_debug_info: &[VarDebugInfo<'tcx>],
) -> bool {
trace!("testing if optimization applies...");
// FIXME(wesleywiser): possibly relax this restriction?
if opt_info.local_0 == opt_info.local_1 {
trace!("NO: moving into ourselves");
return false;
} else if opt_info.vf_s0 != opt_info.vf_s1 {
trace!("NO: the field-and-variant information do not match");
return false;
} else if local_decls[opt_info.local_0].ty != local_decls[opt_info.local_1].ty {
// FIXME(Centril,oli-obk): possibly relax to same layout?
trace!("NO: source and target locals have different types");
return false;
} else if (opt_info.local_0, opt_info.vf_s0.var_idx)
!= (opt_info.set_discr_local, opt_info.set_discr_var_idx)
trace!("NO: the discriminants do not match");
return false;
// Verify the assignment chain consists of the form b = a; c = b; d = c; etc...
if opt_info.field_tmp_assignments.is_empty() {
trace!("NO: no assignments found");
return false;
let mut last_assigned_to = opt_info.field_tmp_assignments[0].1;
let source_local = last_assigned_to;
for (l, r) in &opt_info.field_tmp_assignments {
if *r != last_assigned_to {
trace!("NO: found unexpected assignment {:?} = {:?}", l, r);
return false;
last_assigned_to = *l;
// Check that the first and last used locals are only used twice
// since they are of the form:
// ```
// _first = ((_x as Variant).n: ty);
// _n = _first;
// ...
// ((_y as Variant).n: ty) = _n;
// discriminant(_y) = z;
// ```
for (l, r) in &opt_info.field_tmp_assignments {
if local_uses[*l] != 2 {
warn!("NO: FAILED assignment chain local {:?} was used more than twice", l);
return false;
} else if local_uses[*r] != 2 {
warn!("NO: FAILED assignment chain local {:?} was used more than twice", r);
return false;
// Check that debug info only points to full Locals and not projections.
for dbg_idx in &opt_info.dbg_info_to_adjust {
let dbg_info = &var_debug_info[*dbg_idx];
if let VarDebugInfoContents::Place(p) = dbg_info.value {
if !p.projection.is_empty() {
trace!("NO: debug info for {:?} had a projection {:?}",, p);
return false;
if source_local != opt_info.local_temp_0 {
"NO: start of assignment chain does not match enum variant temp: {:?} != {:?}",
return false;
} else if last_assigned_to != opt_info.local_tmp_s1 {
"NO: end of assignemnt chain does not match written enum temp: {:?} != {:?}",
return false;
trace!("SUCCESS: optimization applies!");
impl<'tcx> MirPass<'tcx> for SimplifyArmIdentity {
fn run_pass(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, body: &mut Body<'tcx>) {
// FIXME(77359): This optimization can result in unsoundness.
if !tcx.sess.opts.debugging_opts.unsound_mir_opts {
let source = body.source;
trace!("running SimplifyArmIdentity on {:?}", source);
let local_uses = LocalUseCounter::get_local_uses(body);
let (basic_blocks, local_decls, debug_info) =
for bb in basic_blocks {
if let Some(opt_info) =
get_arm_identity_info(&bb.statements, local_decls.len(), debug_info)
trace!("got opt_info = {:#?}", opt_info);
if !optimization_applies(&opt_info, local_decls, &local_uses, &debug_info) {
debug!("optimization skipped for {:?}", source);
// Also remove unused Storage{Live,Dead} statements which correspond
// to temps used previously.
for (live_idx, dead_idx, local) in &opt_info.storage_stmts {
// The temporary that we've read the variant field into is scoped to this block,
// so we can remove the assignment.
