
623 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// NB: transitionary, de-mode-ing.
2012-08-27 18:26:35 -05:00
use cmp::Eq;
struct WindowsPath {
host: Option<~str>,
device: Option<~str>,
is_absolute: bool,
components: ~[~str],
struct PosixPath {
is_absolute: bool,
components: ~[~str],
trait GenericPath {
static pure fn from_str((&str)) -> self;
pure fn dirname() -> ~str;
pure fn filename() -> Option<~str>;
pure fn filestem() -> Option<~str>;
pure fn filetype() -> Option<~str>;
pure fn with_dirname((&str)) -> self;
pure fn with_filename((&str)) -> self;
pure fn with_filestem((&str)) -> self;
pure fn with_filetype((&str)) -> self;
pure fn push((&str)) -> self;
pure fn push_rel((&self)) -> self;
pure fn push_many((&[~str])) -> self;
pure fn pop() -> self;
pure fn normalize() -> self;
type Path = WindowsPath;
pure fn Path(s: &str) -> Path {
type Path = PosixPath;
pure fn Path(s: &str) -> Path {
impl PosixPath : ToStr {
fn to_str() -> ~str {
let mut s = ~"";
if self.is_absolute {
s += "/";
s + str::connect(self.components, "/")
2012-08-27 18:26:35 -05:00
impl PosixPath : Eq {
pure fn eq(&&other: PosixPath) -> bool {
return self.is_absolute == other.is_absolute &&
self.components == other.components;
pure fn ne(&&other: PosixPath) -> bool { !self.eq(other) }
2012-08-27 18:26:35 -05:00
2012-08-30 15:22:31 -05:00
impl WindowsPath : Eq {
pure fn eq(&&other: WindowsPath) -> bool {
return == &&
self.device == other.device &&
self.is_absolute == other.is_absolute &&
self.components == other.components;
pure fn ne(&&other: WindowsPath) -> bool { !self.eq(other) }
2012-08-30 15:22:31 -05:00
// FIXME (#3227): when default methods in traits are working, de-duplicate
// PosixPath and WindowsPath, most of their methods are common.
impl PosixPath : GenericPath {
static pure fn from_str(s: &str) -> PosixPath {
let mut components = str::split_nonempty(s, |c| c == '/');
let is_absolute = (s.len() != 0 && s[0] == '/' as u8);
return PosixPath { is_absolute: is_absolute,
components: components }
pure fn dirname() -> ~str {
unchecked {
let s = self.dir_path().to_str();
if s.len() == 0 {
} else {
pure fn filename() -> Option<~str> {
match self.components.len() {
0 => None,
n => Some(copy self.components[n - 1])
pure fn filestem() -> Option<~str> {
match self.filename() {
None => None,
Some(ref f) => {
match str::rfind_char(*f, '.') {
Some(p) => Some(f.slice(0, p)),
None => Some(copy *f)
pure fn filetype() -> Option<~str> {
match self.filename() {
None => None,
Some(ref f) => {
match str::rfind_char(*f, '.') {
Some(p) if p+1 < f.len() => Some(f.slice(p+1, f.len())),
_ => None
pure fn with_dirname(d: &str) -> PosixPath {
let dpath = from_str::<PosixPath>(d);
match self.filename() {
Some(ref f) => dpath.push(*f),
None => dpath
pure fn with_filename(f: &str) -> PosixPath {
unchecked {
assert ! str::any(f, |c| windows::is_sep(c as u8));
pure fn with_filestem(s: &str) -> PosixPath {
match self.filetype() {
None => self.with_filename(s),
Some(ref t) =>
self.with_filename(str::from_slice(s) + "." + *t)
pure fn with_filetype(t: &str) -> PosixPath {
if t.len() == 0 {
match self.filestem() {
None => copy self,
Some(s) => self.with_filename(s)
} else {
let t = ~"." + str::from_slice(t);
match self.filestem() {
None => self.with_filename(t),
Some(ref s) =>
self.with_filename(*s + t)
pure fn dir_path() -> PosixPath {
if self.components.len() != 0 {
} else {
copy self
pure fn file_path() -> PosixPath {
let cs = match self.filename() {
None => ~[],
Some(ref f) => ~[copy *f]
return PosixPath { is_absolute: false,
components: cs }
pure fn push_rel(other: &PosixPath) -> PosixPath {
assert !other.is_absolute;
pure fn push_many(cs: &[~str]) -> PosixPath {
return PosixPath { components: self.components + cs,
..self }
pure fn push(s: &str) -> PosixPath {
2012-09-02 17:37:15 -05:00
let mut cs = copy self.components;
unchecked { vec::push(cs, move str::from_slice(s)); }
return PosixPath { components: move cs,
..self }
pure fn pop() -> PosixPath {
let mut cs = copy self.components;
if cs.len() != 0 {
unchecked { vec::pop(cs); }
return PosixPath { components: move cs, ..self }
pure fn normalize() -> PosixPath {
return PosixPath {
components: normalize(self.components),
