151 lines
3.9 KiB
151 lines
3.9 KiB
include cards.i
include initrd.i
include syscalls.i
include elf.i
include memory.i
section .text,text
public main
main.elf_header: fo.b Elf32_Ehdr.sizeof
link a6, #__FO ; Create a stack frame
move.l #msg, a0
jsr syscall_println
jsr cards_init
jsr initrd_init
move.l #test_proc_name, a0
jsr initrd_find_file
move.l d0, d5
; Read the ELF header
lea.l (main.elf_header,a6), a0
move.l #0, d1
move.l #Elf32_Ehdr.sizeof, d2
jsr initrd_read_bytes
; Allocate elf_header.e_phnum * 32 bytes to read the program headers into
clr.l d0
move.w (main.elf_header+Elf32_Ehdr.e_phnum,a6), d0
move.l d0, d4
lsl.l #5, d0
move.l d0, d2
jsr malloc
; Read the program headers
move.l (main.elf_header+Elf32_Ehdr.e_phoff,a6), d1
move.l a0, -(a7)
move.l d5, d0
jsr initrd_read_bytes
move.l (a7)+, a2
; If the program header's type is not LOAD, skip it
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_type,a2), d0
cmpi.l #PT_LOAD, d0
bne.w skip_pheader
; Get the memory size of the pheader into d0 and round it to the next multiple of 4096
; round_size = p_memsz & 0xFFF > 0 ? p_memsz & ~(0xFFF) + 1 : p_memsz & ~(0xFF)
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_memsz,a2), d0
andi.l #$FFF, d0
beq.b .1
move.l #$1000, d1
bra.b .2
move.l #0, d1
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_memsz,a2), d0
andi.l #(~$FFF), d0
add.l d1, d0
; Shift the rounded size right by 12 to get the number of pages the pheader takes up
lsr.l #8, d0
lsr.l #4, d0
; Map the segment to free memory
move.l #6, d1
jsr syscall_vmem_map_free
move.l a0, a3 ; Save the allocated address in a3
; Offset the allocated address by the page offset in the pheader's virtaddr field
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_vaddr,a2), d0
andi.l #$FFF, d0
adda.l d0, a3
move.l a3, a0
; Zero the segment's memory
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_memsz,a2), d0
subi.l #1, d0
move.b #0, (a0)+
dbra d0, .3
; Read the segment's data off disk
move.l d5, d0
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_offset,a2), d1
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_filesz,a2), d2
move.l a3, a0
jsr initrd_read_bytes
; Get the memory size of the pheader into d0 and round it to the next multiple of 4096
; Same as above
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_memsz,a2), d0
andi.l #$FFF, d0
beq.b .4
move.l #$1000, d1
bra.b .5
move.l #0, d1
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_memsz,a2), d0
andi.l #(~$FFF), d0
add.l d1, d0
; Shift the rounded size right by 12 to get the number of pages the pheader takes up
lsr.l #8, d0
lsr.l #4, d0
; Get the pheader's flags and make them into the page mapping flags, put the
; argumemts into the right registers, and set the flags for the pheader's memory
move.l d0, d1
move.l a3, a0
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_flags,a2), d0
andi.l #PF_W, d0
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_flags,a2), d2
andi.l #PF_X, d2
lsl.l #3, d2
or.l d2, d0
ori.l #$4, d0
move.l #$0, d2
jsr syscall_vmem_set_flags
move.l a3, a0
; Get the memory size of the pheader into d0 and round it to the next multiple of 4096
; Same as above
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_memsz,a2), d0
andi.l #$FFF, d0
beq.b .6
move.l #$1000, d1
bra.b .7
move.l #0, d1
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_memsz,a2), d0
andi.l #(~$FFF), d0
add.l d1, d0
; Shift the rounded size right by 12 to get the number of pages the pheader takes up
lsr.l #8, d0
lsr.l #4, d0
; Get the starting page of the allocated memory segment into a0
move.l a3, d1
andi.l #(~$FFF), d1
move.l d1, a0
move.l (Elf32_Phdr.p_vaddr,a2), a1
jsr syscall_vmem_copy_to_secondary
; Advance to the next pheader and loop back if there are more
lea.l (Elf32_Phdr.sizeof,a2), a2
dbra d4, phead_loop
; Create the init process
move.l (main.elf_header+Elf32_Ehdr.e_entry,a6), a0
jsr syscall_new_process
unlk a6
section .data,data
msg: dc.b "Hello from init",0
test_proc_name: dc.b "test_proc",0
section .bss,bss
tmp_stack: ds.b 32