
314 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use crate::{
transform::{MirPass, MirSource},
use rustc_middle::mir::*;
use rustc_middle::ty::{Ty, TyCtxt};
use std::{borrow::Cow, fmt::Debug};
/// This pass optimizes something like
/// ```text
/// let x: Option<()>;
/// let y: Option<()>;
/// match (x,y) {
/// (Some(_), Some(_)) => {0},
/// _ => {1}
/// }
/// ```
/// into something like
/// ```text
/// let x: Option<()>;
/// let y: Option<()>;
/// let discriminant_x = // get discriminant of x
/// let discriminant_y = // get discriminant of y
/// if discriminant_x != discriminant_y {1} else {0}
/// ```
pub struct EarlyOtherwiseBranch;
impl<'tcx> MirPass<'tcx> for EarlyOtherwiseBranch {
fn run_pass(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, source: MirSource<'tcx>, body: &mut Body<'tcx>) {
if tcx.sess.opts.debugging_opts.mir_opt_level < 3 {
trace!("running EarlyOtherwiseBranch on {:?}", source);
// we are only interested in this bb if the terminator is a switchInt
let bbs_with_switch =
body.basic_blocks().iter_enumerated().filter(|(_, bb)| is_switch(bb.terminator()));
let opts_to_apply: Vec<OptimizationToApply<'tcx>> = bbs_with_switch
.flat_map(|(bb_idx, bb)| {
let switch = bb.terminator();
let helper = Helper { body, tcx };
let infos = helper.go(bb, switch)?;
Some(OptimizationToApply { infos, basic_block_first_switch: bb_idx })
for opt_to_apply in opts_to_apply {
trace!("SUCCESS: found optimization possibility to apply: {:?}", &opt_to_apply);
// create the patch using MirPatch
let mut patch = MirPatch::new(body);
// create temp to store second discriminant in
let discr_type = opt_to_apply.infos[0].second_switch_info.discr_ty;
let discr_span = opt_to_apply.infos[0].second_switch_info.discr_source_info.span;
let temp = patch.new_temp(discr_type, discr_span);
let statements_before =
let end_of_block_location = Location {
block: opt_to_apply.basic_block_first_switch,
statement_index: statements_before,
patch.add_statement(end_of_block_location, StatementKind::StorageLive(temp));
// create assignment of discriminant
let place_of_adt_to_get_discriminant_of =
// create temp to store NotEqual comparison between the two discriminants
let not_equal = BinOp::Ne;
let not_equal_res_type = not_equal.ty(tcx, discr_type, discr_type);
let not_equal_temp = patch.new_temp(not_equal_res_type, discr_span);
patch.add_statement(end_of_block_location, StatementKind::StorageLive(not_equal_temp));
// create NotEqual comparison between the two discriminants
let first_descriminant_place =
let not_equal_rvalue = Rvalue::BinaryOp(
StatementKind::Assign(box (Place::from(not_equal_temp), not_equal_rvalue)),
let (mut targets_to_jump_to, values_to_jump_to): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = opt_to_apply
.flat_map(|x| x.second_switch_info.targets_with_values.iter())
// add otherwise case in the end
// new block that jumps to the correct discriminant case. This block is switched to if the discriminants are equal
let new_switch_data = BasicBlockData::new(Some(Terminator {
source_info: opt_to_apply.infos[0].second_switch_info.discr_source_info,
kind: TerminatorKind::SwitchInt {
// the first and second discriminants are equal, so just pick one
discr: Operand::Copy(first_descriminant_place),
switch_ty: discr_type,
values: Cow::from(values_to_jump_to),
targets: targets_to_jump_to,
let new_switch_bb = patch.new_block(new_switch_data);
// switch on the NotEqual. If true, then jump to the `otherwise` case.
