1669 lines
62 KiB
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// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std::cmp::Ordering::{Equal, Greater, Less};
use std::iter::AdditiveIterator;
use std::str::{Utf8Error, from_utf8};
fn test_le() {
assert!("" <= "");
assert!("" <= "foo");
assert!("foo" <= "foo");
assert!("foo" != "bar");
fn test_len() {
assert_eq!("".len(), 0);
assert_eq!("hello world".len(), 11);
assert_eq!("\x63".len(), 1);
assert_eq!("\u{a2}".len(), 2);
assert_eq!("\u{3c0}".len(), 2);
assert_eq!("\u{2620}".len(), 3);
assert_eq!("\u{1d11e}".len(), 4);
assert_eq!("".chars().count(), 0);
assert_eq!("hello world".chars().count(), 11);
assert_eq!("\x63".chars().count(), 1);
assert_eq!("\u{a2}".chars().count(), 1);
assert_eq!("\u{3c0}".chars().count(), 1);
assert_eq!("\u{2620}".chars().count(), 1);
assert_eq!("\u{1d11e}".chars().count(), 1);
assert_eq!("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam".chars().count(), 19);
assert_eq!("".width(false), 10);
assert_eq!("".width(true), 10);
assert_eq!("\0\0\0\0\0".width(false), 0);
assert_eq!("\0\0\0\0\0".width(true), 0);
assert_eq!("".width(false), 0);
assert_eq!("".width(true), 0);
assert_eq!("\u{2081}\u{2082}\u{2083}\u{2084}".width(false), 4);
assert_eq!("\u{2081}\u{2082}\u{2083}\u{2084}".width(true), 8);
fn test_find() {
assert_eq!("hello".find('l'), Some(2));
assert_eq!("hello".find(|c:char| c == 'o'), Some(4));
assert!("hello".find(|c:char| c == 'x').is_none());
assert_eq!("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam".find('华'), Some(30));
assert_eq!("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam".find(|c: char| c == '华'), Some(30));
fn test_rfind() {
assert_eq!("hello".rfind('l'), Some(3));
assert_eq!("hello".rfind(|c:char| c == 'o'), Some(4));
assert!("hello".rfind(|c:char| c == 'x').is_none());
assert_eq!("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam".rfind('华'), Some(30));
assert_eq!("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam".rfind(|c: char| c == '华'), Some(30));
fn test_collect() {
let empty = String::from_str("");
let s: String = empty.chars().collect();
assert_eq!(empty, s);
let data = String::from_str("ประเทศไทย中");
let s: String = data.chars().collect();
assert_eq!(data, s);
fn test_into_bytes() {
let data = String::from_str("asdf");
let buf = data.into_bytes();
assert_eq!(b"asdf", buf);
fn test_find_str() {
// byte positions
assert_eq!("".find_str(""), Some(0));
assert!("banana".find_str("apple pie").is_none());
let data = "abcabc";
assert_eq!(data[0..6].find_str("ab"), Some(0));
assert_eq!(data[2..6].find_str("ab"), Some(3 - 2));
let string = "ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let mut data = String::from_str(string);
assert_eq!(data[0..43].find_str(""), Some(0));
assert_eq!(data[6..43].find_str(""), Some(6 - 6));
assert_eq!(data[0..43].find_str("ประ"), Some( 0));
assert_eq!(data[0..43].find_str("ทศไ"), Some(12));
assert_eq!(data[0..43].find_str("ย中"), Some(24));
assert_eq!(data[0..43].find_str("iệt"), Some(34));
assert_eq!(data[0..43].find_str("Nam"), Some(40));
assert_eq!(data[43..86].find_str("ประ"), Some(43 - 43));
assert_eq!(data[43..86].find_str("ทศไ"), Some(55 - 43));
assert_eq!(data[43..86].find_str("ย中"), Some(67 - 43));
assert_eq!(data[43..86].find_str("iệt"), Some(77 - 43));
assert_eq!(data[43..86].find_str("Nam"), Some(83 - 43));
fn test_slice_chars() {
fn t(a: &str, b: &str, start: usize) {
assert_eq!(a.slice_chars(start, start + b.chars().count()), b);
t("", "", 0);
t("hello", "llo", 2);
t("hello", "el", 1);
t("αβλ", "β", 1);
t("αβλ", "", 3);
assert_eq!("ะเทศไท", "ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam".slice_chars(2, 8));
fn s(x: &str) -> String { x.to_string() }
macro_rules! test_concat {
($expected: expr, $string: expr) => {
let s: String = $string.concat();
assert_eq!($expected, s);
fn test_concat_for_different_types() {
test_concat!("ab", vec![s("a"), s("b")]);
test_concat!("ab", vec!["a", "b"]);
test_concat!("ab", vec!["a", "b"]);
test_concat!("ab", vec![s("a"), s("b")]);
fn test_concat_for_different_lengths() {
let empty: &[&str] = &[];
test_concat!("", empty);
test_concat!("a", ["a"]);
test_concat!("ab", ["a", "b"]);
test_concat!("abc", ["", "a", "bc"]);
macro_rules! test_connect {
($expected: expr, $string: expr, $delim: expr) => {
let s = $string.connect($delim);
assert_eq!($expected, s);
fn test_connect_for_different_types() {
test_connect!("a-b", ["a", "b"], "-");
let hyphen = "-".to_string();
test_connect!("a-b", [s("a"), s("b")], &*hyphen);
test_connect!("a-b", vec!["a", "b"], &*hyphen);
test_connect!("a-b", &*vec!["a", "b"], "-");
test_connect!("a-b", vec![s("a"), s("b")], "-");
fn test_connect_for_different_lengths() {
let empty: &[&str] = &[];
test_connect!("", empty, "-");
test_connect!("a", ["a"], "-");
test_connect!("a-b", ["a", "b"], "-");
test_connect!("-a-bc", ["", "a", "bc"], "-");
fn test_unsafe_slice() {
assert_eq!("ab", unsafe {"abc".slice_unchecked(0, 2)});
assert_eq!("bc", unsafe {"abc".slice_unchecked(1, 3)});
assert_eq!("", unsafe {"abc".slice_unchecked(1, 1)});
fn a_million_letter_a() -> String {
let mut i = 0;
let mut rs = String::new();
while i < 100000 {
i += 1;
fn half_a_million_letter_a() -> String {
let mut i = 0;
let mut rs = String::new();
while i < 100000 {
i += 1;
let letters = a_million_letter_a();
assert!(half_a_million_letter_a() ==
unsafe {String::from_str(letters.slice_unchecked(
fn test_starts_with() {
fn test_ends_with() {
fn test_is_empty() {
fn test_replace() {
let a = "a";
assert_eq!("".replace(a, "b"), String::from_str(""));
assert_eq!("a".replace(a, "b"), String::from_str("b"));
assert_eq!("ab".replace(a, "b"), String::from_str("bb"));
let test = "test";
assert!(" test test ".replace(test, "toast") ==
String::from_str(" toast toast "));
assert_eq!(" test test ".replace(test, ""), String::from_str(" "));
fn test_replace_2a() {
let data = "ประเทศไทย中华";
let repl = "دولة الكويت";
let a = "ประเ";
let a2 = "دولة الكويتทศไทย中华";
assert_eq!(data.replace(a, repl), a2);
fn test_replace_2b() {
let data = "ประเทศไทย中华";
let repl = "دولة الكويت";
let b = "ะเ";
let b2 = "ปรدولة الكويتทศไทย中华";
assert_eq!(data.replace(b, repl), b2);
fn test_replace_2c() {
let data = "ประเทศไทย中华";
let repl = "دولة الكويت";
let c = "中华";
let c2 = "ประเทศไทยدولة الكويت";
assert_eq!(data.replace(c, repl), c2);
fn test_replace_2d() {
let data = "ประเทศไทย中华";
let repl = "دولة الكويت";
let d = "ไท华";
assert_eq!(data.replace(d, repl), data);
fn test_slice() {
assert_eq!("ab", "abc".slice(0, 2));
assert_eq!("bc", "abc".slice(1, 3));
assert_eq!("", "abc".slice(1, 1));
assert_eq!("\u{65e5}", "\u{65e5}\u{672c}".slice(0, 3));
let data = "ประเทศไทย中华";
assert_eq!("", data.slice(0, 3));
assert_eq!("", data.slice(3, 6));
assert_eq!("", data.slice(3, 3));
assert_eq!("", data.slice(30, 33));
fn a_million_letter_x() -> String {
let mut i = 0;
let mut rs = String::new();
while i < 100000 {
i += 1;
fn half_a_million_letter_x() -> String {
let mut i = 0;
let mut rs = String::new();
while i < 100000 {
i += 1;
let letters = a_million_letter_x();
assert!(half_a_million_letter_x() ==
String::from_str(letters.slice(0, 3 * 500000)));
fn test_slice_2() {
let ss = "中华Việt Nam";
assert_eq!("", ss.slice(3, 6));
assert_eq!("Việt Nam", ss.slice(6, 16));
assert_eq!("ab", "abc".slice(0, 2));
assert_eq!("bc", "abc".slice(1, 3));
assert_eq!("", "abc".slice(1, 1));
assert_eq!("", ss.slice(0, 3));
assert_eq!("华V", ss.slice(3, 7));
assert_eq!("", ss.slice(3, 3));
/*0: 中
6: V
7: i
11: t
13: N
14: a
15: m */
fn test_slice_fail() {
"中华Việt Nam".slice(0, 2);
fn test_slice_from() {
assert_eq!("abcd".slice_from(0), "abcd");
assert_eq!("abcd".slice_from(2), "cd");
assert_eq!("abcd".slice_from(4), "");
fn test_slice_to() {
