221 lines
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221 lines
10 KiB
use gccjit::{Function, FunctionType, GlobalKind, LValue, RValue, Type};
use rustc_codegen_ssa::traits::BaseTypeMethods;
use rustc_middle::ty::Ty;
use rustc_span::Symbol;
use rustc_target::abi::call::FnAbi;
use crate::abi::FnAbiGccExt;
use crate::context::{CodegenCx, unit_name};
use crate::intrinsic::llvm;
use crate::mangled_std_symbols::{ARGV_INIT_ARRAY, ARGV_INIT_WRAPPER};
impl<'gcc, 'tcx> CodegenCx<'gcc, 'tcx> {
pub fn get_or_insert_global(&self, name: &str, ty: Type<'gcc>, is_tls: bool, link_section: Option<Symbol>) -> RValue<'gcc> {
if self.globals.borrow().contains_key(name) {
let typ = self.globals.borrow().get(name).expect("global").get_type();
let global = self.context.new_global(None, GlobalKind::Imported, typ, name);
if is_tls {
if let Some(link_section) = link_section {
else {
self.declare_global(name, ty, is_tls, link_section)
pub fn declare_unnamed_global(&self, ty: Type<'gcc>) -> LValue<'gcc> {
let index = self.global_gen_sym_counter.get();
self.global_gen_sym_counter.set(index + 1);
let name = format!("global_{}_{}", index, unit_name(&self.codegen_unit));
self.context.new_global(None, GlobalKind::Exported, ty, &name)
pub fn declare_global_with_linkage(&self, name: &str, ty: Type<'gcc>, linkage: GlobalKind) -> RValue<'gcc> {
//debug!("declare_global_with_linkage(name={:?})", name);
let global = self.context.new_global(None, linkage, ty, name)
self.globals.borrow_mut().insert(name.to_string(), global);
// NOTE: global seems to only be global in a module. So save the name instead of the value
// to import it later.
self.global_names.borrow_mut().insert(global, name.to_string());
pub fn declare_func(&self, name: &str, return_type: Type<'gcc>, params: &[Type<'gcc>], variadic: bool) -> RValue<'gcc> {
let func = declare_raw_fn(self, name, () /*llvm::CCallConv*/, return_type, params, variadic);
// FIXME: this is a wrong cast. That requires changing the compiler API.
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(func) }
pub fn declare_global(&self, name: &str, ty: Type<'gcc>, is_tls: bool, link_section: Option<Symbol>) -> RValue<'gcc> {
//debug!("declare_global(name={:?})", name);
// FIXME: correctly support global variable initialization.
if name.starts_with(ARGV_INIT_ARRAY) {
// NOTE: hack to avoid having to update the names in mangled_std_symbols: we save the
// name of the variable now to actually declare it later.
*self.init_argv_var.borrow_mut() = name.to_string();
let global = self.context.new_global(None, GlobalKind::Imported, ty, name);
if let Some(link_section) = link_section {
return global.get_address(None);
let global = self.context.new_global(None, GlobalKind::Exported, ty, name);
if is_tls {
if let Some(link_section) = link_section {
let global = global.get_address(None);
self.globals.borrow_mut().insert(name.to_string(), global);
// NOTE: global seems to only be global in a module. So save the name instead of the value
// to import it later.
self.global_names.borrow_mut().insert(global, name.to_string());
pub fn declare_cfn(&self, name: &str, _fn_type: Type<'gcc>) -> RValue<'gcc> {
// TODO: use the fn_type parameter.
let const_string = self.context.new_type::<u8>().make_pointer().make_pointer();
let return_type = self.type_i32();
let variadic = false;
let func = declare_raw_fn(self, name, () /*llvm::CCallConv*/, return_type, &[self.type_i32(), const_string], variadic);
// NOTE: it is needed to set the current_func here as well, because get_fn() is not called
// for the main function.
*self.current_func.borrow_mut() = Some(func);
// FIXME: this is a wrong cast. That requires changing the compiler API.
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(func) }
pub fn declare_fn(&self, name: &str, fn_abi: &FnAbi<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> RValue<'gcc> {
// NOTE: hack to avoid having to update the names in mangled_std_symbols: we found the name
// of the variable earlier, so we declare it now.
