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// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
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//! # Type inference engine
//! This is loosely based on standard HM-type inference, but with an
//! extension to try and accommodate subtyping. There is nothing
//! principled about this extension; it's sound---I hope!---but it's a
//! heuristic, ultimately, and does not guarantee that it finds a valid
//! typing even if one exists (in fact, there are known scenarios where it
//! fails, some of which may eventually become problematic).
//! ## Key idea
//! The main change is that each type variable T is associated with a
//! lower-bound L and an upper-bound U. L and U begin as bottom and top,
//! respectively, but gradually narrow in response to new constraints
//! being introduced. When a variable is finally resolved to a concrete
//! type, it can (theoretically) select any type that is a supertype of L
//! and a subtype of U.
//! There are several critical invariants which we maintain:
//! - the upper-bound of a variable only becomes lower and the lower-bound
//! only becomes higher over time;
//! - the lower-bound L is always a subtype of the upper bound U;
//! - the lower-bound L and upper-bound U never refer to other type variables,
//! but only to types (though those types may contain type variables).
//! > An aside: if the terms upper- and lower-bound confuse you, think of
//! > "supertype" and "subtype". The upper-bound is a "supertype"
//! > (super=upper in Latin, or something like that anyway) and the lower-bound
//! > is a "subtype" (sub=lower in Latin). I find it helps to visualize
//! > a simple class hierarchy, like Java minus interfaces and
//! > primitive types. The class Object is at the root (top) and other
//! > types lie in between. The bottom type is then the Null type.
//! > So the tree looks like:
//! >
//! > ```text
//! > Object
//! > / \
//! > String Other
//! > \ /
//! > (null)
//! > ```
//! >
//! > So the upper bound type is the "supertype" and the lower bound is the
//! > "subtype" (also, super and sub mean upper and lower in Latin, or something
//! > like that anyway).
//! ## Satisfying constraints
//! At a primitive level, there is only one form of constraint that the
//! inference understands: a subtype relation. So the outside world can
//! say "make type A a subtype of type B". If there are variables
//! involved, the inferencer will adjust their upper- and lower-bounds as
//! needed to ensure that this relation is satisfied. (We also allow "make
//! type A equal to type B", but this is translated into "A <: B" and "B
//! <: A")
//! As stated above, we always maintain the invariant that type bounds
//! never refer to other variables. This keeps the inference relatively
//! simple, avoiding the scenario of having a kind of graph where we have
//! to pump constraints along and reach a fixed point, but it does impose
//! some heuristics in the case where the user is relating two type
//! variables A <: B.
//! Combining two variables such that variable A will forever be a subtype
//! of variable B is the trickiest part of the algorithm because there is
//! often no right choice---that is, the right choice will depend on
//! future constraints which we do not yet know. The problem comes about
//! because both A and B have bounds that can be adjusted in the future.
//! Let's look at some of the cases that can come up.
//! Imagine, to start, the best case, where both A and B have an upper and
//! lower bound (that is, the bounds are not top nor bot respectively). In
//! that case, if we're lucky, A.ub <: B.lb, and so we know that whatever
//! A and B should become, they will forever have the desired subtyping
//! relation. We can just leave things as they are.
//! ### Option 1: Unify
//! However, suppose that A.ub is *not* a subtype of B.lb. In
//! that case, we must make a decision. One option is to unify A
//! and B so that they are one variable whose bounds are:
//! UB = GLB(A.ub, B.ub)
//! LB = LUB(A.lb, B.lb)
//! (Note that we will have to verify that LB <: UB; if it does not, the
//! types are not intersecting and there is an error) In that case, A <: B
//! holds trivially because A==B. However, we have now lost some
//! flexibility, because perhaps the user intended for A and B to end up
//! as different types and not the same type.
//! Pictorally, what this does is to take two distinct variables with
//! (hopefully not completely) distinct type ranges and produce one with
//! the intersection.
//! ```text
//! B.ub B.ub
//! /\ /
//! A.ub / \ A.ub /
//! / \ / \ \ /
//! / X \ UB
//! / / \ \ / \
//! / / / \ / /
//! \ \ / / \ /
//! \ X / LB
//! \ / \ / / \
//! \ / \ / / \
//! A.lb B.lb A.lb B.lb
//! ```
//! ### Option 2: Relate UB/LB
//! Another option is to keep A and B as distinct variables but set their
//! bounds in such a way that, whatever happens, we know that A <: B will hold.