if *local == opt_info.local_temp_0 {
for (left, right) in &opt_info.field_tmp_assignments {
if local == left || local == right {
// Right shape; transform
for stmt_idx in opt_info.stmts_to_remove {
let stmt = &mut bb.statements[opt_info.stmt_to_overwrite];
stmt.source_info = opt_info.source_info;
stmt.kind = StatementKind::Assign(box (
bb.statements.retain(|stmt| stmt.kind != StatementKind::Nop);
// Fix the debug info to point to the right local
for dbg_index in opt_info.dbg_info_to_adjust {
let dbg_info = &mut debug_info[dbg_index];
matches!(dbg_info.value, VarDebugInfoContents::Place(_)),
"value was not a Place"
if let VarDebugInfoContents::Place(p) = &mut dbg_info.value {
p.local = opt_info.local_0;
p.projection = opt_info.dbg_projection;
trace!("block is now {:?}", bb.statements);
struct LocalUseCounter {
local_uses: IndexVec<Local, usize>,
impl LocalUseCounter {
fn get_local_uses<'tcx>(body: &Body<'tcx>) -> IndexVec<Local, usize> {
let mut counter = LocalUseCounter { local_uses: IndexVec::from_elem(0, &body.local_decls) };
impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for LocalUseCounter {
fn visit_local(&mut self, local: &Local, context: PlaceContext, _location: Location) {
if context.is_storage_marker()
|| context == PlaceContext::NonUse(NonUseContext::VarDebugInfo)
self.local_uses[*local] += 1;
/// Match on:
/// ```rust
/// _LOCAL_INTO = ((_LOCAL_FROM as Variant).FIELD: TY);
/// ```
fn match_get_variant_field<'tcx>(
stmt: &Statement<'tcx>,
) -> Option<(Local, Local, VarField<'tcx>, &'tcx List<PlaceElem<'tcx>>)> {
match &stmt.kind {
StatementKind::Assign(box (
Rvalue::Use(Operand::Copy(pf) | Operand::Move(pf)),
)) => {
let local_into = place_into.as_local()?;
let (local_from, vf) = match_variant_field_place(*pf)?;
Some((local_into, local_from, vf, pf.projection))
_ => None,
/// Match on:
/// ```rust
/// ((_LOCAL_FROM as Variant).FIELD: TY) = move _LOCAL_INTO;
/// ```
fn match_set_variant_field<'tcx>(stmt: &Statement<'tcx>) -> Option<(Local, Local, VarField<'tcx>)> {
match &stmt.kind {
StatementKind::Assign(box (place_from, Rvalue::Use(Operand::Move(place_into)))) => {
let local_into = place_into.as_local()?;
let (local_from, vf) = match_variant_field_place(*place_from)?;
Some((local_into, local_from, vf))
_ => None,
/// Match on:
/// ```rust
/// discriminant(_LOCAL_TO_SET) = VAR_IDX;
/// ```
fn match_set_discr<'tcx>(stmt: &Statement<'tcx>) -> Option<(Local, VariantIdx)> {
match &stmt.kind {
2019-12-22 17:42:04 -05:00
StatementKind::SetDiscriminant { place, variant_index } => {
Some((place.as_local()?, *variant_index))
_ => None,
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
struct VarField<'tcx> {
field: Field,
field_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
var_idx: VariantIdx,
/// Match on `((_LOCAL as Variant).FIELD: TY)`.
fn match_variant_field_place<'tcx>(place: Place<'tcx>) -> Option<(Local, VarField<'tcx>)> {
match place.as_ref() {
PlaceRef {
projection: &[ProjectionElem::Downcast(_, var_idx), ProjectionElem::Field(field, ty)],
} => Some((local, VarField { field, field_ty: ty, var_idx })),
_ => None,
/// Simplifies `SwitchInt(_) -> [targets]`,
/// where all the `targets` have the same form,
/// into `goto -> target_first`.
pub struct SimplifyBranchSame;
impl<'tcx> MirPass<'tcx> for SimplifyBranchSame {
fn run_pass(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, body: &mut Body<'tcx>) {
trace!("Running SimplifyBranchSame on {:?}", body.source);
let finder = SimplifyBranchSameOptimizationFinder { body, tcx };
let opts = finder.find();
let did_remove_blocks = opts.len() > 0;
for opt in opts.iter() {
trace!("SUCCESS: Applying optimization {:?}", opt);
// Replace `SwitchInt(..) -> [bb_first, ..];` with a `goto -> bb_first;`.
