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Raw Normal View History

#ifndef RUST_TASK_H
#define RUST_TASK_H
rust_task : public rust_proxy_delegate<rust_task>,
public dom_owned<rust_task>,
public rust_cond
// Fields known to the compiler.
stk_seg *stk;
uintptr_t runtime_sp; // Runtime sp while task running.
uintptr_t rust_sp; // Saved sp when not running.
gc_alloc *gc_alloc_chain; // Linked list of GC allocations.
rust_dom *dom;
rust_crate_cache *cache;
// Fields known only to the runtime.
ptr_vec<rust_task> *state;
rust_cond *cond;
rust_task *supervisor; // Parent-link for failure propagation.
size_t idx;
size_t gc_alloc_thresh;
size_t gc_alloc_accum;
// Wait queue for tasks waiting for this task.
rust_wait_queue waiting_tasks;
// Rendezvous pointer for receiving data when blocked on a port. If we're
// trying to read data and no data is available on any incoming channel,
// we block on the port, and yield control to the scheduler. Since, we
// were not able to read anything, we remember the location where the
// result should go in the rendezvous_ptr, and let the sender write to
// that location before waking us up.
uintptr_t* rendezvous_ptr;
rust_alarm alarm;
rust_task(rust_dom *dom,
rust_task *spawner);
void start(uintptr_t exit_task_glue,
uintptr_t spawnee_fn,
uintptr_t args,
size_t callsz);
void grow(size_t n_frame_bytes);
bool running();
bool blocked();
bool blocked_on(rust_cond *cond);
bool dead();
void link_gc(gc_alloc *gcm);
void unlink_gc(gc_alloc *gcm);
void *malloc(size_t sz, type_desc *td=0);
void *realloc(void *data, size_t sz, bool gc_mem=false);
void free(void *p, bool gc_mem=false);
const char *state_str();
void transition(ptr_vec<rust_task> *svec, ptr_vec<rust_task> *dvec);
void block(rust_cond *on);
void wakeup(rust_cond *from);
void die();
void unblock();
void check_active() { I(dom, dom->curr_task == this); }
void check_suspended() { I(dom, dom->curr_task != this); }
void log(uint32_t type_bits, char const *fmt, ...);
// Swap in some glue code to run when we have returned to the
// task's context (assuming we're the active task).
void run_after_return(size_t nargs, uintptr_t glue);
// Swap in some glue code to run when we're next activated
// (assuming we're the suspended task).
void run_on_resume(uintptr_t glue);
// Save callee-saved registers and return to the main loop.
void yield(size_t nargs);
// Fail this task (assuming caller-on-stack is different task).
void kill();
// Fail self, assuming caller-on-stack is this task.
void fail(size_t nargs);
// Run the gc glue on the task stack.
void gc(size_t nargs);
// Disconnect from our supervisor.
void unsupervise();
// Notify tasks waiting for us that we are about to die.
void notify_waiting_tasks();
uintptr_t get_fp();
uintptr_t get_previous_fp(uintptr_t fp);
frame_glue_fns *get_frame_glue_fns(uintptr_t fp);
rust_crate_cache * get_crate_cache(rust_crate const *curr_crate);
#endif /* RUST_TASK_H */