assert_eq!("abcd".slice_to(0), "");
assert_eq!("abcd".slice_to(2), "ab");
assert_eq!("abcd".slice_to(4), "abcd");
fn test_trim_left_matches() {
let v: &[char] = &[];
assert_eq!(" *** foo *** ".trim_left_matches(v), " *** foo *** ");
let chars: &[char] = &['*', ' '];
assert_eq!(" *** foo *** ".trim_left_matches(chars), "foo *** ");
assert_eq!(" *** *** ".trim_left_matches(chars), "");
assert_eq!("foo *** ".trim_left_matches(chars), "foo *** ");
assert_eq!("11foo1bar11".trim_left_matches('1'), "foo1bar11");
let chars: &[char] = &['1', '2'];
assert_eq!("12foo1bar12".trim_left_matches(chars), "foo1bar12");
assert_eq!("123foo1bar123".trim_left_matches(|c: char| c.is_numeric()), "foo1bar123");
fn test_trim_right_matches() {
let v: &[char] = &[];
assert_eq!(" *** foo *** ".trim_right_matches(v), " *** foo *** ");
let chars: &[char] = &['*', ' '];
assert_eq!(" *** foo *** ".trim_right_matches(chars), " *** foo");
assert_eq!(" *** *** ".trim_right_matches(chars), "");
assert_eq!(" *** foo".trim_right_matches(chars), " *** foo");
assert_eq!("11foo1bar11".trim_right_matches('1'), "11foo1bar");
let chars: &[char] = &['1', '2'];
assert_eq!("12foo1bar12".trim_right_matches(chars), "12foo1bar");
assert_eq!("123foo1bar123".trim_right_matches(|c: char| c.is_numeric()), "123foo1bar");
fn test_trim_matches() {
let v: &[char] = &[];
assert_eq!(" *** foo *** ".trim_matches(v), " *** foo *** ");
let chars: &[char] = &['*', ' '];
assert_eq!(" *** foo *** ".trim_matches(chars), "foo");
assert_eq!(" *** *** ".trim_matches(chars), "");
assert_eq!("foo".trim_matches(chars), "foo");
assert_eq!("11foo1bar11".trim_matches('1'), "foo1bar");
let chars: &[char] = &['1', '2'];
assert_eq!("12foo1bar12".trim_matches(chars), "foo1bar");
assert_eq!("123foo1bar123".trim_matches(|c: char| c.is_numeric()), "foo1bar");
fn test_trim_left() {
assert_eq!("".trim_left(), "");
assert_eq!("a".trim_left(), "a");
assert_eq!(" ".trim_left(), "");
assert_eq!(" blah".trim_left(), "blah");
assert_eq!(" \u{3000} wut".trim_left(), "wut");
assert_eq!("hey ".trim_left(), "hey ");
fn test_trim_right() {
assert_eq!("".trim_right(), "");
assert_eq!("a".trim_right(), "a");
assert_eq!(" ".trim_right(), "");
assert_eq!("blah ".trim_right(), "blah");
assert_eq!("wut \u{3000} ".trim_right(), "wut");
assert_eq!(" hey".trim_right(), " hey");
fn test_trim() {
assert_eq!("".trim(), "");
assert_eq!("a".trim(), "a");
assert_eq!(" ".trim(), "");
assert_eq!(" blah ".trim(), "blah");
assert_eq!("\nwut \u{3000} ".trim(), "wut");
assert_eq!(" hey dude ".trim(), "hey dude");
fn test_is_whitespace() {
assert!("".chars().all(|c| c.is_whitespace()));
assert!(" ".chars().all(|c| c.is_whitespace()));
assert!("\u{2009}".chars().all(|c| c.is_whitespace())); // Thin space
assert!(" \n\t ".chars().all(|c| c.is_whitespace()));
assert!(!" _ ".chars().all(|c| c.is_whitespace()));
fn test_slice_shift_char() {
let data = "ประเทศไทย中";
assert_eq!(data.slice_shift_char(), Some(('ป', "ระเทศไทย中")));
fn test_slice_shift_char_2() {
let empty = "";
assert_eq!(empty.slice_shift_char(), None);
fn test_is_utf8() {
// deny overlong encodings
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xc0, 0x80]).is_err());
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xc0, 0xae]).is_err());
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xe0, 0x80, 0x80]).is_err());
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xe0, 0x80, 0xaf]).is_err());
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xe0, 0x81, 0x81]).is_err());
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xf0, 0x82, 0x82, 0xac]).is_err());
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xf4, 0x90, 0x80, 0x80]).is_err());
// deny surrogates
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xED, 0xA0, 0x80]).is_err());
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xED, 0xBF, 0xBF]).is_err());
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xC2, 0x80]).is_ok());
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xDF, 0xBF]).is_ok());
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xE0, 0xA0, 0x80]).is_ok());
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xED, 0x9F, 0xBF]).is_ok());
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xEE, 0x80, 0x80]).is_ok());
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBF]).is_ok());
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xF0, 0x90, 0x80, 0x80]).is_ok());
assert!(from_utf8(&[0xF4, 0x8F, 0xBF, 0xBF]).is_ok());
fn test_is_utf16() {
use unicode::str::is_utf16;
macro_rules! pos {
($($e:expr),*) => { { $(assert!(is_utf16($e));)* } }
// non-surrogates
&[0x0001, 0x0002],
// surrogate pairs (randomly generated with Python 3's
// .encode('utf-16be'))
pos!(&[0xdb54, 0xdf16, 0xd880, 0xdee0, 0xdb6a, 0xdd45],
&[0xd91f, 0xdeb1, 0xdb31, 0xdd84, 0xd8e2, 0xde14],
&[0xdb9f, 0xdc26, 0xdb6f, 0xde58, 0xd850, 0xdfae]);
// mixtures (also random)
pos!(&[0xd921, 0xdcc2, 0x002d, 0x004d, 0xdb32, 0xdf65],
&[0xdb45, 0xdd2d, 0x006a, 0xdacd, 0xddfe, 0x0006],
&[0x0067, 0xd8ff, 0xddb7, 0x000f, 0xd900, 0xdc80]);
// negative tests
macro_rules! neg {
($($e:expr),*) => { { $(assert!(!is_utf16($e));)* } }
// surrogate + regular unit
&[0xdb45, 0x0000],
// surrogate + lead surrogate
&[0xd900, 0xd900],
// unterminated surrogate
// trail surrogate without a lead
// random byte sequences that Python 3's .decode('utf-16be')
// failed on
neg!(&[0x5b3d, 0x0141, 0xde9e, 0x8fdc, 0xc6e7],
&[0xdf5a, 0x82a5, 0x62b9, 0xb447, 0x92f3],
&[0xda4e, 0x42bc, 0x4462, 0xee98, 0xc2ca],
&[0xbe00, 0xb04a, 0x6ecb, 0xdd89, 0xe278],
&[0x0465, 0xab56, 0xdbb6, 0xa893, 0x665e],
&[0x6b7f, 0x0a19, 0x40f4, 0xa657, 0xdcc5],
&[0x9b50, 0xda5e, 0x24ec, 0x03ad, 0x6dee],
&[0x8d17, 0xcaa7, 0xf4ae, 0xdf6e, 0xbed7],
&[0xdaee, 0x2584, 0x7d30, 0xa626, 0x121a],
&[0xd956, 0x4b43, 0x7570, 0xccd6, 0x4f4a],
&[0x9dcf, 0x1b49, 0x4ba5, 0xfce9, 0xdffe],
&[0x6572, 0xce53, 0xb05a, 0xf6af, 0xdacf],
&[0x1b90, 0x728c, 0x9906, 0xdb68, 0xf46e],
&[0x1606, 0xbeca, 0xbe76, 0x860f, 0xdfa5],
&[0x8b4f, 0xde7a, 0xd220, 0x9fac, 0x2b6f],
&[0xb8fe, 0xebbe, 0xda32, 0x1a5f, 0x8b8b],
&[0x934b, 0x8956, 0xc434, 0x1881, 0xddf7],
&[0x5a95, 0x13fc, 0xf116, 0xd89b, 0x93f9],
&[0xd640, 0x71f1, 0xdd7d, 0x77eb, 0x1cd8],
&[0x348b, 0xaef0, 0xdb2c, 0xebf1, 0x1282],
&[0x50d7, 0xd824, 0x5010, 0xb369, 0x22ea]);
fn test_as_bytes() {
// no null
let v = [
224, 184, 168, 224, 185, 132, 224, 184, 151, 224, 184, 162, 228,
184, 173, 229, 141, 142, 86, 105, 225, 187, 135, 116, 32, 78, 97,
let b: &[u8] = &[];
assert_eq!("".as_bytes(), b);
assert_eq!("abc".as_bytes(), b"abc");
assert_eq!("ศไทย中华Việt Nam".as_bytes(), v);
fn test_as_bytes_fail() {
// Don't double free. (I'm not sure if this exercises the
// original problem code path anymore.)
let s = String::from_str("");
let _bytes = s.as_bytes();
fn test_as_ptr() {
let buf = "hello".as_ptr();
unsafe {
assert_eq!(*buf.offset(0), b'h');
assert_eq!(*buf.offset(1), b'e');
assert_eq!(*buf.offset(2), b'l');
assert_eq!(*buf.offset(3), b'l');
assert_eq!(*buf.offset(4), b'o');
fn test_subslice_offset() {
let a = "kernelsprite";
let b = &a[7..a.len()];
let c = &a[0..a.len() - 6];
assert_eq!(a.subslice_offset(b), 7);
assert_eq!(a.subslice_offset(c), 0);
let string = "a\nb\nc";
let lines: Vec<&str> = string.lines().collect();
assert_eq!(string.subslice_offset(lines[0]), 0);
assert_eq!(string.subslice_offset(lines[1]), 2);
assert_eq!(string.subslice_offset(lines[2]), 4);
fn test_subslice_offset_2() {
let a = "alchemiter";
let b = "cruxtruder";
fn vec_str_conversions() {
let s1: String = String::from_str("All mimsy were the borogoves");
let v: Vec<u8> = s1.as_bytes().to_vec();
let s2: String = String::from_str(from_utf8(&v).unwrap());
let mut i = 0;
let n1 = s1.len();
let n2 = v.len();
assert_eq!(n1, n2);
while i < n1 {
let a: u8 = s1.as_bytes()[i];
