157 lines
4.1 KiB
157 lines
4.1 KiB
// Translates individual functions in the completed AST to the LLVM IR, using
// destination-passing style.
import syntax::ast;
import middle::trans;
import middle::ty;
import trans::block_ctxt;
import trans::crate_ctxt;
import trans::fn_ctxt;
import trans::local_ctxt;
import lib::llvm::llvm::TypeRef;
import lib::llvm::llvm::ValueRef;
import std::option::none;
import std::option::some;
import type_of_node = trans::node_id_type;
// LLVM utilities
fn llelement_type(TypeRef llty) -> TypeRef {
// Destination utilities
tag dest_slot {
type dest = rec(dest_slot slot, bool move);
fn dest_slot_for_ptr(&ty::ctxt tcx, ValueRef llptr, ty::t t) -> dest_slot {
if ty::type_is_nil(tcx, t) { dst_nil } else { dst_val(llptr) }
fn dest_copy(&ty::ctxt tcx, ValueRef llptr, ty::t t) -> dest {
ret rec(slot=dest_slot_for_ptr(tcx, llptr, t), move=false);
fn dest_move(&ty::ctxt tcx, ValueRef llptr, ty::t t) -> dest {
ret rec(slot=dest_slot_for_ptr(tcx, llptr, t), move=true);
fn dest_tmp(&@block_ctxt bcx, ty::t t) -> tup(@block_ctxt, dest) {
if ty::type_is_nil(bcx_tcx(bcx), t) {
ret tup(bcx, rec(slot=dst_nil, move=true));
auto r = trans::alloc_ty(bcx, t);
ret tup(r.bcx, dest_move(bcx_tcx(bcx), r.val, t));
// Accessors
// TODO: When we have overloading, simplify these names!
fn bcx_tcx(&@block_ctxt bcx) -> ty::ctxt { ret bcx.fcx.lcx.ccx.tcx; }
fn bcx_ccx(&@block_ctxt bcx) -> @crate_ctxt { ret bcx.fcx.lcx.ccx; }
fn bcx_lcx(&@block_ctxt bcx) -> @local_ctxt { ret bcx.fcx.lcx; }
fn bcx_fcx(&@block_ctxt bcx) -> @fn_ctxt { ret bcx.fcx; }
// Common operations
fn store(&@block_ctxt bcx, &dest dest, ValueRef llsrc) -> @block_ctxt {
alt (dest.slot) {
dst_nil { /* no-op */ }
dst_val(?lldest) { bcx.build.Store(llsrc, lldest); }
ret bcx;
// AST substructure translation, with destinations
fn trans_expr(&@block_ctxt bcx, &dest dest, &@ast::expr expr) -> @block_ctxt {
ret bcx; // TODO
fn trans_recv(&@block_ctxt bcx, &dest dest, &@ast::expr expr) -> @block_ctxt {
ret bcx; // TODO
fn trans_block(&@block_ctxt cx, &dest dest, &ast::block block)
-> @block_ctxt {
auto bcx = cx;
for each (@ast::local local in trans::block_locals(block)) {
bcx = trans::alloc_local(bcx, local).bcx;
for (@ast::stmt stmt in block.node.stmts) {
bcx = trans_stmt(bcx, stmt);
// If we hit a terminator, control won't go any further so
// we're in dead-code land. Stop here.
if trans::is_terminated(bcx) { ret bcx; }
alt (block.node.expr) {
some(?e) { ret trans_expr(bcx, dest, e); }
none { ret bcx; }
// AST substructure translation, without destinations
fn trans_init_local(&@block_ctxt bcx, &@ast::local local) -> @block_ctxt {
auto llptr = bcx_fcx(bcx).lllocals.get(local.node.id);
auto t = type_of_node(bcx_ccx(bcx), local.node.id);
trans::add_clean(bcx, llptr, t);
alt (local.node.init) {
some(?init) {
alt (init.op) {
ast::init_assign {
ret trans_expr(bcx, dest_copy(bcx_tcx(bcx), llptr, t), init.expr);
ast::init_move {
ret trans_expr(bcx, dest_move(bcx_tcx(bcx), llptr, t), init.expr);
ast::init_recv {
ret trans_recv(bcx, dest_copy(bcx_tcx(bcx), llptr, t), init.expr);
none {
ret store(bcx, dest_copy(bcx_tcx(bcx), llptr, t),
fn trans_stmt(&@block_ctxt cx, &@ast::stmt stmt) -> @block_ctxt {
auto bcx = cx;
alt (stmt.node) {
ast::stmt_expr(?e, _) {
auto tmp_r = dest_tmp(bcx, ty::expr_ty(bcx_tcx(bcx), e));
bcx = tmp_r._0; auto tmp = tmp_r._1;
ret trans_expr(bcx, tmp, e);
ast::stmt_decl(?d, _) {
alt (d.node) {
ast::decl_local(?local) { ret trans_init_local(bcx, local); }
ast::decl_item(?item) {
trans::trans_item(bcx_lcx(bcx), *item);
ret bcx;