147 lines
3.7 KiB
147 lines
3.7 KiB
include elf.i
include term.i
include traps.i
include vmem.i
include pmem.i
include initrd.i
include tasking.i
include start.i
include memory.i
section .text,text
public main
move.l #inital_stack, a7 ; Load the initial stack pointer
jsr term_init
jsr traps_init
jsr vmem_init
jsr pmem_init
jsr initrd_init
jsr pmem_pop_frame
move.l #0, d2
move.l #$FEF000, a0
move.l #1, d1
move.l #$2, d3
move.l d0, -(a7)
jsr vmem_map_to
move.l (a7)+, d0
move.l #($FEF000+$1000), a7
main.elf_header: fo.b Elf32_Ehdr.sizeof
link a6, #__FO ; Create a stack frame
move.l d0, a0
jsr tasking_init
; Activate the address space for init
move.l #init_addr_space, a0
jsr vmem_activate_addr_space
; Get the offset of init in the initrd
move.l #init_name, a0
jsr initrd_find_file
move.l d0, d5
; Read the ELF header
lea.l (main.elf_header,a6), a0
move.l #0, d1
move.l #Elf32_Ehdr.sizeof, d2
jsr initrd_read_bytes
; Allocate elf_header.e_phnum * 32 bytes to read the program headers into
clr.l d0
move.w (main.elf_header+Elf32_Ehdr.e_phnum,a6), d0
move.l d0, d4
lsl.l #5, d0
move.l d0, d2
jsr malloc
; Read the program headers
move.l (main.elf_header+Elf32_Ehdr.e_phoff,a6), d1
move.l a0, -(a7)
move.l d5, d0
jsr initrd_read_bytes
move.l (a7)+, a2
; Loop through the program headers
subi.l #1, d4
; If the program header's type is not LOAD, skip it
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_type,a2), d0
cmpi.l #PT_LOAD, d0
bne.w skip_pheader
; Get the memory size of the pheader into d0 and round it to the next multiple of 4096
; round_size = p_memsz & 0xFFF > 0 ? p_memsz & ~(0xFFF) + 1 : p_memsz & ~(0xFF)
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_memsz,a2), d0
andi.l #$FFF, d0
beq.b .1
move.l #$1000, d1
bra.b .2
move.l #0, d1
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_memsz,a2), d0
andi.l #(~$FFF), d0
add.l d1, d0
; Shift the rounded size right by 12 to get the number of pages the pheader takes up
lsr.l #8, d0
lsr.l #4, d0
; Map the segment to free memory
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_vaddr,a2), a0
move.l #0, d1
move.l #6, d2
jsr vmem_map
; Zero the segment's memory
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_vaddr,a2), a0
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_memsz,a2), d0
subi.l #1, d0
move.b #0, (a0)+
dbra d0, .3
; Read the segment's data off disk
move.l d5, d0
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_offset,a2), d1
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_filesz,a2), d2
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_vaddr,a2), a0
jsr initrd_read_bytes
; Get the memory size of the pheader into d0 and round it to the next multiple of 4096
; Same as abobe
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_memsz,a2), d0
andi.l #$FFF, d0
beq.b .4
move.l #$1000, d1
bra.b .5
move.l #0, d1
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_memsz,a2), d0
andi.l #(~$FFF), d0
add.l d1, d0
; Shift the rounded size right by 12 to get the number of pages the pheader takes up
lsr.l #8, d0
lsr.l #4, d0
; Get the pheader's flags and make them into the page mapping flags, put the
; argumemts into the right registers, and set the flags for the pheader's memory
move.l d0, d1
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_vaddr,a2), a0
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_flags,a2), d0
andi.l #PF_W, d0
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_flags,a2), d2
andi.l #PF_X, d2
lsl.l #3, d2
or.l d2, d0
ori.l #$4, d0
move.l #$0, d2
jsr vmem_set_flags
; Advance to the next pheader and loop back if there are more
lea.l (Elf32_Phdr.sizeof,a2), a2
dbra d4, phead_loop
; Create the init process
move.l #init_addr_space, a0
move.l (main.elf_header+Elf32_Ehdr.e_entry,a6), a1
jsr tasking_new_process
unlk a6 ; Tear down the stack frame
jsr tasking_exit
section .bss,bss
ds.b 4096
section .data,data
init_name: dc.b "init",0
align 1
init_addr_space: dc.l $0, $0, $0, kernel_map - $6000