let b: u8 = s2.as_bytes()[i];
debug!("{}", a);
debug!("{}", b);
assert_eq!(a, b);
i += 1;
fn test_contains() {
let data = "ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam";
fn test_contains_char() {
fn test_char_at() {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let v = vec!['ศ','ไ','ท','ย','中','华','V','i','ệ','t',' ','N','a','m'];
let mut pos = 0;
for ch in &v {
assert!(s.char_at(pos) == *ch);
pos += ch.to_string().len();
fn test_char_at_reverse() {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let v = vec!['ศ','ไ','ท','ย','中','华','V','i','ệ','t',' ','N','a','m'];
let mut pos = s.len();
for ch in v.iter().rev() {
assert!(s.char_at_reverse(pos) == *ch);
pos -= ch.to_string().len();
fn test_escape_unicode() {
assert_eq!("a c".escape_unicode(),
fn test_escape_default() {
assert_eq!("abc".escape_default(), String::from_str("abc"));
assert_eq!("a c".escape_default(), String::from_str("a c"));
assert_eq!("\r\n\t".escape_default(), String::from_str("\\r\\n\\t"));
assert_eq!("'\"\\".escape_default(), String::from_str("\\'\\\"\\\\"));
fn test_total_ord() {
"1234".cmp("123") == Greater;
"123".cmp("1234") == Less;
"1234".cmp("1234") == Equal;
"12345555".cmp("123456") == Less;
"22".cmp("1234") == Greater;
fn test_char_range_at() {
let data = "b¢€𤭢𤭢€¢b";
assert_eq!('b', data.char_range_at(0).ch);
assert_eq!('¢', data.char_range_at(1).ch);
assert_eq!('€', data.char_range_at(3).ch);
assert_eq!('𤭢', data.char_range_at(6).ch);
assert_eq!('𤭢', data.char_range_at(10).ch);
assert_eq!('€', data.char_range_at(14).ch);
assert_eq!('¢', data.char_range_at(17).ch);
assert_eq!('b', data.char_range_at(19).ch);
fn test_char_range_at_reverse_underflow() {
assert_eq!("abc".char_range_at_reverse(0).next, 0);
fn test_iterator() {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let v = ['ศ','ไ','ท','ย','中','华','V','i','ệ','t',' ','N','a','m'];
let mut pos = 0;
let it = s.chars();
for c in it {
assert_eq!(c, v[pos]);
pos += 1;
assert_eq!(pos, v.len());
fn test_rev_iterator() {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let v = ['m', 'a', 'N', ' ', 't', 'ệ','i','V','华','中','ย','ท','ไ','ศ'];
let mut pos = 0;
let it = s.chars().rev();
for c in it {
assert_eq!(c, v[pos]);
pos += 1;
assert_eq!(pos, v.len());
fn test_chars_decoding() {
let mut bytes = [0; 4];
for c in (0..0x110000).filter_map(::std::char::from_u32) {
let len = c.encode_utf8(&mut bytes).unwrap_or(0);
let s = ::std::str::from_utf8(&bytes[..len]).unwrap();
if Some(c) != s.chars().next() {
panic!("character {:x}={} does not decode correctly", c as u32, c);
fn test_chars_rev_decoding() {
let mut bytes = [0; 4];
for c in (0..0x110000).filter_map(::std::char::from_u32) {
let len = c.encode_utf8(&mut bytes).unwrap_or(0);
let s = ::std::str::from_utf8(&bytes[..len]).unwrap();
if Some(c) != s.chars().rev().next() {
panic!("character {:x}={} does not decode correctly", c as u32, c);
fn test_iterator_clone() {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let mut it = s.chars();
assert!(it.clone().zip(it).all(|(x,y)| x == y));
fn test_bytesator() {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let v = [
224, 184, 168, 224, 185, 132, 224, 184, 151, 224, 184, 162, 228,
184, 173, 229, 141, 142, 86, 105, 225, 187, 135, 116, 32, 78, 97,
let mut pos = 0;
for b in s.bytes() {
assert_eq!(b, v[pos]);
pos += 1;
fn test_bytes_revator() {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let v = [
224, 184, 168, 224, 185, 132, 224, 184, 151, 224, 184, 162, 228,
184, 173, 229, 141, 142, 86, 105, 225, 187, 135, 116, 32, 78, 97,
let mut pos = v.len();
for b in s.bytes().rev() {
pos -= 1;
assert_eq!(b, v[pos]);
fn test_char_indicesator() {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let p = [0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27];
let v = ['ศ','ไ','ท','ย','中','华','V','i','ệ','t',' ','N','a','m'];
let mut pos = 0;
let it = s.char_indices();
for c in it {
assert_eq!(c, (p[pos], v[pos]));
pos += 1;
assert_eq!(pos, v.len());
assert_eq!(pos, p.len());
fn test_char_indices_revator() {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let p = [27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 20, 19, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0];
let v = ['m', 'a', 'N', ' ', 't', 'ệ','i','V','华','中','ย','ท','ไ','ศ'];
let mut pos = 0;
let it = s.char_indices().rev();
for c in it {
assert_eq!(c, (p[pos], v[pos]));
pos += 1;
assert_eq!(pos, v.len());
assert_eq!(pos, p.len());
fn test_splitn_char_iterator() {
let data = "\nMäry häd ä little lämb\nLittle lämb\n";
let split: Vec<&str> = data.splitn(3, ' ').collect();
assert_eq!(split, ["\nMäry", "häd", "ä", "little lämb\nLittle lämb\n"]);
let split: Vec<&str> = data.splitn(3, |c: char| c == ' ').collect();
assert_eq!(split, ["\nMäry", "häd", "ä", "little lämb\nLittle lämb\n"]);
// Unicode
let split: Vec<&str> = data.splitn(3, 'ä').collect();
assert_eq!(split, ["\nM", "ry h", "d ", " little lämb\nLittle lämb\n"]);
let split: Vec<&str> = data.splitn(3, |c: char| c == 'ä').collect();
assert_eq!(split, ["\nM", "ry h", "d ", " little lämb\nLittle lämb\n"]);
fn test_split_char_iterator_no_trailing() {
let data = "\nMäry häd ä little lämb\nLittle lämb\n";
let split: Vec<&str> = data.split('\n').collect();
assert_eq!(split, ["", "Märy häd ä little lämb", "Little lämb", ""]);
let split: Vec<&str> = data.split_terminator('\n').collect();
assert_eq!(split, ["", "Märy häd ä little lämb", "Little lämb"]);
fn test_words() {
let data = "\n \tMäry häd\tä little lämb\nLittle lämb\n";
let words: Vec<&str> = data.words().collect();
assert_eq!(words, ["Märy", "häd", "ä", "little", "lämb", "Little", "lämb"])
fn test_nfd_chars() {
macro_rules! t {
($input: expr, $expected: expr) => {
assert_eq!($input.nfd_chars().collect::<String>(), $expected);
t!("abc", "abc");
t!("\u{1e0b}\u{1c4}", "d\u{307}\u{1c4}");
t!("\u{2026}", "\u{2026}");
t!("\u{2126}", "\u{3a9}");
t!("\u{1e0b}\u{323}", "d\u{323}\u{307}");
t!("\u{1e0d}\u{307}", "d\u{323}\u{307}");
t!("a\u{301}", "a\u{301}");
t!("\u{301}a", "\u{301}a");
t!("\u{d4db}", "\u{1111}\u{1171}\u{11b6}");
t!("\u{ac1c}", "\u{1100}\u{1162}");
fn test_nfkd_chars() {
macro_rules! t {
($input: expr, $expected: expr) => {
assert_eq!($input.nfkd_chars().collect::<String>(), $expected);
t!("abc", "abc");
t!("\u{1e0b}\u{1c4}", "d\u{307}DZ\u{30c}");
t!("\u{2026}", "...");
t!("\u{2126}", "\u{3a9}");
t!("\u{1e0b}\u{323}", "d\u{323}\u{307}");
t!("\u{1e0d}\u{307}", "d\u{323}\u{307}");
t!("a\u{301}", "a\u{301}");
t!("\u{301}a", "\u{301}a");
t!("\u{d4db}", "\u{1111}\u{1171}\u{11b6}");
t!("\u{ac1c}", "\u{1100}\u{1162}");
fn test_nfc_chars() {
macro_rules! t {
($input: expr, $expected: expr) => {
assert_eq!($input.nfc_chars().collect::<String>(), $expected);
t!("abc", "abc");
t!("\u{1e0b}\u{1c4}", "\u{1e0b}\u{1c4}");
t!("\u{2026}", "\u{2026}");
t!("\u{2126}", "\u{3a9}");
t!("\u{1e0b}\u{323}", "\u{1e0d}\u{307}");
t!("\u{1e0d}\u{307}", "\u{1e0d}\u{307}");
t!("a\u{301}", "\u{e1}");
t!("\u{301}a", "\u{301}a");
t!("\u{d4db}", "\u{d4db}");
t!("\u{ac1c}", "\u{ac1c}");
t!("a\u{300}\u{305}\u{315}\u{5ae}b", "\u{e0}\u{5ae}\u{305}\u{315}b");
fn test_nfkc_chars() {
macro_rules! t {
($input: expr, $expected: expr) => {
assert_eq!($input.nfkc_chars().collect::<String>(), $expected);
t!("abc", "abc");
t!("\u{1e0b}\u{1c4}", "\u{1e0b}D\u{17d}");
t!("\u{2026}", "...");
t!("\u{2126}", "\u{3a9}");
t!("\u{1e0b}\u{323}", "\u{1e0d}\u{307}");
t!("\u{1e0d}\u{307}", "\u{1e0d}\u{307}");
t!("a\u{301}", "\u{e1}");
t!("\u{301}a", "\u{301}a");
t!("\u{d4db}", "\u{d4db}");
t!("\u{ac1c}", "\u{ac1c}");
t!("a\u{300}\u{305}\u{315}\u{5ae}b", "\u{e0}\u{5ae}\u{305}\u{315}b");
fn test_lines() {
let data = "\nMäry häd ä little lämb\n\nLittle lämb\n";
let lines: Vec<&str> = data.lines().collect();
