2018-08-10 15:07:43 +03:00
'use strict';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
2018-08-11 00:55:32 +03:00
import * as lc from 'vscode-languageclient'
2018-08-10 15:07:43 +03:00
2018-08-11 00:55:32 +03:00
let client: lc.LanguageClient;
2018-08-10 15:07:43 +03:00
let uris = {
syntaxTree: vscode.Uri.parse('libsyntax-rust://syntaxtree')
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
2018-08-10 21:13:39 +03:00
let textDocumentContentProvider = new TextDocumentContentProvider()
2018-08-10 15:07:43 +03:00
let dispose = (disposable) => {
let registerCommand = (name, f) => {
dispose(vscode.commands.registerCommand(name, f))
registerCommand('libsyntax-rust.syntaxTree', () => openDoc(uris.syntaxTree))
2018-08-10 21:13:39 +03:00
registerCommand('libsyntax-rust.extendSelection', async () => {
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor
if (editor == null || editor.document.languageId != "rust") return
let request: ExtendSelectionParams = {
textDocument: { uri: editor.document.uri.toString() },
selections: editor.selections.map((s) => {
2018-08-11 16:10:34 +03:00
return client.code2ProtocolConverter.asRange(s)
2018-08-10 21:13:39 +03:00
let response = await client.sendRequest<ExtendSelectionResult>("m/extendSelection", request)
editor.selections = response.selections.map((range) => {
2018-08-11 16:10:34 +03:00
let r = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asRange(range)
return new vscode.Selection(r.start, r.end)
2018-08-10 21:13:39 +03:00
2018-08-10 15:07:43 +03:00
2018-08-10 21:13:39 +03:00
2018-08-10 15:07:43 +03:00
2018-08-10 21:13:39 +03:00
vscode.workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument((event: vscode.TextDocumentChangeEvent) => {
let doc = event.document
if (doc.languageId != "rust") return
// We need to order this after LS updates, but there's no API for that.
// Hence, good old setTimeout.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10)
}, null, context.subscriptions)
2018-08-10 15:07:43 +03:00
export function deactivate(): Thenable<void> {
if (!client) {
return undefined;
return client.stop();
function startServer() {
2018-08-11 00:55:32 +03:00
let run: lc.Executable = {
2018-08-13 13:46:05 +03:00
command: "cargo",
args: ["run", "--package", "m"],
// command: "m",
2018-08-10 17:49:45 +03:00
options: { cwd: "." }
2018-08-10 15:07:43 +03:00
2018-08-11 00:55:32 +03:00
let serverOptions: lc.ServerOptions = {
2018-08-10 15:07:43 +03:00
debug: run
2018-08-11 00:55:32 +03:00
let clientOptions: lc.LanguageClientOptions = {
2018-08-10 15:07:43 +03:00
documentSelector: [{ scheme: 'file', language: 'rust' }],
2018-08-11 00:55:32 +03:00
client = new lc.LanguageClient(
2018-08-10 15:07:43 +03:00
'm languge server',
2018-08-11 00:55:32 +03:00
client.onReady().then(() => {
new lc.NotificationType("m/publishDecorations"),
(params: PublishDecorationsParams) => {
let editor = vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.find(
(editor) => editor.document.uri.toString() == params.uri
if (editor == null) return;
2018-08-10 15:07:43 +03:00
async function openDoc(uri: vscode.Uri) {
let document = await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(uri)
return vscode.window.showTextDocument(document, vscode.ViewColumn.Two, true)
class TextDocumentContentProvider implements vscode.TextDocumentContentProvider {
public eventEmitter = new vscode.EventEmitter<vscode.Uri>()
public syntaxTree: string = "Not available"
public provideTextDocumentContent(uri: vscode.Uri): vscode.ProviderResult<string> {
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
if (editor == null) return ""
2018-08-10 21:13:39 +03:00
let request: SyntaxTreeParams = {
textDocument: { uri: editor.document.uri.toString() }
return client.sendRequest<SyntaxTreeResult>("m/syntaxTree", request);
2018-08-10 15:07:43 +03:00
get onDidChange(): vscode.Event<vscode.Uri> {
return this.eventEmitter.event
2018-08-10 21:13:39 +03:00
2018-08-11 00:55:32 +03:00
const decorations = (() => {
const decor = (obj) => vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({ color: obj })
return {
background: decor("#3F3F3F"),
error: vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
borderColor: "red",
borderStyle: "none none dashed none",
comment: decor("#7F9F7F"),
string: decor("#CC9393"),
keyword: decor("#F0DFAF"),
function: decor("#93E0E3"),
parameter: decor("#94BFF3"),
builtin: decor("#DD6718"),
text: decor("#DCDCCC"),
attribute: decor("#BFEBBF"),
literal: decor("#DFAF8F"),
function setHighlights(
editor: vscode.TextEditor,
highlihgs: Array<Decoration>
) {
let byTag = {}
for (let tag in decorations) {
byTag[tag] = []
for (let d of highlihgs) {
if (!byTag[d.tag]) {
console.log(`unknown tag ${d.tag}`)
2018-08-11 16:10:34 +03:00
2018-08-11 00:55:32 +03:00
for (let tag in byTag) {
let dec = decorations[tag]
let ranges = byTag[tag]
editor.setDecorations(dec, ranges)
2018-08-10 21:13:39 +03:00
interface SyntaxTreeParams {
2018-08-11 00:55:32 +03:00
textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier;
2018-08-10 21:13:39 +03:00
type SyntaxTreeResult = string
interface ExtendSelectionParams {
2018-08-11 00:55:32 +03:00
textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier;
selections: lc.Range[];
2018-08-10 21:13:39 +03:00
interface ExtendSelectionResult {
2018-08-11 00:55:32 +03:00
selections: lc.Range[];
interface PublishDecorationsParams {
uri: string,
decorations: Decoration[],
interface Decoration {
range: lc.Range,
tag: string,
2018-08-10 21:13:39 +03:00