// Since we don't correctly support initializers yet, we initialize this variable manually
// for now.
if name.starts_with(ARGV_INIT_WRAPPER) && !self.argv_initialized.get() {
let global_name = &*self.init_argv_var.borrow();
let return_type = self.type_void();
let params = [
self.context.new_parameter(None, self.int_type, "argc"),
self.context.new_parameter(None, self.u8_type.make_pointer().make_pointer(), "argv"),
self.context.new_parameter(None, self.u8_type.make_pointer().make_pointer(), "envp"),
let function = self.context.new_function(None, FunctionType::Extern, return_type, ¶ms, name, false);
let initializer = function.get_address(None);
let param_types = [
let ty = self.context.new_function_pointer_type(None, return_type, ¶m_types, false);
let global = self.context.new_global(None, GlobalKind::Exported, ty, global_name);
let global = global.get_address(None);
self.globals.borrow_mut().insert(global_name.to_string(), global);
// NOTE: global seems to only be global in a module. So save the name instead of the value
// to import it later.
self.global_names.borrow_mut().insert(global, global_name.to_string());
//debug!("declare_rust_fn(name={:?}, fn_abi={:?})", name, fn_abi);
let (return_type, params, variadic) = fn_abi.gcc_type(self);
let func = declare_raw_fn(self, name, () /*fn_abi.llvm_cconv()*/, return_type, ¶ms, variadic);
//fn_abi.apply_attrs_llfn(self, func);
// FIXME: this is a wrong cast. That requires changing the compiler API.
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(func) }
pub fn define_global(&self, name: &str, ty: Type<'gcc>, is_tls: bool, link_section: Option<Symbol>) -> Option<RValue<'gcc>> {
Some(self.get_or_insert_global(name, ty, is_tls, link_section))
pub fn define_private_global(&self, ty: Type<'gcc>) -> RValue<'gcc> {
let global = self.declare_unnamed_global(ty);
pub fn get_declared_value(&self, name: &str) -> Option<RValue<'gcc>> {
//debug!("get_declared_value(name={:?})", name);
// TODO: use a different field than globals, because this seems to return a function?
/*fn get_defined_value(&self, name: &str) -> Option<RValue<'gcc>> {
// TODO: gcc does not allow global initialization.
/*self.get_declared_value(name).and_then(|val| {
let declaration = unsafe { llvm::LLVMIsDeclaration(val) != 0 };
if !declaration { Some(val) } else { None }
/// Declare a function.
/// If there’s a value with the same name already declared, the function will
/// update the declaration and return existing Value instead.
fn declare_raw_fn<'gcc>(cx: &CodegenCx<'gcc, '_>, name: &str, _callconv: () /*llvm::CallConv*/, return_type: Type<'gcc>, param_types: &[Type<'gcc>], variadic: bool) -> Function<'gcc> {
//debug!("declare_raw_fn(name={:?}, ty={:?})", name, ty);
/*let llfn = unsafe {
llvm::LLVMRustGetOrInsertFunction(cx.llmod, name.as_ptr().cast(), name.len(), ty)
if name.starts_with("llvm.") {
return llvm::intrinsic(name, cx);
let func =
if cx.functions.borrow().contains_key(name) {
else {
let params: Vec<_> = param_types.into_iter().enumerate()
.map(|(index, param)| cx.context.new_parameter(None, *param, &format!("param{}", index))) // TODO: set name.
let func = cx.context.new_function(None, cx.linkage.get(), return_type, ¶ms, mangle_name(name), variadic);
cx.functions.borrow_mut().insert(name.to_string(), func);
//llvm::SetFunctionCallConv(llfn, callconv); // TODO
// Function addresses in Rust are never significant, allowing functions to
// be merged.
//llvm::SetUnnamedAddress(llfn, llvm::UnnamedAddr::Global); // TODO
/*if cx.tcx.sess.opts.cg.no_redzone.unwrap_or(cx.tcx.sess.target.target.options.disable_redzone) {
llvm::Attribute::NoRedZone.apply_llfn(Function, llfn);
//attributes::default_optimisation_attrs(cx.tcx.sess, llfn);
//attributes::non_lazy_bind(cx.sess(), llfn);
// FIXME: invalid cast.
// TODO: is this line useful?
//cx.globals.borrow_mut().insert(name.to_string(), unsafe { std::mem::transmute(func) });
// FIXME: this is a hack because libgccjit currently only supports alpha, num and _.
// Unsupported characters: `$` and `.`.
pub fn mangle_name(name: &str) -> String {
name.replace(|char: char| {
if !char.is_alphanumeric() && char != '_' {
debug_assert!("$.".contains(char), "Unsupported char in function name: {}", char);
else {
}, "_")