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2012-01-17 19:44:32 -06:00
#[doc = "Generate markdown from a document tree"];
import std::io;
import std::io::writer_util;
export mk_pass;
fn mk_pass(
writer: fn~() -> io::writer
) -> pass {
ret fn~(
_srv: astsrv::srv,
doc: doc::cratedoc
) -> doc::cratedoc {
write_markdown(doc, writer());
type ctxt = {
w: io::writer
2012-01-16 02:33:36 -06:00
fn write_markdown(
doc: doc::cratedoc,
writer: io::writer
) {
let ctxt = {
w: writer
2012-01-16 02:33:36 -06:00
2012-01-16 23:37:29 -06:00
write_crate(ctxt, doc);
enum hlvl {
h1 = 1,
h2 = 2,
h3 = 3
2012-01-16 02:59:18 -06:00
fn write_header(ctxt: ctxt, lvl: hlvl, title: str) {
let hashes = str::from_chars(vec::init_elt(lvl as uint, '#'));
ctxt.w.write_line(#fmt("%s %s", hashes, title));
2012-01-16 23:37:29 -06:00
fn write_crate(
ctxt: ctxt,
doc: doc::cratedoc
) {
write_header(ctxt, h1, #fmt("Crate %s",;
2012-01-16 23:37:29 -06:00
write_top_module(ctxt, doc.topmod);
2012-01-16 17:44:10 -06:00
2012-01-16 02:59:18 -06:00
fn write_top_module(
ctxt: ctxt,
moddoc: doc::moddoc
) {
write_mod_contents(ctxt, moddoc);
2012-01-16 02:59:18 -06:00
fn write_mod(
ctxt: ctxt,
moddoc: doc::moddoc
) {
let fullpath = str::connect(moddoc.path + [], "::");
write_header(ctxt, h1, #fmt("Module `%s`", fullpath));
write_mod_contents(ctxt, moddoc);
2012-01-16 02:59:18 -06:00
fn should_write_full_path_to_mod() {
let markdown = test::render("mod a { mod b { mod c { } } }");
assert str::contains(markdown, "# Module `a::b::c`");
2012-01-16 02:59:18 -06:00
fn write_mod_contents(
ctxt: ctxt,
doc: doc::moddoc
2012-01-16 02:59:18 -06:00
) {
write_brief(ctxt, doc.brief);
write_desc(ctxt, doc.desc);
for itemtag in doc.items {
alt itemtag {
doc::modtag(moddoc) { write_mod(ctxt, moddoc) }
doc::fntag(fndoc) { write_fn(ctxt, fndoc) }
doc::consttag(constdoc) { write_const(ctxt, constdoc) }
doc::enumtag(enumdoc) { write_enum(ctxt, enumdoc) }
doc::restag(resdoc) { write_res(ctxt, resdoc) }
2012-01-16 02:59:18 -06:00
fn should_write_crate_brief_description() {
let markdown = test::render("#[doc(brief = \"this is the crate\")];");
assert str::contains(markdown, "this is the crate");
fn should_write_crate_description() {
let markdown = test::render("#[doc = \"this is the crate\"];");
assert str::contains(markdown, "this is the crate");
2012-01-16 02:59:18 -06:00
fn write_fn(
ctxt: ctxt,
2012-01-16 17:44:10 -06:00
doc: doc::fndoc
2012-01-16 02:59:18 -06:00
) {
write_header(ctxt, h2, #fmt("Function `%s`",;
write_sig(ctxt, doc.sig);
2012-01-18 01:39:22 -06:00
write_brief(ctxt, doc.brief);
write_desc(ctxt, doc.desc);
write_args(ctxt, doc.args);
write_return(ctxt, doc.return);
write_failure(ctxt, doc.failure);
2012-01-18 01:39:22 -06:00
fn write_sig(ctxt: ctxt, sig: option<str>) {
alt sig {
some(sig) {
none { fail "unimplemented" }
fn code_block_indent(s: str) -> str {
let lines = str::lines_any(s);
let indented = vec::map(lines, { |line| #fmt(" %s", line) });
str::connect(indented, "\n")
2012-01-27 00:45:37 -06:00
fn write_markdown_should_write_function_header() {
let markdown = test::render("fn func() { }");
assert str::contains(markdown, "## Function `func`");
2012-01-27 00:45:37 -06:00
fn should_write_the_function_signature() {
let markdown = test::render("#[doc = \"f\"] fn a() { }");
assert str::contains(markdown, "\n fn a()\n");
fn should_insert_blank_line_after_fn_signature() {
let markdown = test::render("#[doc = \"f\"] fn a() { }");
assert str::contains(markdown, "fn a()\n\n");
fn should_correctly_indent_fn_signature() {
let doc = test::create_doc("fn a() { }");
let doc = ~{
topmod: ~{
items: [doc::fntag(~{
sig: some("line 1\nline 2")
with *doc.topmod.fns()[0]
with *doc.topmod
with *doc
let markdown = test::write_markdown_str(doc);
assert str::contains(markdown, " line 1\n line 2");
