# This file describes the stage0 compiler that's used to then bootstrap the Rust
# compiler itself. For the rustbuild build system, this also describes the
# relevant Cargo revision that we're using.
# Currently Rust always bootstraps from the previous stable release, and in our
# train model this means that the master branch bootstraps from beta, beta
# bootstraps from current stable, and stable bootstraps from the previous stable
# release.
# If you're looking at this file on the master branch, you'll likely see that
# rustc bootstraps from `beta-$date`, whereas if you're looking at a source
# tarball for a stable release you'll likely see `1.x.0-$date` where `1.x.0` was
# released on `$date`
rustc: beta-2016-12-20
cargo: bfee18f73287687c543bda8c35e4e33808792715