2020-08-24 21:50:30 +12:00
//! Resolves and rewrites links in markdown documentation.
//! Most of the implementation can be found in [`hir::doc_links`].
2020-08-01 12:55:04 +12:00
2020-08-26 18:56:41 +02:00
use hir::{Adt, Crate, HasAttrs, ModuleDef};
use ide_db::{defs::Definition, RootDatabase};
2020-08-01 12:55:04 +12:00
use pulldown_cmark::{CowStr, Event, Options, Parser, Tag};
2020-08-02 20:19:14 +12:00
use pulldown_cmark_to_cmark::{cmark_with_options, Options as CmarkOptions};
2020-08-26 18:56:41 +02:00
use url::Url;
2020-08-01 12:55:04 +12:00
/// Rewrite documentation links in markdown to point to an online host (e.g. docs.rs)
pub fn rewrite_links(db: &RootDatabase, markdown: &str, definition: &Definition) -> String {
let doc = Parser::new_with_broken_link_callback(
Some(&|label, _| Some((/*url*/ label.to_string(), /*title*/ label.to_string()))),
let doc = map_links(doc, |target, title: &str| {
// This check is imperfect, there's some overlap between valid intra-doc links
// and valid URLs so we choose to be too eager to try to resolve what might be
// a URL.
if target.contains("://") {
(target.to_string(), title.to_string())
} else {
// Two posibilities:
// * path-based links: `../../module/struct.MyStruct.html`
// * module-based links (AKA intra-doc links): `super::super::module::MyStruct`
2020-08-26 18:56:41 +02:00
if let Some(rewritten) = rewrite_intra_doc_link(db, *definition, target, title) {
return rewritten;
if let Definition::ModuleDef(def) = *definition {
if let Some(target) = rewrite_url_link(db, def, target) {
return (target, title.to_string());
2020-08-01 12:55:04 +12:00
2020-08-26 18:56:41 +02:00
(target.to_string(), title.to_string())
2020-08-01 12:55:04 +12:00
let mut out = String::new();
2020-08-02 20:19:14 +12:00
let mut options = CmarkOptions::default();
options.code_block_backticks = 3;
cmark_with_options(doc, &mut out, None, options).ok();
2020-08-01 12:55:04 +12:00
2020-08-26 18:56:41 +02:00
fn rewrite_intra_doc_link(
db: &RootDatabase,
def: Definition,
target: &str,
title: &str,
) -> Option<(String, String)> {
let link = if target.is_empty() { title } else { target };
let (link, ns) = parse_link(link);
let resolved = match def {
Definition::ModuleDef(def) => match def {
ModuleDef::Module(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::Function(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::Adt(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::EnumVariant(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::Const(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::Static(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::Trait(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::TypeAlias(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::BuiltinType(_) => return None,
Definition::Macro(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
Definition::Field(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
Definition::SelfType(_) | Definition::Local(_) | Definition::TypeParam(_) => return None,
let krate = resolved.module(db)?.krate();
let canonical_path = resolved.canonical_path(db)?;
let new_target = get_doc_url(db, &krate)?
.join(&format!("{}/", krate.display_name(db)?))
.join(&canonical_path.replace("::", "/"))
.join(&get_symbol_filename(db, &resolved)?)
let new_title = strip_prefixes_suffixes(title);
Some((new_target, new_title.to_string()))
/// Try to resolve path to local documentation via path-based links (i.e. `../gateway/struct.Shard.html`).
fn rewrite_url_link(db: &RootDatabase, def: ModuleDef, target: &str) -> Option<String> {
if !(target.contains("#") || target.contains(".html")) {
return None;
let module = def.module(db)?;
let krate = module.krate();
let canonical_path = def.canonical_path(db)?;
let base = format!("{}/{}", krate.display_name(db)?, canonical_path.replace("::", "/"));
get_doc_url(db, &krate)
.and_then(|url| url.join(&base).ok())
.and_then(|url| {
get_symbol_filename(db, &def).as_deref().map(|f| url.join(f).ok()).flatten()
.and_then(|url| url.join(target).ok())
.map(|url| url.into_string())
2020-08-01 12:55:04 +12:00
// Rewrites a markdown document, resolving links using `callback` and additionally striping prefixes/suffixes on link titles.
