
152 lines
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extern crate rustc_typeck as typeck;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use syntax::ptr::P;
use rustc::lint::{Context, LintPass, LintArray, Lint};
use rustc::util::nodemap::DefIdMap;
use rustc::middle::ty::{self, TypeVariants, TypeAndMut, MethodTraitItemId, ImplOrTraitItemId};
use rustc::middle::def::{DefTy, DefStruct, DefTrait};
use syntax::codemap::{Span, Spanned};
use syntax::ast::*;
use misc::walk_ty;
2015-07-26 20:23:11 +05:30
use utils::span_lint;
declare_lint!(pub LEN_ZERO, Warn,
"Warn when .is_empty() could be used instead of checking .len()");
declare_lint!(pub LEN_WITHOUT_IS_EMPTY, Warn,
"Warn on traits and impls that have .len() but not .is_empty()");
pub struct LenZero;
impl LintPass for LenZero {
fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray {
fn check_item(&mut self, cx: &Context, item: &Item) {
match &item.node {
&ItemTrait(_, _, _, ref trait_items) =>
check_trait_items(cx, item, trait_items),
&ItemImpl(_, _, _, None, _, ref impl_items) => // only non-trait
check_impl_items(cx, item, impl_items),
_ => ()
fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &Context, expr: &Expr) {
if let &ExprBinary(Spanned{node: cmp, ..}, ref left, ref right) =
&expr.node {
match cmp {
BiEq => check_cmp(cx, expr.span, left, right, ""),
BiGt | BiNe => check_cmp(cx, expr.span, left, right, "!"),
_ => ()
fn check_trait_items(cx: &Context, item: &Item, trait_items: &[P<TraitItem>]) {
fn is_named_self(item: &TraitItem, name: &str) -> bool { == name && if let MethodTraitItem(ref sig, _) =
item.node { is_self_sig(sig) } else { false }
if !trait_items.iter().any(|i| is_named_self(i, "is_empty")) {
//span_lint(cx, LEN_WITHOUT_IS_EMPTY, item.span, &format!("trait {}", item.ident.as_str()));
for i in trait_items {
if is_named_self(i, "len") {
span_lint(cx, LEN_WITHOUT_IS_EMPTY, i.span,
&format!("Trait '{}' has a '.len(_: &Self)' method, but no \
'.is_empty(_: &Self)' method. Consider adding one.",;
fn check_impl_items(cx: &Context, item: &Item, impl_items: &[P<ImplItem>]) {
fn is_named_self(item: &ImplItem, name: &str) -> bool { == name && if let MethodImplItem(ref sig, _) =
item.node { is_self_sig(sig) } else { false }
if !impl_items.iter().any(|i| is_named_self(i, "is_empty")) {
for i in impl_items {
if is_named_self(i, "len") {
let s = i.span;
span_lint(cx, LEN_WITHOUT_IS_EMPTY,
Span{ lo: s.lo, hi: s.lo, expn_id: s.expn_id },
&format!("Item '{}' has a '.len(_: &Self)' method, but no \
'.is_empty(_: &Self)' method. Consider adding one.",;
fn is_self_sig(sig: &MethodSig) -> bool {
if let SelfStatic = sig.explicit_self.node {
false } else { sig.decl.inputs.len() == 1 }
fn check_cmp(cx: &Context, span: Span, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, empty: &str) {
match (&left.node, &right.node) {
(&ExprLit(ref lit), &ExprMethodCall(ref method, _, ref args)) =>
check_len_zero(cx, span, method, args, lit, empty),
(&ExprMethodCall(ref method, _, ref args), &ExprLit(ref lit)) =>
check_len_zero(cx, span, method, args, lit, empty),
_ => ()
fn check_len_zero(cx: &Context, span: Span, method: &SpannedIdent,
args: &[P<Expr>], lit: &Lit, empty: &str) {
if let &Spanned{node: LitInt(0, _), ..} = lit {
if == "len" && args.len() == 1 &&
has_is_empty(cx, &*args[0]) {
span_lint(cx, LEN_ZERO, span, &format!(
"Consider replacing the len comparison with '{}_.is_empty()'",
/// check if this type has an is_empty method
fn has_is_empty(cx: &Context, expr: &Expr) -> bool {
/// get a ImplOrTraitItem and return true if it matches is_empty(self)
fn is_is_empty(cx: &Context, id: &ImplOrTraitItemId) -> bool {
if let &MethodTraitItemId(def_id) = id {
if let ty::MethodTraitItem(ref method) =
cx.tcx.impl_or_trait_item(def_id) { == "is_empty"
&& method.fty.sig.skip_binder().inputs.len() == 1
} else { false }
} else { false }
/// check the inherent impl's items for an is_empty(self) method
fn has_is_empty_impl(cx: &Context, id: &DefId) -> bool {
let impl_items = cx.tcx.impl_items.borrow();
|ids| ids.iter().any(|iid| impl_items.get(iid).map_or(false,
|iids| iids.iter().any(|i| is_is_empty(cx, i)))))
let ty = &walk_ty(&cx.tcx.expr_ty(expr));
match ty.sty {
ty::TyTrait(_) => cx.tcx.trait_item_def_ids.borrow().get(
&ty.ty_to_def_id().expect("trait impl not found")).map_or(false,
|ids| ids.iter().any(|i| is_is_empty(cx, i))),
ty::TyProjection(_) => ty.ty_to_def_id().map_or(false,
|id| has_is_empty_impl(cx, &id)),
ty::TyEnum(ref id, _) | ty::TyStruct(ref id, _) =>
has_is_empty_impl(cx, &id.did),
ty::TyArray(..) => true,
_ => false,