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// Copyright 2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
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//! Rustc bindings to the binaryen project.
//! This crate is a small shim around the binaryen project which provides us the
//! ability to take LLVM's output and generate a wasm module. Specifically this
//! only supports one operation, creating a module from LLVM's assembly format
//! and then serializing that module to a wasm module.
extern crate libc;
use std::slice;
use std::ffi::{CString, CStr};
/// In-memory representation of a serialized wasm module.
pub struct Module {
ptr: *mut BinaryenRustModule,
impl Module {
/// Creates a new wasm module from the LLVM-assembly provided (in a C string
/// format).
/// The actual module creation can be tweaked through the various options in
/// `ModuleOptions` as well. Any errors are just returned as a bland string.
pub fn new(assembly: &CStr, opts: &ModuleOptions) -> Result<Module, String> {
unsafe {
let ptr = BinaryenRustModuleCreate(opts.ptr, assembly.as_ptr());
if ptr.is_null() {
Err(format!("failed to create binaryen module"))
} else {
Ok(Module { ptr })
/// Returns the data of the serialized wasm module. This is a `foo.wasm`
/// file contents.
pub fn data(&self) -> &[u8] {
unsafe {
let ptr = BinaryenRustModulePtr(self.ptr);
let len = BinaryenRustModuleLen(self.ptr);
slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len)
impl Drop for Module {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
pub struct ModuleOptions {
ptr: *mut BinaryenRustModuleOptions,
impl ModuleOptions {
pub fn new() -> ModuleOptions {
unsafe {
let ptr = BinaryenRustModuleOptionsCreate();
ModuleOptions { ptr }
/// Turns on or off debug info.
/// From what I can tell this just creates a "names" section of the wasm
/// module which contains a table of the original function names.
pub fn debuginfo(&mut self, debug: bool) -> &mut Self {
unsafe {
BinaryenRustModuleOptionsSetDebugInfo(self.ptr, debug);
/// Configures a `start` function for the module, to be executed when it's
/// loaded.
pub fn start(&mut self, func: &str) -> &mut Self {
let func = CString::new(func).unwrap();
unsafe {
BinaryenRustModuleOptionsSetStart(self.ptr, func.as_ptr());
/// Configures how much stack is initially allocated for the module. 1MB is
/// probably good enough for now.
pub fn stack(&mut self, amt: u64) -> &mut Self {
unsafe {
BinaryenRustModuleOptionsSetStackAllocation(self.ptr, amt);
/// Flags whether the initial memory should be imported or exported. So far
/// we export it by default.
pub fn import_memory(&mut self, import: bool) -> &mut Self {
unsafe {
BinaryenRustModuleOptionsSetImportMemory(self.ptr, import);
impl Drop for ModuleOptions {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
enum BinaryenRustModule {}
enum BinaryenRustModuleOptions {}
extern {
fn BinaryenRustModuleCreate(opts: *const BinaryenRustModuleOptions,
assembly: *const libc::c_char)
-> *mut BinaryenRustModule;
fn BinaryenRustModulePtr(module: *const BinaryenRustModule) -> *const u8;
fn BinaryenRustModuleLen(module: *const BinaryenRustModule) -> usize;
fn BinaryenRustModuleFree(module: *mut BinaryenRustModule);
fn BinaryenRustModuleOptionsCreate()
-> *mut BinaryenRustModuleOptions;
fn BinaryenRustModuleOptionsSetDebugInfo(module: *mut BinaryenRustModuleOptions,
debuginfo: bool);
fn BinaryenRustModuleOptionsSetStart(module: *mut BinaryenRustModuleOptions,
start: *const libc::c_char);
fn BinaryenRustModuleOptionsSetStackAllocation(
module: *mut BinaryenRustModuleOptions,
stack: u64,
fn BinaryenRustModuleOptionsSetImportMemory(
module: *mut BinaryenRustModuleOptions,
import: bool,
fn BinaryenRustModuleOptionsFree(module: *mut BinaryenRustModuleOptions);