assert_eq!(lines, ["", "Märy häd ä little lämb", "", "Little lämb"]);
let data = "\nMäry häd ä little lämb\n\nLittle lämb"; // no trailing \n
let lines: Vec<&str> = data.lines().collect();
assert_eq!(lines, ["", "Märy häd ä little lämb", "", "Little lämb"]);
fn test_graphemes() {
use std::iter::order;
// official Unicode test data
// from http://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/auxiliary/GraphemeBreakTest.txt
let test_same: [(_, &[_]); 325] = [
("\u{20}\u{20}", &["\u{20}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{20}\u{308}\u{20}", &["\u{20}\u{308}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{20}\u{D}", &["\u{20}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{20}\u{308}\u{D}", &["\u{20}\u{308}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{20}\u{A}", &["\u{20}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{20}\u{308}\u{A}", &["\u{20}\u{308}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{20}\u{1}", &["\u{20}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{20}\u{308}\u{1}", &["\u{20}\u{308}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{20}\u{300}", &["\u{20}\u{300}"]),
("\u{20}\u{308}\u{300}", &["\u{20}\u{308}\u{300}"]),
("\u{20}\u{1100}", &["\u{20}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{20}\u{308}\u{1100}", &["\u{20}\u{308}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{20}\u{1160}", &["\u{20}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{20}\u{308}\u{1160}", &["\u{20}\u{308}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{20}\u{11A8}", &["\u{20}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{20}\u{308}\u{11A8}", &["\u{20}\u{308}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{20}\u{AC00}", &["\u{20}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{20}\u{308}\u{AC00}", &["\u{20}\u{308}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{20}\u{AC01}", &["\u{20}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{20}\u{308}\u{AC01}", &["\u{20}\u{308}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{20}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{20}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{20}\u{308}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{20}\u{308}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{20}\u{378}", &["\u{20}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{20}\u{308}\u{378}", &["\u{20}\u{308}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{D}\u{20}", &["\u{D}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{D}\u{308}\u{20}", &["\u{D}", "\u{308}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{D}\u{D}", &["\u{D}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{D}\u{308}\u{D}", &["\u{D}", "\u{308}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{D}\u{A}", &["\u{D}\u{A}"]),
("\u{D}\u{308}\u{A}", &["\u{D}", "\u{308}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{D}\u{1}", &["\u{D}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{D}\u{308}\u{1}", &["\u{D}", "\u{308}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{D}\u{300}", &["\u{D}", "\u{300}"]),
("\u{D}\u{308}\u{300}", &["\u{D}", "\u{308}\u{300}"]),
("\u{D}\u{903}", &["\u{D}", "\u{903}"]),
("\u{D}\u{1100}", &["\u{D}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{D}\u{308}\u{1100}", &["\u{D}", "\u{308}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{D}\u{1160}", &["\u{D}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{D}\u{308}\u{1160}", &["\u{D}", "\u{308}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{D}\u{11A8}", &["\u{D}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{D}\u{308}\u{11A8}", &["\u{D}", "\u{308}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{D}\u{AC00}", &["\u{D}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{D}\u{308}\u{AC00}", &["\u{D}", "\u{308}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{D}\u{AC01}", &["\u{D}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{D}\u{308}\u{AC01}", &["\u{D}", "\u{308}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{D}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{D}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{D}\u{308}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{D}", "\u{308}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{D}\u{378}", &["\u{D}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{D}\u{308}\u{378}", &["\u{D}", "\u{308}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{A}\u{20}", &["\u{A}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{A}\u{308}\u{20}", &["\u{A}", "\u{308}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{A}\u{D}", &["\u{A}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{A}\u{308}\u{D}", &["\u{A}", "\u{308}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{A}\u{A}", &["\u{A}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{A}\u{308}\u{A}", &["\u{A}", "\u{308}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{A}\u{1}", &["\u{A}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{A}\u{308}\u{1}", &["\u{A}", "\u{308}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{A}\u{300}", &["\u{A}", "\u{300}"]),
("\u{A}\u{308}\u{300}", &["\u{A}", "\u{308}\u{300}"]),
("\u{A}\u{903}", &["\u{A}", "\u{903}"]),
("\u{A}\u{1100}", &["\u{A}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{A}\u{308}\u{1100}", &["\u{A}", "\u{308}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{A}\u{1160}", &["\u{A}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{A}\u{308}\u{1160}", &["\u{A}", "\u{308}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{A}\u{11A8}", &["\u{A}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{A}\u{308}\u{11A8}", &["\u{A}", "\u{308}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{A}\u{AC00}", &["\u{A}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{A}\u{308}\u{AC00}", &["\u{A}", "\u{308}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{A}\u{AC01}", &["\u{A}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{A}\u{308}\u{AC01}", &["\u{A}", "\u{308}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{A}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{A}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{A}\u{308}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{A}", "\u{308}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{A}\u{378}", &["\u{A}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{A}\u{308}\u{378}", &["\u{A}", "\u{308}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{1}\u{20}", &["\u{1}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{1}\u{308}\u{20}", &["\u{1}", "\u{308}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{1}\u{D}", &["\u{1}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{1}\u{308}\u{D}", &["\u{1}", "\u{308}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{1}\u{A}", &["\u{1}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{1}\u{308}\u{A}", &["\u{1}", "\u{308}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{1}\u{1}", &["\u{1}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{1}\u{308}\u{1}", &["\u{1}", "\u{308}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{1}\u{300}", &["\u{1}", "\u{300}"]),
("\u{1}\u{308}\u{300}", &["\u{1}", "\u{308}\u{300}"]),
("\u{1}\u{903}", &["\u{1}", "\u{903}"]),