fn map_links<'e>(
events: impl Iterator<Item = Event<'e>>,
callback: impl Fn(&str, &str) -> (String, String),
) -> impl Iterator<Item = Event<'e>> {
let mut in_link = false;
let mut link_target: Option<CowStr> = None;
events.map(move |evt| match evt {
Event::Start(Tag::Link(_link_type, ref target, _)) => {
in_link = true;
link_target = Some(target.clone());
Event::End(Tag::Link(link_type, _target, _)) => {
in_link = false;
Event::End(Tag::Link(link_type, link_target.take().unwrap(), CowStr::Borrowed("")))
Event::Text(s) if in_link => {
let (link_target_s, link_name) = callback(&link_target.take().unwrap(), &s);
link_target = Some(CowStr::Boxed(link_target_s.into()));
Event::Code(s) if in_link => {
let (link_target_s, link_name) = callback(&link_target.take().unwrap(), &s);
link_target = Some(CowStr::Boxed(link_target_s.into()));
_ => evt,
2020-08-26 18:56:41 +02:00
fn parse_link(s: &str) -> (&str, Option<hir::Namespace>) {
let path = strip_prefixes_suffixes(s);
let ns = ns_from_intra_spec(s);
(path, ns)
/// Strip prefixes, suffixes, and inline code marks from the given string.
fn strip_prefixes_suffixes(mut s: &str) -> &str {
s = s.trim_matches('`');
(TYPES.0.iter(), TYPES.1.iter()),
(VALUES.0.iter(), VALUES.1.iter()),
(MACROS.0.iter(), MACROS.1.iter()),
.for_each(|(prefixes, suffixes)| {
prefixes.clone().for_each(|prefix| s = s.trim_start_matches(*prefix));
suffixes.clone().for_each(|suffix| s = s.trim_end_matches(*suffix));
static TYPES: ([&str; 7], [&str; 0]) =
(["type", "struct", "enum", "mod", "trait", "union", "module"], []);
static VALUES: ([&str; 8], [&str; 1]) =
(["value", "function", "fn", "method", "const", "static", "mod", "module"], ["()"]);
static MACROS: ([&str; 1], [&str; 1]) = (["macro"], ["!"]);
/// Extract the specified namespace from an intra-doc-link if one exists.
/// # Examples
/// * `struct MyStruct` -> `Namespace::Types`
/// * `panic!` -> `Namespace::Macros`
/// * `fn@from_intra_spec` -> `Namespace::Values`
fn ns_from_intra_spec(s: &str) -> Option<hir::Namespace> {
(hir::Namespace::Types, (TYPES.0.iter(), TYPES.1.iter())),
(hir::Namespace::Values, (VALUES.0.iter(), VALUES.1.iter())),
(hir::Namespace::Macros, (MACROS.0.iter(), MACROS.1.iter())),
.filter(|(_ns, (prefixes, suffixes))| {
.map(|prefix| {
&& s.chars()
.nth(prefix.len() + 1)
.map(|c| c == '@' || c == ' ')
.any(|cond| cond)
|| suffixes
.map(|suffix| {
&& s.chars()
.nth(suffix.len() + 1)
.map(|c| c == '@' || c == ' ')
.any(|cond| cond)
.map(|(ns, (_, _))| *ns)
fn get_doc_url(db: &RootDatabase, krate: &Crate) -> Option<Url> {
.or_else(|| {
// Fallback to docs.rs. This uses `display_name` and can never be
// correct, but that's what fallbacks are about.
// FIXME: clicking on the link should just open the file in the editor,
// instead of falling back to external urls.
Some(format!("https://docs.rs/{}/*/", krate.display_name(db)?))
.and_then(|s| Url::parse(&s).ok())
/// Get the filename and extension generated for a symbol by rustdoc.
/// Example: `struct.Shard.html`
fn get_symbol_filename(db: &RootDatabase, definition: &ModuleDef) -> Option<String> {
Some(match definition {
ModuleDef::Adt(adt) => match adt {
Adt::Struct(s) => format!("struct.{}.html", s.name(db)),
Adt::Enum(e) => format!("enum.{}.html", e.name(db)),
Adt::Union(u) => format!("union.{}.html", u.name(db)),
ModuleDef::Module(_) => "index.html".to_string(),
ModuleDef::Trait(t) => format!("trait.{}.html", t.name(db)),
ModuleDef::TypeAlias(t) => format!("type.{}.html", t.name(db)),
ModuleDef::BuiltinType(t) => format!("primitive.{}.html", t),
ModuleDef::Function(f) => format!("fn.{}.html", f.name(db)),
ModuleDef::EnumVariant(ev) => {
format!("enum.{}.html#variant.{}", ev.parent_enum(db).name(db), ev.name(db))
ModuleDef::Const(c) => format!("const.{}.html", c.name(db)?),
ModuleDef::Static(s) => format!("static.{}.html", s.name(db)?),