2010-07-28 16:00:44 -05:00
// -*- rust -*-
use std;
import std.deque;
2010-07-28 18:34:22 -05:00
fn test_simple() {
let deque.t[int] d = deque.create[int]();
check (d.size() == 0u);
check (d.size() == 3u);
check (d.size() == 4u);
log d.peek_front();
check (d.peek_front() == 42);
log d.peek_back();
check (d.peek_back() == 137);
let int i = d.pop_front();
log i;
check (i == 42);
i = d.pop_back();
log i;
check (i == 137);
i = d.pop_back();
log i;
check (i == 137);
i = d.pop_back();
log i;
check (i == 17);
/* FIXME (issue #138): Test d.get() once it no longer causes
* segfault. */
2010-07-28 19:31:41 -05:00
fn test_boxes(@int a, @int b, @int c, @int d) {
let deque.t[@int] deq = deque.create[@int]();
check (deq.size() == 0u);
check (deq.size() == 3u);
check (deq.size() == 4u);
check (deq.peek_front() == b);
check (deq.peek_back() == d);
check (deq.pop_front() == b);
check (deq.pop_back() == d);
check (deq.pop_back() == c);
check (deq.pop_back() == a);
/* FIXME (issue #138): Test d.get() once it no longer causes
* segfault. */
type eqfn[T] = fn(&T a, &T b) -> bool;
fn test_parameterized[T](eqfn[T] e, &T a, &T b, &T c, &T d) {
let deque.t[T] deq = deque.create[T]();
check (deq.size() == 0u);
check (deq.size() == 3u);
check (deq.size() == 4u);
check (e(deq.peek_front(), b));
check (e(deq.peek_back(), d));
check (e(deq.pop_front(), b));
check (e(deq.pop_back(), d));
check (e(deq.pop_back(), c));
check (e(deq.pop_back(), a));
/* FIXME (issue #138): Test d.get() once it no longer causes
* segfault. */
type taggy = tag(one(int), two(int, int), three(int, int, int));
type taggypar[T] = tag(onepar(int),
twopar(int, int),
threepar(int, int, int));
2010-07-28 20:14:33 -05:00
type reccy = rec(int x, int y, taggy t);
2010-07-28 16:00:44 -05:00
fn main() {
2010-07-28 19:31:41 -05:00
fn inteq(&int a, &int b) -> bool {
ret a == b;
fn intboxeq(&@int a, &@int b) -> bool {
ret a == b;
fn taggyeq(&taggy a, &taggy b) -> bool {
alt (a) {
case (one(a1)) {
alt (b) {
case (one(b1)) { ret a1 == b1; }
case (_) { ret false; }
case (two(a1, a2)) {
alt (b) {
case (two(b1, b2)) { ret (a1 == b1 && a2 == b2); }
case (_) { ret false; }
case (three(a1, a2, a3)) {
alt (b) {
case (three(b1, b2, b3)) { ret (a1 == b1 && a2 == b2 && a3 == b3); }
case (_) { ret false; }
fn taggypareq[T](&taggypar[T] a, &taggypar[T] b) -> bool {
alt (a) {
case (onepar[T](a1)) {
alt (b) {
case (onepar[T](b1)) { ret a1 == b1; }
case (_) { ret false; }
case (twopar[T](a1, a2)) {
alt (b) {
case (twopar[T](b1, b2)) { ret (a1 == b1 && a2 == b2); }
case (_) { ret false; }
case (threepar[T](a1, a2, a3)) {
alt (b) {
case (threepar[T](b1, b2, b3)) {
ret (a1 == b1 && a2 == b2 && a3 == b3);
case (_) { ret false; }
2010-07-28 20:14:33 -05:00
fn reccyeq(&reccy a, &reccy b) -> bool {
ret (a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y && taggyeq(a.t, b.t));
2010-07-28 19:31:41 -05:00
log "test simple";
2010-07-28 18:34:22 -05:00
2010-07-28 19:31:41 -05:00
* FIXME: Causes "Invalid read of size 4" under valgrind.
log "test boxes";
test_boxes(@5, @72, @64, @175);
log "test parameterized: int";
let eqfn[int] eq1 = bind inteq(_, _);
test_parameterized[int](eq1, 5, 72, 64, 175);
* FIXME: Appears to segfault after an upcall_grow_task
log "test parameterized: @int";
let eqfn[@int] eq2 = bind intboxeq(_, _);
test_parameterized[@int](eq2, @5, @72, @64, @175);
log "test parameterized: taggy";
let eqfn[taggy] eq3 = bind taggyeq(_, _);
one(1), two(1, 2), three(1, 2, 3), two(17, 42));
* FIXME: Segfault.
log "test parameterized: taggypar[int]";
let eqfn[taggypar[int]] eq4 = bind taggypareq[int](_, _);
twopar[int](1, 2),
threepar[int](1, 2, 3),
twopar[int](17, 42));
2010-07-28 20:14:33 -05:00
* FIXME: Segfault.
log "test parameterized: reccy";
let reccy reccy1 = rec(x=1, y=2, t=one(1));
let reccy reccy2 = rec(x=345, y=2, t=two(1, 2));
let reccy reccy3 = rec(x=1, y=777, t=three(1, 2, 3));
let reccy reccy4 = rec(x=19, y=252, t=two(17, 42));
let eqfn[reccy] eq5 = bind reccyeq(_, _);
reccy1, reccy2, reccy3, reccy4);
2010-07-28 19:31:41 -05:00
log "done";
2010-07-28 16:00:44 -05:00