2012-01-27 00:45:37 -06:00
fn should_leave_blank_line_between_fn_header_and_sig() {
let markdown = test::render("#[doc(brief = \"brief\")] fn a() { }");
assert str::contains(markdown, "Function `a`\n\n fn a()");
2012-01-18 01:39:22 -06:00
fn write_brief(
ctxt: ctxt,
brief: option<str>
) {
alt brief {
some(brief) {
none { }
2012-01-18 01:39:22 -06:00
2012-01-27 00:45:37 -06:00
fn should_leave_blank_line_after_brief() {
let markdown = test::render("#[doc(brief = \"brief\")] fn a() { }");
assert str::contains(markdown, "brief\n\n");
fn should_leave_blank_line_between_brief_and_desc() {
let markdown = test::render(
"#[doc(brief = \"brief\", desc = \"desc\")] fn a() { }"
assert str::contains(markdown, "brief\n\ndesc");
2012-01-18 01:39:22 -06:00
fn write_desc(
ctxt: ctxt,
desc: option<str>
) {
alt desc {
some(desc) {
none { }
2012-01-18 01:39:22 -06:00
fn write_args(
ctxt: ctxt,
2012-01-18 16:47:18 -06:00
args: [doc::argdoc]
2012-01-18 01:39:22 -06:00
) {
if vec::is_not_empty(args) {
vec::iter(args) {|arg| write_arg(ctxt, arg) };
2012-01-18 01:39:22 -06:00
fn write_arg(ctxt: ctxt, arg: doc::argdoc) {
assert option::is_some(arg.ty);
"* `%s`: `%s`",,
alt arg.desc {
some(desc) {
ctxt.w.write_str(#fmt(" - %s", desc));
2012-01-19 02:08:51 -06:00
none { }
fn should_write_argument_list() {
let source = "fn a(b: int, c: int) { }";
let markdown = test::render(source);
assert str::contains(
* `b`: `int`\n\
* `c`: `int`\n\
fn should_not_write_arguments_if_none() {
let source = "fn a() { } fn b() { }";
let markdown = test::render(source);
assert !str::contains(markdown, "Arguments");
fn should_write_argument_description() {
let source = "#[doc(args(a = \"milk\"))] fn f(a: bool) { }";
let markdown = test::render(source);
assert str::contains(markdown, "`a`: `bool` - milk");
2012-01-18 01:39:22 -06:00
fn write_return(
ctxt: ctxt,
2012-01-19 21:14:12 -06:00
doc: doc::retdoc
2012-01-18 01:39:22 -06:00
) {
2012-01-19 21:14:12 -06:00
alt doc.ty {
some(ty) {
ctxt.w.write_str(#fmt("Returns `%s`", ty));
2012-01-19 21:14:12 -06:00
alt doc.desc {
some(d) {
ctxt.w.write_line(#fmt(" - %s", d));
none {
none { }
2012-01-16 02:33:36 -06:00
fn should_write_return_type_on_new_line() {
let markdown = test::render("fn a() -> int { }");
assert str::contains(markdown, "\nReturns `int`");
fn should_write_blank_line_between_return_type_and_next_header() {
let markdown = test::render(
"fn a() -> int { } \
fn b() -> int { }"
assert str::contains(markdown, "Returns `int`\n\n##");
fn should_not_write_return_type_when_there_is_none() {
let markdown = test::render("fn a() { }");
assert !str::contains(markdown, "Returns");
fn should_write_blank_line_after_return_description() {
let markdown = test::render(
"#[doc(return = \"blorp\")] fn a() -> int { }"
assert str::contains(markdown, "blorp\n\n");
fn should_write_return_description_on_same_line_as_type() {
let markdown = test::render(
"#[doc(return = \"blorp\")] fn a() -> int { }"
assert str::contains(markdown, "Returns `int` - blorp");
fn write_failure(ctxt: ctxt, str: option<str>) {
alt str {
some(str) {
ctxt.w.write_line(#fmt("Failure conditions: %s", str));
none { }
fn should_write_failure_conditions() {
let markdown = test::render(
"#[doc(failure = \"it's the fail\")] fn a () { }");
assert str::contains(
"\n\nFailure conditions: it's the fail\n\n");
2012-01-24 02:51:19 -06:00
fn write_const(
ctxt: ctxt,
doc: doc::constdoc
) {
write_header(ctxt, h2, #fmt("Const `%s`",;
2012-01-24 02:51:19 -06:00
write_sig(ctxt, doc.ty);
write_brief(ctxt, doc.brief);
write_desc(ctxt, doc.desc);
fn should_write_const_header() {
let markdown = test::render("const a: bool = true;");
assert str::contains(markdown, "## Const `a`\n\n");
2012-01-24 02:51:19 -06:00
fn should_write_const_description() {
let markdown = test::render(
"#[doc(brief = \"a\", desc = \"b\")]\