("\u{1}\u{1100}", &["\u{1}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{1}\u{308}\u{1100}", &["\u{1}", "\u{308}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{1}\u{1160}", &["\u{1}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{1}\u{308}\u{1160}", &["\u{1}", "\u{308}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{1}\u{11A8}", &["\u{1}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{1}\u{308}\u{11A8}", &["\u{1}", "\u{308}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{1}\u{AC00}", &["\u{1}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{1}\u{308}\u{AC00}", &["\u{1}", "\u{308}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{1}\u{AC01}", &["\u{1}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{1}\u{308}\u{AC01}", &["\u{1}", "\u{308}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{1}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{1}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{1}\u{308}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{1}", "\u{308}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{1}\u{378}", &["\u{1}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{1}\u{308}\u{378}", &["\u{1}", "\u{308}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{300}\u{20}", &["\u{300}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{300}\u{308}\u{20}", &["\u{300}\u{308}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{300}\u{D}", &["\u{300}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{300}\u{308}\u{D}", &["\u{300}\u{308}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{300}\u{A}", &["\u{300}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{300}\u{308}\u{A}", &["\u{300}\u{308}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{300}\u{1}", &["\u{300}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{300}\u{308}\u{1}", &["\u{300}\u{308}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{300}\u{300}", &["\u{300}\u{300}"]),
("\u{300}\u{308}\u{300}", &["\u{300}\u{308}\u{300}"]),
("\u{300}\u{1100}", &["\u{300}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{300}\u{308}\u{1100}", &["\u{300}\u{308}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{300}\u{1160}", &["\u{300}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{300}\u{308}\u{1160}", &["\u{300}\u{308}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{300}\u{11A8}", &["\u{300}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{300}\u{308}\u{11A8}", &["\u{300}\u{308}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{300}\u{AC00}", &["\u{300}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{300}\u{308}\u{AC00}", &["\u{300}\u{308}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{300}\u{AC01}", &["\u{300}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{300}\u{308}\u{AC01}", &["\u{300}\u{308}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{300}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{300}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{300}\u{308}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{300}\u{308}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{300}\u{378}", &["\u{300}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{300}\u{308}\u{378}", &["\u{300}\u{308}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{903}\u{20}", &["\u{903}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{903}\u{308}\u{20}", &["\u{903}\u{308}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{903}\u{D}", &["\u{903}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{903}\u{308}\u{D}", &["\u{903}\u{308}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{903}\u{A}", &["\u{903}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{903}\u{308}\u{A}", &["\u{903}\u{308}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{903}\u{1}", &["\u{903}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{903}\u{308}\u{1}", &["\u{903}\u{308}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{903}\u{300}", &["\u{903}\u{300}"]),
("\u{903}\u{308}\u{300}", &["\u{903}\u{308}\u{300}"]),
("\u{903}\u{1100}", &["\u{903}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{903}\u{308}\u{1100}", &["\u{903}\u{308}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{903}\u{1160}", &["\u{903}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{903}\u{308}\u{1160}", &["\u{903}\u{308}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{903}\u{11A8}", &["\u{903}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{903}\u{308}\u{11A8}", &["\u{903}\u{308}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{903}\u{AC00}", &["\u{903}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{903}\u{308}\u{AC00}", &["\u{903}\u{308}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{903}\u{AC01}", &["\u{903}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{903}\u{308}\u{AC01}", &["\u{903}\u{308}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{903}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{903}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{903}\u{308}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{903}\u{308}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{903}\u{378}", &["\u{903}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{903}\u{308}\u{378}", &["\u{903}\u{308}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{20}", &["\u{1100}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{308}\u{20}", &["\u{1100}\u{308}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{D}", &["\u{1100}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{308}\u{D}", &["\u{1100}\u{308}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{A}", &["\u{1100}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{308}\u{A}", &["\u{1100}\u{308}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{1}", &["\u{1100}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{308}\u{1}", &["\u{1100}\u{308}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{300}", &["\u{1100}\u{300}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{308}\u{300}", &["\u{1100}\u{308}\u{300}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{1100}", &["\u{1100}\u{1100}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{308}\u{1100}", &["\u{1100}\u{308}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{1160}", &["\u{1100}\u{1160}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{308}\u{1160}", &["\u{1100}\u{308}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{11A8}", &["\u{1100}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{308}\u{11A8}", &["\u{1100}\u{308}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{AC00}", &["\u{1100}\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{308}\u{AC00}", &["\u{1100}\u{308}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{AC01}", &["\u{1100}\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{308}\u{AC01}", &["\u{1100}\u{308}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{1100}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{308}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{1100}\u{308}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{378}", &["\u{1100}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{1100}\u{308}\u{378}", &["\u{1100}\u{308}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{20}", &["\u{1160}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{308}\u{20}", &["\u{1160}\u{308}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{D}", &["\u{1160}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{308}\u{D}", &["\u{1160}\u{308}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{A}", &["\u{1160}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{308}\u{A}", &["\u{1160}\u{308}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{1}", &["\u{1160}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{308}\u{1}", &["\u{1160}\u{308}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{300}", &["\u{1160}\u{300}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{308}\u{300}", &["\u{1160}\u{308}\u{300}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{1100}", &["\u{1160}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{308}\u{1100}", &["\u{1160}\u{308}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