impl WindowsPath : ToStr {
fn to_str() -> ~str {
let mut s = ~"";
match {
Some(h) => { s += "\\\\"; s += h; }
None => { }
match self.device {
Some(d) => { s += d; s += ":"; }
None => { }
if self.is_absolute {
s += "\\";
s + str::connect(self.components, "\\")
impl WindowsPath : GenericPath {
static pure fn from_str(s: &str) -> WindowsPath {
let host;
let device;
let rest;
match windows::extract_drive_prefix(s) {
Some((ref d, ref r)) => {
host = None;
device = Some(copy *d);
rest = copy *r;
None => {
match windows::extract_unc_prefix(s) {
Some((ref h, ref r)) => {
host = Some(copy *h);
device = None;
rest = copy *r;
None => {
host = None;
device = None;
rest = str::from_slice(s);
let mut components =
str::split_nonempty(rest, |c| windows::is_sep(c as u8));
let is_absolute = (rest.len() != 0 && windows::is_sep(rest[0]));
return WindowsPath { host: host,
device: device,
is_absolute: is_absolute,
components: components }
pure fn dirname() -> ~str {
unchecked {
let s = self.dir_path().to_str();
if s.len() == 0 {
} else {
pure fn filename() -> Option<~str> {
match self.components.len() {
0 => None,
n => Some(copy self.components[n - 1])
pure fn filestem() -> Option<~str> {
match self.filename() {
None => None,
Some(ref f) => {
match str::rfind_char(*f, '.') {
Some(p) => Some(f.slice(0, p)),
None => Some(copy *f)
pure fn filetype() -> Option<~str> {
match self.filename() {
None => None,
Some(ref f) => {
match str::rfind_char(*f, '.') {
Some(p) if p+1 < f.len() => Some(f.slice(p+1, f.len())),
_ => None
pure fn with_dirname(d: &str) -> WindowsPath {
let dpath = from_str::<WindowsPath>(d);
match self.filename() {
Some(ref f) => dpath.push(*f),
None => dpath
pure fn with_filename(f: &str) -> WindowsPath {
assert ! str::any(f, |c| windows::is_sep(c as u8));
pure fn with_filestem(s: &str) -> WindowsPath {
match self.filetype() {
None => self.with_filename(s),
Some(ref t) =>
self.with_filename(str::from_slice(s) + "." + *t)
pure fn with_filetype(t: &str) -> WindowsPath {
if t.len() == 0 {
match self.filestem() {
None => copy self,
Some(s) => self.with_filename(s)
} else {
let t = ~"." + str::from_slice(t);
match self.filestem() {
None => self.with_filename(t),
Some(ref s) =>
self.with_filename(*s + t)
pure fn dir_path() -> WindowsPath {
if self.components.len() != 0 {
} else {
copy self
pure fn file_path() -> WindowsPath {
let cs = match self.filename() {
None => ~[],
Some(ref f) => ~[copy *f]
return WindowsPath { host: None,
device: None,
is_absolute: false,
components: cs }
pure fn push_rel(other: &WindowsPath) -> WindowsPath {
assert !other.is_absolute;
pure fn push_many(cs: &[~str]) -> WindowsPath {
return WindowsPath { components: self.components + cs,
..self }
pure fn push(s: &str) -> WindowsPath {
2012-09-02 17:37:15 -05:00
let mut cs = copy self.components;
unchecked { vec::push(cs, move str::from_slice(s)); }
return WindowsPath { components: move cs,
..self }
pure fn pop() -> WindowsPath {
let mut cs = copy self.components;
if cs.len() != 0 {
unchecked { vec::pop(cs); }
return WindowsPath { components: move cs, ..self }
pure fn normalize() -> WindowsPath {
return WindowsPath {
components: normalize(self.components),
pure fn normalize(components: &[~str]) -> ~[~str] {
let mut cs = ~[];
unchecked {
for components.each |c| {
unchecked {
if c == ~"." && components.len() > 1 { again; }
if c == ~".." && cs.len() != 0 {
vec::push(cs, copy c);
mod posix {
fn mk(s: &str) -> PosixPath { from_str::<PosixPath>(s) }
fn t(wp: &PosixPath, s: &str) {
let ss = wp.to_str();
let sss = str::from_slice(s);
if (ss != sss) {
debug!("got %s", ss);
debug!("expected %s", sss);
assert ss == sss;
fn test_posix_paths() {
t(&(mk("hi")), "hi");
t(&(mk("/lib")), "/lib");
t(&(mk("hi/there")), "hi/there");
t(&(mk("hi/there.txt")), "hi/there.txt");
t(&(mk("hi/there.txt")), "hi/there.txt");
.with_filetype("")), "hi/there");
.with_dirname("hi")), "hi/there.txt");
.with_dirname(".")), "./there.txt");
.push("..")), "a/b/c/..");
.with_filetype("o")), "there.o");
.with_filetype("o")), "hi/there.o");
.push_many([~"lib", ~""])
fn test_normalize() {
.with_dirname(".").normalize()), "there.txt");
.push("..").normalize()), "a/b");
// Various windows helpers, and tests for the impl.