// If false, then jump to a basic block that then jumps to the correct disciminant case
let true_case = opt_to_apply.infos[0].first_switch_info.otherwise_bb;
let false_case = new_switch_bb;
// generate StorageDead for the temp not in use anymore. We use the not_equal_temp in the switch, so we can't mark that dead
patch.add_statement(end_of_block_location, StatementKind::StorageDead(temp));
fn is_switch<'tcx>(terminator: &Terminator<'tcx>) -> bool {
match terminator.kind {
TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { .. } => true,
_ => false,
struct Helper<'a, 'tcx> {
body: &'a Body<'tcx>,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct SwitchDiscriminantInfo<'tcx> {
/// Type of the discriminant being switched on
discr_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
/// The basic block that the otherwise branch points to
otherwise_bb: BasicBlock,
/// Target along with the value being branched from. Otherwise is not included
targets_with_values: Vec<(BasicBlock, u128)>,
discr_source_info: SourceInfo,
/// The place of the discriminant used in the switch
discr_used_in_switch: Place<'tcx>,
/// The place of the adt that has its discriminant read
place_of_adt_discr_read: Place<'tcx>,
/// The type of the adt that has its discriminant read
type_adt_matched_on: Ty<'tcx>,
struct OptimizationToApply<'tcx> {
infos: Vec<OptimizationInfo<'tcx>>,
/// Basic block of the original first switch
basic_block_first_switch: BasicBlock,
struct OptimizationInfo<'tcx> {
/// Info about the first switch and discriminant
first_switch_info: SwitchDiscriminantInfo<'tcx>,
/// Info about the second switch and discriminant
second_switch_info: SwitchDiscriminantInfo<'tcx>,
impl<'a, 'tcx> Helper<'a, 'tcx> {
pub fn go(
bb: &BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
switch: &Terminator<'tcx>,
) -> Option<Vec<OptimizationInfo<'tcx>>> {
// try to find the statement that defines the discriminant that is used for the switch
let discr = self.find_switch_discriminant_info(bb, switch)?;
// go through each target, finding a discriminant read, and a switch
let results = discr.targets_with_values.iter().map(|(target, value)| {
self.find_discriminant_switch_pairing(&discr, target.clone(), value.clone())
// if the optimization did not apply for one of the targets, then abort
if results.clone().any(|x| x.is_none()) || results.len() == 0 {
trace!("NO: not all of the targets matched the pattern for optimization");
return None;
fn find_discriminant_switch_pairing(
discr_info: &SwitchDiscriminantInfo<'tcx>,
target: BasicBlock,
value: u128,
) -> Option<OptimizationInfo<'tcx>> {
let bb = &self.body.basic_blocks()[target];
// find switch
let terminator = bb.terminator();
if is_switch(terminator) {
let this_bb_discr_info = self.find_switch_discriminant_info(bb, terminator)?;
// the types of the two adts matched on have to be equalfor this optimization to apply
if discr_info.type_adt_matched_on != this_bb_discr_info.type_adt_matched_on {
"NO: types do not match. LHS: {:?}, RHS: {:?}",
return None;
// the otherwise branch of the two switches have to point to the same bb
if discr_info.otherwise_bb != this_bb_discr_info.otherwise_bb {
trace!("NO: otherwise target is not the same");
return None;
// check that the value being matched on is the same. The
if this_bb_discr_info.targets_with_values.iter().find(|x| x.1 == value).is_none() {
trace!("NO: values being matched on are not the same");
return None;
// only allow optimization if the left and right of the tuple being matched are the same variants.
// so the following should not optimize
// ```rust
// let x: Option<()>;
// let y: Option<()>;
// match (x,y) {
// (Some(_), None) => {},
// _ => {}
// }
// ```
// We check this by seeing that the value of the first discriminant is the only other discriminant value being used as a target in the second switch
if !(this_bb_discr_info.targets_with_values.len() == 1
&& this_bb_discr_info.targets_with_values[0].1 == value)
"NO: The second switch did not have only 1 target (besides otherwise) that had the same value as the value from the first switch that got us here"
return None;
// if we reach this point, the optimization applies, and we should be able to optimize this case
// store the info that is needed to apply the optimization
Some(OptimizationInfo {
first_switch_info: discr_info.clone(),
second_switch_info: this_bb_discr_info,
} else {
fn find_switch_discriminant_info(
bb: &BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
switch: &Terminator<'tcx>,
) -> Option<SwitchDiscriminantInfo<'tcx>> {
match &switch.kind {
TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { discr, targets, values, .. } => {
let discr_local =;
// the declaration of the discriminant read. Place of this read is being used in the switch
let discr_decl = &self.body.local_decls()[discr_local];
let discr_ty = discr_decl.ty;
// the otherwise target lies as the last element
let otherwise_bb = targets.get(values.len())?.clone();
let targets_with_values = targets
.map(|(t, v)| (t.clone(), v.clone()))
// find the place of the adt where the discriminant is being read from
// assume this is the last statement of the block
let place_of_adt_discr_read = match bb.statements.last()?.kind {
StatementKind::Assign(box (_, Rvalue::Discriminant(adt_place))) => {
_ => None,
let type_adt_matched_on = place_of_adt_discr_read.ty(self.body, self.tcx).ty;
Some(SwitchDiscriminantInfo {
discr_source_info: discr_decl.source_info,
_ => unreachable!("must only be passed terminator that is a switch"),