const a: bool = true;");
assert str::contains(markdown, "\n\na\n\nb\n\n");
2012-01-25 22:55:55 -06:00
fn write_enum(
ctxt: ctxt,
doc: doc::enumdoc
) {
write_header(ctxt, h2, #fmt("Enum `%s`",;
2012-01-25 22:55:55 -06:00
write_brief(ctxt, doc.brief);
write_desc(ctxt, doc.desc);
write_variants(ctxt, doc.variants);
fn should_write_enum_header() {
let markdown = test::render("enum a { b }");
assert str::contains(markdown, "## Enum `a`\n\n");
2012-01-25 22:55:55 -06:00
fn should_write_enum_description() {
let markdown = test::render(
"#[doc(brief = \"a\", desc = \"b\")] enum a { b }");
assert str::contains(markdown, "\n\na\n\nb\n\n");
fn write_variants(
ctxt: ctxt,
docs: [doc::variantdoc]
) {
if vec::is_empty(docs) {
vec::iter(docs, {|variant| write_variant(ctxt, variant) });
fn write_variant(ctxt: ctxt, doc: doc::variantdoc) {
assert option::is_some(doc.sig);
let sig = option::get(doc.sig);
alt doc.desc {
some(desc) {
ctxt.w.write_line(#fmt("* `%s` - %s", sig, desc));
none {
ctxt.w.write_line(#fmt("* `%s`", sig));
fn should_write_variant_list() {
let markdown = test::render(
"enum a { \
#[doc = \"test\"] b, \
#[doc = \"test\"] c }");
assert str::contains(
\n* `b` - test\
\n* `c` - test\n\n");
fn should_write_variant_list_without_descs() {
let markdown = test::render("enum a { b, c }");
assert str::contains(
\n* `b`\
\n* `c`\n\n");
fn should_write_variant_list_with_signatures() {
let markdown = test::render("enum a { b(int), #[doc = \"a\"] c(int) }");
assert str::contains(
\n* `b(int)`\
\n* `c(int)` - a\n\n");
2012-01-27 00:45:37 -06:00
fn write_res(ctxt: ctxt, doc: doc::resdoc) {
write_header(ctxt, h2, #fmt("Resource `%s`",;
2012-01-27 00:45:37 -06:00
write_sig(ctxt, doc.sig);
write_brief(ctxt, doc.brief);
write_desc(ctxt, doc.desc);
write_args(ctxt, doc.args);
fn should_write_resource_header() {
let markdown = test::render("resource r(a: bool) { }");
assert str::contains(markdown, "## Resource `r`");
2012-01-27 00:45:37 -06:00
fn should_write_resource_signature() {
let markdown = test::render("resource r(a: bool) { }");
assert str::contains(markdown, "\n resource r(a: bool)\n");
fn should_write_resource_args() {
let markdown = test::render("#[doc(args(a = \"b\"))]\
resource r(a: bool) { }");
assert str::contains(markdown, "Arguments:\n\n* `a`: `bool` - b");
2012-01-16 02:33:36 -06:00
mod test {
fn render(source: str) -> str {
let doc = create_doc(source);
let markdown = write_markdown_str(doc);
#debug("markdown: %s", markdown);
fn create_doc(source: str) -> doc::cratedoc {
let srv = astsrv::mk_srv_from_str(source);
let doc = extract::from_srv(srv, "");
#debug("doc (extract): %?", doc);
let doc = tystr_pass::mk_pass()(srv, doc);
#debug("doc (tystr): %?", doc);
let doc = path_pass::mk_pass()(srv, doc);
#debug("doc (path): %?", doc);
let doc = attr_pass::mk_pass()(srv, doc);
#debug("doc (attr): %?", doc);
2012-01-16 02:33:36 -06:00
fn write_markdown_str(
doc: doc::cratedoc
2012-01-16 02:33:36 -06:00
) -> str {
let buffer = io::mk_mem_buffer();
let writer = io::mem_buffer_writer(buffer);
write_markdown(doc, writer);
2012-01-16 02:33:36 -06:00
ret io::mem_buffer_str(buffer);
fn write_markdown_should_write_crate_header() {
let srv = astsrv::mk_srv_from_str("");
let doc = extract::from_srv(srv, "belch");
let doc = attr_pass::mk_pass()(srv, doc);
let markdown = write_markdown_str(doc);
assert str::contains(markdown, "# Crate belch");
2012-01-16 02:33:36 -06:00
2012-01-16 02:59:18 -06:00
2012-01-17 01:10:25 -06:00
fn write_markdown_should_write_mod_headers() {
let markdown = render("mod moo { }");
assert str::contains(markdown, "# Module `moo`");
2012-01-17 01:10:25 -06:00
fn should_leave_blank_line_after_header() {
let markdown = render("mod morp { }");
assert str::contains(markdown, "Module `morp`\n\n");
2012-01-16 02:33:36 -06:00