body.basic_blocks_mut()[opt.bb_to_opt_terminator].terminator_mut().kind =
TerminatorKind::Goto { target: opt.bb_to_goto };
if did_remove_blocks {
// We have dead blocks now, so remove those.
struct SimplifyBranchSameOptimization {
/// All basic blocks are equal so go to this one
bb_to_goto: BasicBlock,
/// Basic block where the terminator can be simplified to a goto
bb_to_opt_terminator: BasicBlock,
struct SwitchTargetAndValue {
target: BasicBlock,
// None in case of the `otherwise` case
value: Option<u128>,
struct SimplifyBranchSameOptimizationFinder<'a, 'tcx> {
body: &'a Body<'tcx>,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
impl<'a, 'tcx> SimplifyBranchSameOptimizationFinder<'a, 'tcx> {
fn find(&self) -> Vec<SimplifyBranchSameOptimization> {
.filter_map(|(bb_idx, bb)| {
2020-09-19 23:22:54 +02:00
let (discr_switched_on, targets_and_values) = match &bb.terminator().kind {
TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { targets, discr, .. } => {
let targets_and_values: Vec<_> = targets.iter()
.map(|(val, target)| SwitchTargetAndValue { target, value: Some(val) })
.chain(once(SwitchTargetAndValue { target: targets.otherwise(), value: None }))
(discr, targets_and_values)
_ => return None,
// find the adt that has its discriminant read
// assuming this must be the last statement of the block
let adt_matched_on = match &bb.statements.last()?.kind {
StatementKind::Assign(box (place, rhs))
if Some(*place) == =>
match rhs {
Rvalue::Discriminant(adt_place) if adt_place.ty(self.body, self.tcx).ty.is_enum() => adt_place,
_ => {
trace!("NO: expected a discriminant read of an enum instead of: {:?}", rhs);
return None;
other => {
trace!("NO: expected an assignment of a discriminant read to a place. Found: {:?}", other);
return None
let mut iter_bbs_reachable = targets_and_values
.map(|target_and_value| (target_and_value, &self.body.basic_blocks()[]))
.filter(|(_, bb)| {
// Reaching `unreachable` is UB so assume it doesn't happen.
bb.terminator().kind != TerminatorKind::Unreachable
// But `asm!(...)` could abort the program,
// so we cannot assume that the `unreachable` terminator itself is reachable.
// FIXME(Centril): use a normalization pass instead of a check.
2021-05-14 08:57:33 +05:30
|| bb.statements.iter().any(|stmt| matches!(stmt.kind, StatementKind::LlvmInlineAsm(..)))
let bb_first = iter_bbs_reachable.peek().map_or(&targets_and_values[0], |(idx, _)| *idx);
let mut all_successors_equivalent = StatementEquality::TrivialEqual;
// All successor basic blocks must be equal or contain statements that are pairwise considered equal.
for ((target_and_value_l,bb_l), (target_and_value_r,bb_r)) in iter_bbs_reachable.tuple_windows() {
let trivial_checks = bb_l.is_cleanup == bb_r.is_cleanup
2020-10-04 00:00:00 +00:00
&& bb_l.terminator().kind == bb_r.terminator().kind
&& bb_l.statements.len() == bb_r.statements.len();
let statement_check = || {
bb_l.statements.iter().zip(&bb_r.statements).try_fold(StatementEquality::TrivialEqual, |acc,(l,r)| {
let stmt_equality = self.statement_equality(*adt_matched_on, &l, target_and_value_l, &r, target_and_value_r);
if matches!(stmt_equality, StatementEquality::NotEqual) {
// short circuit
} else {
if !trivial_checks {
all_successors_equivalent = StatementEquality::NotEqual;
all_successors_equivalent = all_successors_equivalent.combine(&statement_check());
match all_successors_equivalent{
StatementEquality::TrivialEqual => {
// statements are trivially equal, so just take first
trace!("Statements are trivially equal");
Some(SimplifyBranchSameOptimization {
bb_to_opt_terminator: bb_idx,
StatementEquality::ConsideredEqual(bb_to_choose) => {
trace!("Statements are considered equal");
Some(SimplifyBranchSameOptimization {
bb_to_goto: bb_to_choose,
bb_to_opt_terminator: bb_idx,
StatementEquality::NotEqual => {
trace!("NO: not all successors of basic block {:?} were equivalent", bb_idx);
/// Tests if two statements can be considered equal
/// Statements can be trivially equal if the kinds match.