{1160}", &["\u{1160}\u{1160}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{308}\u{1160}", &["\u{1160}\u{308}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{11A8}", &["\u{1160}\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{308}\u{11A8}", &["\u{1160}\u{308}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{AC00}", &["\u{1160}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{308}\u{AC00}", &["\u{1160}\u{308}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{AC01}", &["\u{1160}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{308}\u{AC01}", &["\u{1160}\u{308}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{1160}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{308}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{1160}\u{308}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{378}", &["\u{1160}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{1160}\u{308}\u{378}", &["\u{1160}\u{308}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{20}", &["\u{11A8}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{308}\u{20}", &["\u{11A8}\u{308}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{D}", &["\u{11A8}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{308}\u{D}", &["\u{11A8}\u{308}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{A}", &["\u{11A8}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{308}\u{A}", &["\u{11A8}\u{308}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{1}", &["\u{11A8}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{308}\u{1}", &["\u{11A8}\u{308}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{300}", &["\u{11A8}\u{300}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{308}\u{300}", &["\u{11A8}\u{308}\u{300}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{1100}", &["\u{11A8}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{308}\u{1100}", &["\u{11A8}\u{308}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{1160}", &["\u{11A8}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{308}\u{1160}", &["\u{11A8}\u{308}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{11A8}", &["\u{11A8}\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{308}\u{11A8}", &["\u{11A8}\u{308}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{AC00}", &["\u{11A8}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{308}\u{AC00}", &["\u{11A8}\u{308}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{AC01}", &["\u{11A8}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{308}\u{AC01}", &["\u{11A8}\u{308}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{11A8}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{308}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{11A8}\u{308}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{378}", &["\u{11A8}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{11A8}\u{308}\u{378}", &["\u{11A8}\u{308}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{20}", &["\u{AC00}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{308}\u{20}", &["\u{AC00}\u{308}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{D}", &["\u{AC00}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{308}\u{D}", &["\u{AC00}\u{308}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{A}", &["\u{AC00}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{308}\u{A}", &["\u{AC00}\u{308}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{1}", &["\u{AC00}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{308}\u{1}", &["\u{AC00}\u{308}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{300}", &["\u{AC00}\u{300}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{308}\u{300}", &["\u{AC00}\u{308}\u{300}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{1100}", &["\u{AC00}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{308}\u{1100}", &["\u{AC00}\u{308}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{1160}", &["\u{AC00}\u{1160}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{308}\u{1160}", &["\u{AC00}\u{308}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{11A8}", &["\u{AC00}\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{308}\u{11A8}", &["\u{AC00}\u{308}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{AC00}", &["\u{AC00}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{308}\u{AC00}", &["\u{AC00}\u{308}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{AC01}", &["\u{AC00}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{308}\u{AC01}", &["\u{AC00}\u{308}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{AC00}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{308}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{AC00}\u{308}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{378}", &["\u{AC00}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{AC00}\u{308}\u{378}", &["\u{AC00}\u{308}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{20}", &["\u{AC01}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{308}\u{20}", &["\u{AC01}\u{308}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{D}", &["\u{AC01}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{308}\u{D}", &["\u{AC01}\u{308}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{A}", &["\u{AC01}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{308}\u{A}", &["\u{AC01}\u{308}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{1}", &["\u{AC01}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{308}\u{1}", &["\u{AC01}\u{308}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{300}", &["\u{AC01}\u{300}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{308}\u{300}", &["\u{AC01}\u{308}\u{300}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{1100}", &["\u{AC01}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{308}\u{1100}", &["\u{AC01}\u{308}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{1160}", &["\u{AC01}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{308}\u{1160}", &["\u{AC01}\u{308}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{11A8}", &["\u{AC01}\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{308}\u{11A8}", &["\u{AC01}\u{308}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{AC00}", &["\u{AC01}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{308}\u{AC00}", &["\u{AC01}\u{308}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{AC01}", &["\u{AC01}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{308}\u{AC01}", &["\u{AC01}\u{308}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{AC01}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{308}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{AC01}\u{308}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{378}", &["\u{AC01}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{AC01}\u{308}\u{378}", &["\u{AC01}\u{308}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{20}", &["\u{1F1E6}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{308}\u{20}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{308}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{D}", &["\u{1F1E6}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{308}\u{D}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{308}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{A}", &["\u{1F1E6}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{308}\u{A}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{308}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{1}", &["\u{1F1E6}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{308}\u{1}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{308}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{300}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{300}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{308}\u{300}