Now that you have Rust installed, let's write your first Rust program. It's
traditional to make your first program in any new language one that prints the
text "Hello, world!" to the screen. The nice thing about starting with such a
simple program is that you can verify that your compiler isn't just installed,
but also working properly. And printing information to the screen is a pretty
common thing to do.
The first thing that we need to do is make a file to put our code in. I like
to make a `projects` directory in my home directory, and keep all my projects
there. Rust does not care where your code lives.
This actually leads to one other concern we should address: this guide will
assume that you have basic familiarity with the command line. Rust does not
require that you know a whole ton about the command line, but until the
language is in a more finished state, IDE support is spotty. Rust makes no
specific demands on your editing tooling, or where your code lives.
With that said, let's make a directory in our projects directory.
$ mkdir ~/projects
$ cd ~/projects
$ mkdir hello_world
$ cd hello_world
If you're on Windows and not using PowerShell, the `~` may not work. Consult
the documentation for your shell for more details.
Let's make a new source file next. I'm going to use the syntax `editor
filename` to represent editing a file in these examples, but you should use
whatever method you want. We'll call our file ``:
$ editor
Rust files always end in a `.rs` extension. If you're using more than one word
in your filename, use an underscore. `` rather than
Now that you've got your file open, type this in:
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
Save the file, and then type this into your terminal window:
$ rustc
$ ./main # or main.exe on Windows
Hello, world!
You can also run these examples on []( by clicking on the arrow that appears in the upper right of the example when you mouse over the code.
Success! Let's go over what just happened in detail.
fn main() {
These lines define a **function** in Rust. The `main` function is special:
it's the beginning of every Rust program. The first line says "I'm declaring a
function named `main`, which takes no arguments and returns nothing." If there
were arguments, they would go inside the parentheses (`(` and `)`), and because
we aren't returning anything from this function, we've dropped that notation
entirely. We'll get to it later.
You'll also note that the function is wrapped in curly braces (`{` and `}`).
Rust requires these around all function bodies. It is also considered good
style to put the opening curly brace on the same line as the function
declaration, with one space in between.
Next up is this line:
println!("Hello, world!");
This line does all of the work in our little program. There are a number of
details that are important here. The first is that it's indented with four
spaces, not tabs. Please configure your editor of choice to insert four spaces
with the tab key. We provide some [sample configurations for various