/// But they can also be considered equal in the following case A:
/// ```
/// discriminant(_0) = 0; // bb1
/// _0 = move _1; // bb2
/// ```
/// In this case the two statements are equal iff
2020-10-04 10:26:29 +02:00
/// - `_0` is an enum where the variant index 0 is fieldless, and
/// - bb1 was targeted by a switch where the discriminant of `_1` was switched on
fn statement_equality(
adt_matched_on: Place<'tcx>,
x: &Statement<'tcx>,
x_target_and_value: &SwitchTargetAndValue,
y: &Statement<'tcx>,
y_target_and_value: &SwitchTargetAndValue,
) -> StatementEquality {
let helper = |rhs: &Rvalue<'tcx>,
place: &Place<'tcx>,
variant_index: &VariantIdx,
side_to_choose| {
let place_type = place.ty(self.body, self.tcx).ty;
2020-08-03 00:49:11 +02:00
let adt = match *place_type.kind() {
ty::Adt(adt, _) if adt.is_enum() => adt,
_ => return StatementEquality::NotEqual,
let variant_is_fieldless = adt.variants[*variant_index].fields.is_empty();
if !variant_is_fieldless {
trace!("NO: variant {:?} was not fieldless", variant_index);
return StatementEquality::NotEqual;
match rhs {
Rvalue::Use(operand) if == Some(adt_matched_on) => {
_ => {
"NO: RHS of assignment was {:?}, but expected it to match the adt being matched on in the switch, which is {:?}",
match (&x.kind, &y.kind) {
// trivial case
(x, y) if x == y => StatementEquality::TrivialEqual,
// check for case A
StatementKind::Assign(box (_, rhs)),
StatementKind::SetDiscriminant { place, variant_index },
// we need to make sure that the switch value that targets the bb with SetDiscriminant (y), is the same as the variant index
if Some(variant_index.index() as u128) == y_target_and_value.value => {
// choose basic block of x, as that has the assign
helper(rhs, place, variant_index,
StatementKind::SetDiscriminant { place, variant_index },
StatementKind::Assign(box (_, rhs)),
// we need to make sure that the switch value that targets the bb with SetDiscriminant (x), is the same as the variant index
if Some(variant_index.index() as u128) == x_target_and_value.value => {
// choose basic block of y, as that has the assign
helper(rhs, place, variant_index,
_ => {
trace!("NO: statements `{:?}` and `{:?}` not considered equal", x, y);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum StatementEquality {
/// The two statements are trivially equal; same kind
/// The two statements are considered equal, but may be of different kinds. The BasicBlock field is the basic block to jump to when performing the branch-same optimization.
/// For example, `_0 = _1` and `discriminant(_0) = discriminant(0)` are considered equal if 0 is a fieldless variant of an enum. But we don't want to jump to the basic block with the SetDiscriminant, as that is not legal if _1 is not the 0 variant index
/// The two statements are not equal
impl StatementEquality {
fn combine(&self, other: &StatementEquality) -> StatementEquality {
use StatementEquality::*;
match (self, other) {
(TrivialEqual, TrivialEqual) => TrivialEqual,
(TrivialEqual, ConsideredEqual(b)) | (ConsideredEqual(b), TrivialEqual) => {
(ConsideredEqual(b1), ConsideredEqual(b2)) => {
if b1 == b2 {
} else {
(_, NotEqual) | (NotEqual, _) => NotEqual,