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{308}\u{300}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{1100}", &["\u{1F1E6}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{308}\u{1100}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{308}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{1160}", &["\u{1F1E6}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{308}\u{1160}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{308}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{11A8}", &["\u{1F1E6}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{308}\u{11A8}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{308}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{AC00}", &["\u{1F1E6}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{308}\u{AC00}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{308}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{AC01}", &["\u{1F1E6}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{308}\u{AC01}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{308}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{308}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{308}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{378}", &["\u{1F1E6}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{308}\u{378}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{308}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{378}\u{20}", &["\u{378}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{378}\u{308}\u{20}", &["\u{378}\u{308}", "\u{20}"]),
("\u{378}\u{D}", &["\u{378}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{378}\u{308}\u{D}", &["\u{378}\u{308}", "\u{D}"]),
("\u{378}\u{A}", &["\u{378}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{378}\u{308}\u{A}", &["\u{378}\u{308}", "\u{A}"]),
("\u{378}\u{1}", &["\u{378}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{378}\u{308}\u{1}", &["\u{378}\u{308}", "\u{1}"]),
("\u{378}\u{300}", &["\u{378}\u{300}"]),
("\u{378}\u{308}\u{300}", &["\u{378}\u{308}\u{300}"]),
("\u{378}\u{1100}", &["\u{378}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{378}\u{308}\u{1100}", &["\u{378}\u{308}", "\u{1100}"]),
("\u{378}\u{1160}", &["\u{378}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{378}\u{308}\u{1160}", &["\u{378}\u{308}", "\u{1160}"]),
("\u{378}\u{11A8}", &["\u{378}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{378}\u{308}\u{11A8}", &["\u{378}\u{308}", "\u{11A8}"]),
("\u{378}\u{AC00}", &["\u{378}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{378}\u{308}\u{AC00}", &["\u{378}\u{308}", "\u{AC00}"]),
("\u{378}\u{AC01}", &["\u{378}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{378}\u{308}\u{AC01}", &["\u{378}\u{308}", "\u{AC01}"]),
("\u{378}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{378}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{378}\u{308}\u{1F1E6}", &["\u{378}\u{308}", "\u{1F1E6}"]),
("\u{378}\u{378}", &["\u{378}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{378}\u{308}\u{378}", &["\u{378}\u{308}", "\u{378}"]),
("\u{61}\u{1F1E6}\u{62}", &["\u{61}", "\u{1F1E6}", "\u{62}"]),
("\u{1F1F7}\u{1F1FA}", &["\u{1F1F7}\u{1F1FA}"]),
("\u{1F1F7}\u{1F1FA}\u{1F1F8}", &["\u{1F1F7}\u{1F1FA}\u{1F1F8}"]),
&["\u{1F1F7}\u{1F1FA}", "\u{200B}", "\u{1F1F8}\u{1F1EA}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{1F1E7}\u{1F1E8}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{1F1E7}\u{1F1E8}"]),
("\u{1F1E6}\u{200D}\u{1F1E7}\u{1F1E8}", &["\u{1F1E6}\u{200D}",
&["\u{1F1E6}\u{1F1E7}\u{200D}", "\u{1F1E8}"]),
("\u{20}\u{200D}\u{646}", &["\u{20}\u{200D}", "\u{646}"]),
("\u{646}\u{200D}\u{20}", &["\u{646}\u{200D}", "\u{20}"]),
let test_diff: [(_, &[_], &[_]); 23] = [
("\u{20}\u{903}", &["\u{20}\u{903}"], &["\u{20}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{20}\u{308}\u{903}",
&["\u{20}\u{308}\u{903}"], &["\u{20}\u{308}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{D}\u{308}\u{903}",
&["\u{D}", "\u{308}\u{903}"], &["\u{D}", "\u{308}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{A}\u{308}\u{903}",
&["\u{A}", "\u{308}\u{903}"], &["\u{A}", "\u{308}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{1}\u{308}\u{903}",
&["\u{1}", "\u{308}\u{903}"], &["\u{1}", "\u{308}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{300}\u{903}",
&["\u{300}\u{903}"], &["\u{300}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{300}\u{308}\u{903}",
&["\u{300}\u{308}\u{903}"], &["\u{300}\u{308}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{903}\u{903}",
&["\u{903}\u{903}"], &["\u{903}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{903}\u{308}\u{903}",
&["\u{903}\u{308}\u{903}"], &["\u{903}\u{308}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{1100}\u{903}",
&["\u{1100}\u{903}"], &["\u{1100}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{1100}\u{308}\u{903}",
&["\u{1100}\u{308}\u{903}"], &["\u{1100}\u{308}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{1160}\u{903}",
&["\u{1160}\u{903}"], &["\u{1160}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{1160}\u{308}\u{903}",
&["\u{1160}\u{308}\u{903}"], &["\u{1160}\u{308}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{11A8}\u{903}",
&["\u{11A8}\u{903}"], &["\u{11A8}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{11A8}\u{308}\u{903}",
&["\u{11A8}\u{308}\u{903}"], &["\u{11A8}\u{308}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{AC00}\u{903}",
&["\u{AC00}\u{903}"], &["\u{AC00}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{AC00}\u{308}\u{903}",
&["\u{AC00}\u{308}\u{903}"], &["\u{AC00}\u{308}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{AC01}\u{903}",
&["\u{AC01}\u{903}"], &["\u{AC01}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{AC01}\u{308}\u{903}",
&["\u{AC01}\u{308}\u{903}"], &["\u{AC01}\u{308}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{1F1E6}\u{903}",
&["\u{1F1E6}\u{903}"], &["\u{1F1E6}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{1F1E6}\u{308}\u{903}",
&["\u{1F1E6}\u{308}\u{903}"], &["\u{1F1E6}\u{308}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{378}\u{903}",
&["\u{378}\u{903}"], &["\u{378}", "\u{903}"]), ("\u{378}\u{308}\u{903}",
&["\u{378}\u{308}\u{903}"], &["\u{378}\u{308}", "\u{903}"]),
for &(s, g) in &test_same[..] {
// test forward iterator
assert!(order::equals(s.graphemes(true), g.iter().cloned()));
assert!(order::equals(s.graphemes(false), g.iter().cloned()));
// test reverse iterator
assert!(order::equals(s.graphemes(true).rev(), g.iter().rev().cloned()));
assert!(order::equals(s.graphemes(false).rev(), g.iter().rev().cloned()));
for &(s, gt, gf) in &test_diff {
// test forward iterator
assert!(order::equals(s.graphemes(true), gt.iter().cloned()));
assert!(order::equals(s.graphemes(false), gf.iter().cloned()));
// test reverse iterator
assert!(order::equals(s.graphemes(true).rev(), gt.iter().rev().cloned()));
assert!(order::equals(s.graphemes(false).rev(), gf.iter().rev().cloned()));
// test the indices iterators
let s = "a̐éö̲\r\n";
let gr_inds = s.grapheme_indices(true).collect::<Vec<(usize, &str)>>();
let b: &[_] = &[(0, ""), (3, ""), (6, "ö̲"), (11, "\r\n")];
assert_eq!(gr_inds, b);
let gr_inds = s.grapheme_indices(true).rev().collect::<Vec<(usize, &str)>>();
let b: &[_] = &[(11, "\r\n"), (6, "ö̲"), (3, ""), (0, "")];
assert_eq!(gr_inds, b);
let mut gr_inds_iter = s.grapheme_indices(true);
let gr_inds = gr_inds_iter.by_ref();
let e1 = gr_inds.size_hint();
assert_eq!(e1, (1, Some(13)));
let c = gr_inds.count();
assert_eq!(c, 4);
let e2 = gr_inds_iter.size_hint();
assert_eq!(e2, (0, Some(0)));
// make sure the reverse iterator does the right thing with "\n" at beginning of string
let s = "\n\r\n\r";
let gr = s.graphemes(true).rev().collect::<Vec<&str>>();
let b: &[_] = &["\r", "\r\n", "\n"];