//! This can be achieved by ensuring that A.ub <: B.lb. In practice there
//! are two ways to do that, depicted pictorally here:
//! ```text
//! Before Option #1 Option #2
//! B.ub B.ub B.ub
//! /\ / \ / \
//! A.ub / \ A.ub /(B')\ A.ub /(B')\
//! / \ / \ \ / / \ / /
//! / X \ __UB____/ UB /
//! / / \ \ / | | /
//! / / / \ / | | /
//! \ \ / / /(A')| | /
//! \ X / / LB ______LB/
//! \ / \ / / / \ / (A')/ \
//! \ / \ / \ / \ \ / \
//! A.lb B.lb A.lb B.lb A.lb B.lb
//! ```
//! In these diagrams, UB and LB are defined as before. As you can see,
//! the new ranges `A'` and `B'` are quite different from the range that
//! would be produced by unifying the variables.
//! ### What we do now
//! Our current technique is to *try* (transactionally) to relate the
//! existing bounds of A and B, if there are any (i.e., if `UB(A) != top
//! && LB(B) != bot`). If that succeeds, we're done. If it fails, then
//! we merge A and B into same variable.
//! This is not clearly the correct course. For example, if `UB(A) !=
//! top` but `LB(B) == bot`, we could conceivably set `LB(B)` to `UB(A)`
//! and leave the variables unmerged. This is sometimes the better
//! course, it depends on the program.
//! The main case which fails today that I would like to support is:
//! ```text
//! fn foo<T>(x: T, y: T) { ... }
//! fn bar() {
//! let x: @mut int = @mut 3;
//! let y: @int = @3;
//! foo(x, y);
//! }
//! ```
//! In principle, the inferencer ought to find that the parameter `T` to
//! `foo(x, y)` is `@const int`. Today, however, it does not; this is
//! because the type variable `T` is merged with the type variable for
//! `X`, and thus inherits its UB/LB of `@mut int`. This leaves no
//! flexibility for `T` to later adjust to accommodate `@int`.
//! ### What to do when not all bounds are present
//! In the prior discussion we assumed that A.ub was not top and B.lb was
//! not bot. Unfortunately this is rarely the case. Often type variables
//! have "lopsided" bounds. For example, if a variable in the program has
//! been initialized but has not been used, then its corresponding type
//! variable will have a lower bound but no upper bound. When that
//! variable is then used, we would like to know its upper bound---but we
//! don't have one! In this case we'll do different things depending on
//! how the variable is being used.
//! ## Transactional support
//! Whenever we adjust merge variables or adjust their bounds, we always
//! keep a record of the old value. This allows the changes to be undone.
//! ## Regions
//! I've only talked about type variables here, but region variables
//! follow the same principle. They have upper- and lower-bounds. A
//! region A is a subregion of a region B if A being valid implies that B
//! is valid. This basically corresponds to the block nesting structure:
//! the regions for outer block scopes are superregions of those for inner
//! block scopes.
//! ## Integral and floating-point type variables
//! There is a third variety of type variable that we use only for
//! inferring the types of unsuffixed integer literals. Integral type
//! variables differ from general-purpose type variables in that there's
//! no subtyping relationship among the various integral types, so instead
//! of associating each variable with an upper and lower bound, we just
//! use simple unification. Each integer variable is associated with at
//! most one integer type. Floating point types are handled similarly to
//! integral types.
//! ## GLB/LUB
//! Computing the greatest-lower-bound and least-upper-bound of two
//! types/regions is generally straightforward except when type variables
//! are involved. In that case, we follow a similar "try to use the bounds
//! when possible but otherwise merge the variables" strategy. In other
//! words, `GLB(A, B)` where `A` and `B` are variables will often result
//! in `A` and `B` being merged and the result being `A`.
//! ## Type coercion
//! We have a notion of assignability which differs somewhat from
//! subtyping; in particular it may cause region borrowing to occur. See
//! the big comment later in this file on Type Coercion for specifics.
//! ### In conclusion
//! I showed you three ways to relate `A` and `B`. There are also more,
//! of course, though I'm not sure if there are any more sensible options.
//! The main point is that there are various options, each of which
//! produce a distinct range of types for `A` and `B`. Depending on what
//! the correct values for A and B are, one of these options will be the
//! right choice: but of course we don't know the right values for A and B
//! yet, that's what we're trying to find! In our code, we opt to unify
//! (Option #1).
//! # Implementation details
//! We make use of a trait-like implementation strategy to consolidate
//! duplicated code between subtypes, GLB, and LUB computations. See the
//! section on "Type Combining" below for details.