
79 lines
2.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use libc::{c_char, c_int};
#[link_args = "-Llinenoise"]
#[link_name = "linenoise"]
#[abi = "cdecl"]
extern mod linenoise {
fn linenoise(prompt: *c_char) -> *c_char;
fn linenoiseHistoryAdd(line: *c_char) -> c_int;
fn linenoiseHistorySetMaxLen(len: c_int) -> c_int;
fn linenoiseHistorySave(file: *c_char) -> c_int;
fn linenoiseHistoryLoad(file: *c_char) -> c_int;
fn linenoiseSetCompletionCallback(callback: *u8);
fn linenoiseAddCompletion(completions: *(), line: *c_char);
fn linenoiseClearScreen();
/// Add a line to history
pub fn add_history(line: ~str) -> bool {
2012-10-27 06:41:41 -05:00
do str::as_c_str(line) |buf| {
linenoise::linenoiseHistoryAdd(buf) == 1 as c_int
/// Set the maximum amount of lines stored
pub fn set_history_max_len(len: int) -> bool {
2012-10-27 06:41:41 -05:00
linenoise::linenoiseHistorySetMaxLen(len as c_int) == 1 as c_int
/// Save line history to a file
pub fn save_history(file: ~str) -> bool {
2012-10-27 06:41:41 -05:00
do str::as_c_str(file) |buf| {
linenoise::linenoiseHistorySave(buf) == 1 as c_int
/// Load line history from a file
pub fn load_history(file: ~str) -> bool {
2012-10-27 06:41:41 -05:00
do str::as_c_str(file) |buf| {
linenoise::linenoiseHistoryLoad(buf) == 1 as c_int
/// Print out a prompt and then wait for input and return it
pub fn read(prompt: ~str) -> Option<~str> {
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do str::as_c_str(prompt) |buf| unsafe {
let line = linenoise::linenoise(buf);
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if line.is_null() { None }
else { Some(str::raw::from_c_str(line)) }
/// Clear the screen
pub fn clear() {
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pub type CompletionCb = fn~(~str, fn(~str));
fn complete_key(_v: @CompletionCb) {}
/// Bind to the main completion callback
pub fn complete(cb: CompletionCb) unsafe {
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task::local_data::local_data_set(complete_key, @(move cb));
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extern fn callback(line: *c_char, completions: *()) unsafe {
let cb = copy *task::local_data::local_data_get(complete_key).get();
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do cb(str::raw::from_c_str(line)) |suggestion| {
do str::as_c_str(suggestion) |buf| {
linenoise::linenoiseAddCompletion(completions, buf);
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