
155 lines
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use rustc::ty;
use rustc::mir;
use rustc_miri::interpret::*;
use helpers::EvalContextExt as HelperEvalContextExt;
pub trait EvalContextExt<'tcx> {
fn ptr_op(
bin_op: mir::BinOp,
left: PrimVal,
left_ty: ty::Ty<'tcx>,
right: PrimVal,
right_ty: ty::Ty<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Option<(PrimVal, bool)>>;
fn ptr_int_arithmetic(
bin_op: mir::BinOp,
left: MemoryPointer,
right: i128,
signed: bool,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, (PrimVal, bool)>;
impl<'a, 'tcx> EvalContextExt<'tcx> for EvalContext<'a, 'tcx, super::Evaluator> {
fn ptr_op(
bin_op: mir::BinOp,
left: PrimVal,
left_ty: ty::Ty<'tcx>,
right: PrimVal,
right_ty: ty::Ty<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Option<(PrimVal, bool)>> {
use rustc_miri::interpret::PrimValKind::*;
use rustc::mir::BinOp::*;
let usize = PrimValKind::from_uint_size(self.memory.pointer_size());
let isize = PrimValKind::from_int_size(self.memory.pointer_size());
let left_kind = self.ty_to_primval_kind(left_ty)?;
let right_kind = self.ty_to_primval_kind(right_ty)?;
match bin_op {
Offset if left_kind == Ptr && right_kind == usize => {
let pointee_ty = left_ty.builtin_deref(true, ty::LvaluePreference::NoPreference).expect("Offset called on non-ptr type").ty;
let ptr = self.pointer_offset(left.into(), pointee_ty, right.to_bytes()? as i64)?;
Ok(Some((ptr.into_inner_primval(), false)))
// These work on anything
Eq if left_kind == right_kind => {
let result = match (left, right) {
(PrimVal::Bytes(left), PrimVal::Bytes(right)) => left == right,
(PrimVal::Ptr(left), PrimVal::Ptr(right)) => left == right,
2017-08-02 16:59:01 +02:00
(PrimVal::Undef, _) | (_, PrimVal::Undef) => return err!(ReadUndefBytes),
_ => false,
Ok(Some((PrimVal::from_bool(result), false)))
Ne if left_kind == right_kind => {
let result = match (left, right) {
(PrimVal::Bytes(left), PrimVal::Bytes(right)) => left != right,
(PrimVal::Ptr(left), PrimVal::Ptr(right)) => left != right,
2017-08-02 16:59:01 +02:00
(PrimVal::Undef, _) | (_, PrimVal::Undef) => return err!(ReadUndefBytes),
_ => true,
Ok(Some((PrimVal::from_bool(result), false)))
// These need both pointers to be in the same allocation
Lt | Le | Gt | Ge | Sub
if left_kind == right_kind
&& (left_kind == Ptr || left_kind == usize || left_kind == isize)
&& left.is_ptr() && right.is_ptr() => {
let left = left.to_ptr()?;
let right = right.to_ptr()?;
if left.alloc_id == right.alloc_id {
let res = match bin_op {
Lt => left.offset < right.offset,
Le => left.offset <= right.offset,
Gt => left.offset > right.offset,
Ge => left.offset >= right.offset,
Sub => return self.binary_op(
PrimVal::Bytes(left.offset as u128),
PrimVal::Bytes(right.offset as u128),
_ => bug!("We already established it has to be one of these operators."),
Ok(Some((PrimVal::from_bool(res), false)))
} else {
// Both are pointers, but from different allocations.
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// These work if one operand is a pointer, the other an integer
Add | BitAnd | Sub
if left_kind == right_kind && (left_kind == usize || left_kind == isize)
&& left.is_ptr() && right.is_bytes() => {
// Cast to i128 is fine as we checked the kind to be ptr-sized
self.ptr_int_arithmetic(bin_op, left.to_ptr()?, right.to_bytes()? as i128, left_kind == isize).map(Some)
Add | BitAnd
if left_kind == right_kind && (left_kind == usize || left_kind == isize)
&& left.is_bytes() && right.is_ptr() => {
// This is a commutative operation, just swap the operands
self.ptr_int_arithmetic(bin_op, right.to_ptr()?, left.to_bytes()? as i128, left_kind == isize).map(Some)
_ => Ok(None)
fn ptr_int_arithmetic(
bin_op: mir::BinOp,
left: MemoryPointer,
right: i128,
signed: bool,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, (PrimVal, bool)> {
use rustc::mir::BinOp::*;
fn map_to_primval((res, over) : (MemoryPointer, bool)) -> (PrimVal, bool) {
(PrimVal::Ptr(res), over)
Ok(match bin_op {
Sub =>
// The only way this can overflow is by underflowing, so signdeness of the right operands does not matter
map_to_primval(left.overflowing_signed_offset(-right, self)),
Add if signed =>
map_to_primval(left.overflowing_signed_offset(right, self)),
Add if !signed =>
map_to_primval(left.overflowing_offset(right as u64, self)),
BitAnd if !signed => {
let base_mask : u64 = !(self.memory.get(left.alloc_id)?.align - 1);
let right = right as u64;
if right & base_mask == base_mask {
// Case 1: The base address bits are all preserved, i.e., right is all-1 there
(PrimVal::Ptr(MemoryPointer::new(left.alloc_id, left.offset & right)), false)
} else if right & base_mask == 0 {
// Case 2: The base address bits are all taken away, i.e., right is all-0 there
(PrimVal::from_u128((left.offset & right) as u128), false)
} else {
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return err!(ReadPointerAsBytes);
_ => {
let msg = format!("unimplemented binary op on pointer {:?}: {:?}, {:?} ({})", bin_op, left, right, if signed { "signed" } else { "unsigned" });
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return err!(Unimplemented(msg));