mod windows {
pure fn is_sep(u: u8) -> bool {
u == '/' as u8 || u == '\\' as u8
pure fn extract_unc_prefix(s: &str) -> Option<(~str,~str)> {
if (s.len() > 1 &&
s[0] == '\\' as u8 &&
s[1] == '\\' as u8) {
let mut i = 2;
while i < s.len() {
if s[i] == '\\' as u8 {
let pre = s.slice(2, i);
let rest = s.slice(i, s.len());
return Some((pre, rest));
i += 1;
pure fn extract_drive_prefix(s: &str) -> Option<(~str,~str)> {
unchecked {
if (s.len() > 1 &&
libc::isalpha(s[0] as libc::c_int) != 0 &&
s[1] == ':' as u8) {
let rest = if s.len() == 2 {
} else {
s.slice(2, s.len())
return Some((s.slice(0,1), rest));
fn test_extract_unc_prefixes() {
assert extract_unc_prefix("\\\\").is_none();
assert extract_unc_prefix("\\\\hi").is_none();
assert extract_unc_prefix("\\\\hi\\") == Some((~"hi", ~"\\"));
assert extract_unc_prefix("\\\\hi\\there") ==
Some((~"hi", ~"\\there"));
assert extract_unc_prefix("\\\\hi\\there\\friends.txt") ==
Some((~"hi", ~"\\there\\friends.txt"));
fn test_extract_drive_prefixes() {
assert extract_drive_prefix("c").is_none();
assert extract_drive_prefix("c:") == Some((~"c", ~""));
assert extract_drive_prefix("d:") == Some((~"d", ~""));
assert extract_drive_prefix("z:") == Some((~"z", ~""));
assert extract_drive_prefix("c:\\hi") == Some((~"c", ~"\\hi"));
assert extract_drive_prefix("d:hi") == Some((~"d", ~"hi"));
assert extract_drive_prefix("c:hi\\there.txt") ==
Some((~"c", ~"hi\\there.txt"));
assert extract_drive_prefix("c:\\hi\\there.txt") ==
Some((~"c", ~"\\hi\\there.txt"));
fn test_windows_paths() {
fn mk(s: &str) -> WindowsPath { from_str::<WindowsPath>(s) }
fn t(wp: &WindowsPath, s: &str) {
let ss = wp.to_str();
let sss = str::from_slice(s);
if (ss != sss) {
debug!("got %s", ss);
debug!("expected %s", sss);
assert ss == sss;
t(&(mk("hi")), "hi");
t(&(mk("hi/there")), "hi\\there");
t(&(mk("hi/there.txt")), "hi\\there.txt");
.with_filetype("o")), "there.o");
.with_filetype("o")), "hi\\there.o");
.with_dirname("c:\\program files A")),
"c:\\program files A\\there.o");
.with_dirname("c:\\program files B\\")),
"c:\\program files B\\there.o");
.with_dirname("c:\\program files C\\/")),
"c:\\program files C\\there.o");
t(&(mk("c:\\program files (x86)\\rust")
.push_many([~"lib", ~"thingy.dll"])
"c:\\program files (x86)\\rust\\lib\\librustc.dll");