assert_eq!(gr, b);
fn test_split_strator() {
fn t(s: &str, sep: &str, u: &[&str]) {
let v: Vec<&str> = s.split_str(sep).collect();
assert_eq!(v, u);
t("--1233345--", "12345", &["--1233345--"]);
t("abc::hello::there", "::", &["abc", "hello", "there"]);
t("::hello::there", "::", &["", "hello", "there"]);
t("hello::there::", "::", &["hello", "there", ""]);
t("::hello::there::", "::", &["", "hello", "there", ""]);
t("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam", "中华", &["ประเทศไทย", "Việt Nam"]);
t("zzXXXzzYYYzz", "zz", &["", "XXX", "YYY", ""]);
t("zzXXXzYYYz", "XXX", &["zz", "zYYYz"]);
t(".XXX.YYY.", ".", &["", "XXX", "YYY", ""]);
t("", ".", &[""]);
t("zz", "zz", &["",""]);
t("ok", "z", &["ok"]);
t("zzz", "zz", &["","z"]);
t("zzzzz", "zz", &["","","z"]);
fn test_str_default() {
use std::default::Default;
fn t<S: Default + Str>() {
let s: S = Default::default();
assert_eq!(s.as_slice(), "");
fn test_str_container() {
fn sum_len(v: &[&str]) -> usize {
v.iter().map(|x| x.len()).sum()
let s = String::from_str("01234");
assert_eq!(5, sum_len(&["012", "", "34"]));
assert_eq!(5, sum_len(&[&String::from_str("01"),
assert_eq!(5, sum_len(&[&s]));
fn test_str_from_utf8() {
let xs = b"hello";
assert_eq!(from_utf8(xs), Ok("hello"));
let xs = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam".as_bytes();
assert_eq!(from_utf8(xs), Ok("ศไทย中华Việt Nam"));
let xs = b"hello\xFF";
assert_eq!(from_utf8(xs), Err(Utf8Error::TooShort));
mod bench {
use test::{Bencher, black_box};
fn char_iterator(b: &mut Bencher) {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam; Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb";
b.iter(|| s.chars().count());
fn char_iterator_for(b: &mut Bencher) {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam; Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb";
b.iter(|| {
for ch in s.chars() { black_box(ch); }
fn char_iterator_ascii(b: &mut Bencher) {
let s = "Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb
Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb
Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb
Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb
Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb
Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb";
b.iter(|| s.chars().count());
fn char_iterator_rev(b: &mut Bencher) {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam; Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb";
b.iter(|| s.chars().rev().count());
fn char_iterator_rev_for(b: &mut Bencher) {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam; Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb";
b.iter(|| {
for ch in s.chars().rev() { black_box(ch); }
fn char_indicesator(b: &mut Bencher) {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam; Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb";
let len = s.chars().count();
b.iter(|| assert_eq!(s.char_indices().count(), len));
fn char_indicesator_rev(b: &mut Bencher) {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam; Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb";
let len = s.chars().count();
b.iter(|| assert_eq!(s.char_indices().rev().count(), len));
fn split_unicode_ascii(b: &mut Bencher) {
let s = "ประเทศไทย中华Việt Namประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam";
b.iter(|| assert_eq!(s.split('V').count(), 3));
fn split_ascii(b: &mut Bencher) {
let s = "Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb, little-lamb.";
let len = s.split(' ').count();
b.iter(|| assert_eq!(s.split(' ').count(), len));
fn split_extern_fn(b: &mut Bencher) {
let s = "Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb, little-lamb.";
let len = s.split(' ').count();
fn pred(c: char) -> bool { c == ' ' }
b.iter(|| assert_eq!(s.split(pred).count(), len));
fn split_closure(b: &mut Bencher) {
let s = "Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb, little-lamb.";
let len = s.split(' ').count();
b.iter(|| assert_eq!(s.split(|c: char| c == ' ').count(), len));
fn split_slice(b: &mut Bencher) {
let s = "Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb, little-lamb.";
let len = s.split(' ').count();
let c: &[char] = &[' '];
b.iter(|| assert_eq!(s.split(c).count(), len));
fn bench_connect(b: &mut Bencher) {
let s = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam; Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb";
let sep = "";
let v = vec![s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s];
b.iter(|| {
assert_eq!(v.connect(sep).len(), s.len() * 10 + sep.len() * 9);
fn bench_contains_short_short(b: &mut Bencher) {
let haystack = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.";
let needle = "sit";
b.iter(|| {
fn bench_contains_short_long(b: &mut Bencher) {
let haystack = "\
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis lorem sit amet dolor \
ultricies condimentum. Praesent iaculis purus elit, ac malesuada quam malesuada in. Duis sed orci \
eros. Suspendisse sit amet magna mollis, mollis nunc luctus, imperdiet mi. Integer fringilla non \
sem ut lacinia. Fusce varius tortor a risus porttitor hendrerit. Morbi mauris dui, ultricies nec \
tempus vel, gravida nec quam.
In est dui, tincidunt sed tempus interdum, adipiscing laoreet ante. Etiam tempor, tellus quis \
sagittis interdum, nulla purus mattis sem, quis auctor erat odio ac tellus. In nec nunc sit amet \
diam volutpat molestie at sed ipsum. Vestibulum laoreet consequat vulputate. Integer accumsan \
lorem ac dignissim placerat. Suspendisse convallis faucibus lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat. In vel \
eleifend felis. Sed suscipit nulla lorem, sed mollis est sollicitudin et. Nam fermentum egestas \
interdum. Curabitur ut nisi justo.
Sed sollicitudin ipsum tellus, ut condimentum leo eleifend nec. Cras ut velit ante. Phasellus nec \
mollis odio. Mauris molestie erat in arcu mattis, at aliquet dolor vehicula. Quisque malesuada \
lectus sit amet nisi pretium, a condimentum ipsum porta. Morbi at dapibus diam. Praesent egestas \
est sed risus elementum, eu rutrum metus ultrices. Etiam fermentum consectetur magna, id rutrum \
felis accumsan a. Aliquam ut pellentesque libero. Sed mi nulla, lobortis eu tortor id, suscipit \
ultricies neque. Morbi iaculis sit amet risus at iaculis. Praesent eget ligula quis turpis \
feugiat suscipit vel non arcu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. \
Aliquam sit amet placerat lorem.
Cras a lacus vel ante posuere elementum. Nunc est leo, bibendum ut facilisis vel, bibendum at \
mauris. Nullam adipiscing diam vel odio ornare, luctus adipiscing mi luctus. Nulla facilisi. \
Mauris adipiscing bibendum neque, quis adipiscing lectus tempus et. Sed feugiat erat et nisl \
lobortis pharetra. Donec vitae erat enim. Nullam sit amet felis et quam lacinia tincidunt. Aliquam \
suscipit dapibus urna. Sed volutpat urna in magna pulvinar volutpat. Phasellus nec tellus ac diam \
cursus accumsan.
Nam lectus enim, dapibus non nisi tempor, consectetur convallis massa. Maecenas eleifend dictum \
feugiat. Etiam quis mauris vel risus luctus mattis a a nunc. Nullam orci quam, imperdiet id \
vehicula in, porttitor ut nibh. Duis sagittis adipiscing nisl vitae congue. Donec mollis risus eu \
leo suscipit, varius porttitor nulla porta. Pellentesque ut sem nec nisi euismod vehicula. Nulla \
malesuada sollicitudin quam eu fermentum.";
let needle = "english";
b.iter(|| {
fn bench_contains_bad_naive(b: &mut Bencher) {
let haystack = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
let needle = "aaaaaaaab";
b.iter(|| {
fn bench_contains_equal(b: &mut Bencher) {
let haystack = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.";
let needle = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.";
b.iter(|| {